Before diving into the best Flash comics, it’s important to know the key characters who have taken on the mantle and their unique stories. Jay Garrick, the original Flash from the Golden Age, often appears with the Justice Society. Barry Allen, the classic Flash, started the Silver Age and was a Justice League member, later resurrected after dying in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Wally West, the original Kid Flash, succeeded Barry and is known for his relaxed, humorous style. Bart Allen, initially Impulse, became the second Kid Flash and briefly the Flash when Wally was missing. Now, let’s get into the best Flash comics!
15. The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2022-2023)

To commence this list with something new, The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive by Kenny Porter and Ricardo López Ortiz is a direct movie tie-in. This means that the story being told in the series fits into the official DCEU live-action film universe.
What is it about? In terms of storyline, The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive takes place after Justice League (2017) and is a lead-up to The Flash film starring Ezra Miller. A new villain is arising in Gotham City, and Barry wants to home in and master his powers. Of course, he turns to Batman for advice on how to do this and how to overcome the threat the menacing Girder poses.
Why we love it: As this is a limited series, there are only three volumes out. As such, if you are looking for a quick read and you have seen all the DCEU movies up to this point, then this is a great starting point if you do not want to get too deep into the thick of things. With only 48 pages to read, this is an extremely quick read and will probably be enjoyable, too, if you do not think too deeply about it (or compare it to some of the others on this list).
14. Flash/Impulse: Runs in the Family (2021)

What is it about? Written by Mark Waid and Martin Pasko, alongside the input of other talented artists, this novel will have you explore the story of Barry Allen’s descendant, Bart Allen. Of course, this is not that simple, as Bart is from the 30th century and is ageing extremely fast. Upon landing in the present, this futuristic kid has a lot to learn about the real world. With the help of the Speed Force zen master, Max Mercury, Bart (better known as Impulse) sets out to make a name for himself as a superhero in the 20th century. Targeting towns such as Manchester and Alabama, he tries to keep them safe from villains such as Gridlock and White Lightning.
Why we love it: With 16 issues and 376 pages, this will surely keep you occupied for a while. We even get a storyline wherein all the speedsters, including The Flash, lose their abilities. Although hardcore fans may not enjoy Bart’s character, this is the perfect way for younger audiences to explore the iconic superhero.
13. The Flash: United They Fall (2019-2020)

What is it about? The comic follows two collections of stories: the first wave, The Flash Giant, running from #1 to #7 and the second wave, The Flash Giant, running from #1 to #5. We follow Barry Allen and Iris West while on a relaxing cruise. Of course, there is no rest for the heroes, as their vacation is cut short by King Shark attacking the ship. How will the speedster save the passengers on the ship while in the middle of the ocean? Furthermore, we see him take on multiple Rogues such as Mirror Master, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, and Captain Cold.
Why we love it: Originally published as a Walmart exclusive, this series is perfect if you do not want to delve into the character’s prior history. Also, if you prefer Barry to Wally, then this is for you. With 184 pages and 12 issues, this Flash comic by Gail Simone will satisfy you for a few weeks.
12. The Flash (2015)

What is it about? For this slow burn, we follow Wally West (one of the most powerful DC characters of all time) as he breaks through space and time, entering a parallel Earth that mirrors our own. But, as to be expected, there is a catch: Speed Force does not exist in this world, and neither does The Flash. So, with no means to save himself upon being disconnected from his power source, the hero finds himself hunted by the law, with his only allies being from his Rogue Galleries.
Why we love it: Geoff Johns created one of the best runs for The Flash when he brought us this comic book series in 2000. With Book One collecting The Flash #164 to #176 and The Flash: Iron Heights into one, this 448-page read will keep you busy for a while. Although this book is perfect for first-time readers, long-time fans of the character can also jump right in and enjoy it. Unfortunately, while Geoff Johns has a fantastic run with the character, it does take one or two arcs before things begin to kick off.
11. JLA: Year One (1998)

Yet another work by Mark Weid for this list, this comic reimagines the origins of the Justice League of America.
What is it about? Taking place in a rebooted post-Crisis universe, this Flash comic explores the entirety of the Justice League but features some great plots concerning The Flash’s introduction into the JL. As such, you get an awesome experience reading about how the group came together and became a team. Here, Wonder Woman does not exist in this version of the DC universe, being replaced by Black Canary. Furthermore, Batman and Superman are pushed to supporting roles instead of being the group’s main members.
Why we love it: We see Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, and Barry Allen become a team under Black Canary. Generally, JLA titles would be a great start to exploring The Flash in a team-based setting, with some fantastic action to match. However, this one specifically focuses on each team member’s story, which many fans felt was a great fan read.
10. Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985 – 1986)

