The ever-expanding world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe already has a respectable roster of some of the most emblematic characters from comic book history. However, with the MCU going galactic, the door is open for some of the most powerful Marvel characters or entities ever to be put on paper to make their big-screen debuts. In this list, we’ll look at 10 of the most powerful Marvel characters yet to appear in the MCU.
10. Captain Universe

The protector of Eternity and an Avatar of Life. Captain Universe is not a person at all; rather, it is a manifestation of the universe that bonds with people in great peril. The Uni-power (a being empowered by the mysterious Enigma Force) chooses a partner to who it grants powers and stays bonded with that person until the peril has passed. If the person they have bonded