This crossover comic book was written by Marv Wolfman and pencilled by George Pérez. It explored DC’s Multiverse alongside the Silver Age Flash.
What is it about? As Anti-Monitor is unleashed on the Multiverse, he tries to destroy each version of Earth he comes across. Although Monitor tries to unite heroes around the Multiverse, he is defeated, but Spectre successfully unites them. While there will be many epic battles, hundreds of heroes will be destroyed. This includes the death of Kara Zor-El, the original Supergirl, and none other than Barry Allen, the Flash of the Silver Age.
Why we love it: The premise for this story stemmed from the introduction of Anti-Monitor in Wolfman’s 1982 The New Teen Titans. The events of this story led to the reboot of the entire DC universe, splitting most storylines into the Post-Crisis and Pre-Crisis eras. As the first in the Crisis Trilogy, this story was followed by the Infinite Crisis (2005–2006) and Final Crisis (2008–2009). This is perfect if you would like to explore the hero on a larger scale, with bigger stakes being risked.
9. The Flash: Wally West Returns (2022)

Taking place between The Flash: Finish Line and The Flash: Eclipsed collections and follows The Flash: Blink of an Eye story arc.
What is it about? Leading up to the events of DC Universe: Rebirth Heroes in Crisis, and Dark Nights: Death Metal, Wally West is ready to call it quits. This follows various traumatic events in the DC Universe, with Kid Flash also deciding enough is enough. With all these heroes wanting to walk away from the superhero lifestyle, Barry Allen is left needing his sidekick more than ever.
Why we love it: The collection follows The Flash #763 to 771 and The Flash 2021 Annual #1, consisting of ten entertaining issues to keep you on the edge of your seat. With the first collection, we follow the run of Jeremy Adams and an arc written by Kevin Shinick. Also, if you are a big fan of Wally West’s Flash and want to see more versions of the hero, then this is a great read that will follow a darker narrative.
8. The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (2016)

As yet another reboot for the character, Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico, and Ivan Plascencia bring us a 2016 course corrector and a bunch more of The Flash.
What is it about? We explore Barry Allen as he discovers more about the Speed Force, the source of his speedster blitz powers. Of course, a series of events ends with him unleashing the Speed Force across the city, striking criminals, police, and civilians alike. And now, stuck with the aftermath, Barry is tasked with training this new wave of speedsters so they can learn to control their abilities. With some hilarious moments, awesome action, and a real heart, this is a great way to prepare for the upcoming film.
Why we love it: If you are a fan of The Flash TV series, then chances are, you will love this version of Barry Allen. Unfortunately, he is very messy and terrible at what he does; this fits the shtick pretty well. Of course, since we see other versions of the Scarlet Speedster, this makes things that much more enjoyable.
7. The Flash (1987)

What is it about? We follow Wally West as a child visiting his Aunt Iris and her dull and ironically tardy fiancé, Barry Allen. Things take an interesting turn when Wally discovers Barry is The Flash. Things become even crazier when an accident in Barry’s lab grants Wally speedster powers similar to those of the heroes he looks up to. Now, not only are The Flash’s enemies after him, but he also must deal with the side effects of his newly gained abilities.
Why we love it: As Mark Weid’s first take on the character, it is easily one of the best currently out there. Under his pen, Waid brought us a version of Wally West, who was maturing into a hero in his own right. We also get to see him learn from Barry Allen upon gaining abilities similar to that of his hero. With Book One spanning the length of 6 issues and a total of 368 pages, delving into the thick of things with The Flash and Wally’s origin story has never been more fun.
6. The Trial of The Flash (2011)

What is it about? Here, we follow the narrative wherein Iris West is mortally wounded by the Reverse-Flash (one of the most powerful DC villains of all time), Barry Allen’s greatest foe. The result is a head-to-head racing battle to the death for the evildoer of this story, followed by The Flash being charged with taking a life. A series of events leads to the appearance of the Rogue Gallery villains, who decide they want to get revenge on Allen for mortally wounding one of their own. With tumultuous events building to an epic climax, this is one Flash comic you do not want to miss out on.
Why we love it: This is one of the best Flash comics of all time. Carmine Infantino and Cary Bates’ take on the iconic hero is fun and interesting. With a whopping 588 pages, this graphic novel grants us one of the greatest appearances by the Reverse-Flash while following a heartbreaking narrative for our beloved Barry Allen. As a result, not only will we get a ton of action but an immense amount of drama to keep us entertained until we get to see the Scarlet Speedster on the big screen.
5. The Flash: Rebirth (2011)

What is it about? With the same team who brought us Green Lantern, they now re-introduce Barry into the DC universe. Naturally, the team brought their A-game, delivering a jaw-dropping mini-series spanning the length of six issues. Now, being brought back in the 21st century, the greatest version of the Scarlet Speedster is struggling to find his place. In an ever-changing world, how will The Flash find his place in this new world?
Why we love it: With many going into this and expecting to despise it, fans ended up being pleasantly surprised instead. Whereas we have already covered a version of Wally West’s origin story as he took on the mantle of the Scarlet Speedster, it is only fair to explore Barry Allen’s origins (re-origin?). Written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Ethan Van Sciver, many believed Barry Allen should have stayed dead following the events of the Crisis Trilogy. However, Geoff brought an amazing run with this comic book. So much so, that it deserves a place on the best Flash comics list.
4. The Flash: The Death of Iris West (2021)

What is it about? Following the death of Iris White, it becomes apparent that no matter how fast the hero can run, Barry cannot escape his worst nightmare. But, of course, he can use his speed to hunt him down and get revenge. Although he does not know who committed such an atrocious act, he stops at nothing to find out.
Why we love it: With the fantastic work of illustrators Alex Saviuk, Don Heck, Irv Novick, and Rich Buckler, we explore the events leading up to The Trial of The Flash. Covering issues 270 to 284, this book has a decent 271-page count that will keep you glued to your screen/comic all day. Then, taking another dark twist, we see Bates exploring how Barry Allen would deal with his worst nightmare.
3. The Flash: Year One (2019)

What is it about? One night, everything changes when lightning strikes and he emerges doused in chemicals after being electrocuted. Then, he discovers he has amazing speed coursing through the atoms of his being. Now, he must learn to harness and control his newfound abilities, but he has finally gained the power to make a change.
Why we love it: Written by Joshua Williamson and illustrated by Howard Porter, this Flash comic series explores Barry Allen’s origin story—not the re-origin/birth story, but the actual story of how the hero came to exist. As a forensic scientist at the Central City police station, Barry is responsible for catching criminals after they have committed their crimes. Naturally, he feels stuck as he cannot stop the action before it happens.
2. Flashpoint (2012)

What is it about? When Barry Allen wakes up at his desk, he finds himself in a world mirroring his own. However, deceased family members are now alive, and his friends are strangers. Quickly, he realises that the world is on the brink of a cataclysmic conflict, but a crucial element is missing. Where are Earth’s greatest superheroes to stop the chaos?
Why we love it: As one of the best Flash comics out there, it is no surprise that this graphic novel took the number two spot on this list. Again, Geoff Johns brings us an incredibly deep delve into Barry Allen and his unexpected journey into an alternate reality. With the 2023 edition set to release soon, it is only fair to check out this comic, especially with the upcoming film on the way. Fans believe it to be one of the best Flash comics of all time.
1. The Flash of Two Worlds (2009)

What is it about? This amazing comic allows us to see Barry Allen team up with his predecessor, Jay Garrick, bringing us the work of Gardner Francis Fox, John Broome, Carmine Infantino, Joe Giella, Sid Greene, and Murphy Anderson. There is no doubt that this is the best of the best when it comes to The Flash comic books, hence its seat on the number one spot of this list.
Why we love it: With the first appearance of Garrick in the comic, you will be on the edge of your seat with excitement. If ever an epic team-up were in order, this would be it. It gives us a feeling similar to the upcoming crossovers of live-action Batmans spanning many decades. This is a great build-up to the forthcoming movie we are all highly anticipating in June 2023. It’s been described by many as one of the best Flash comics of all time.
What do you think are the best Flash comics? Also, check out our list of the 26 most powerful (read strongest) DC characters in the DC Universe.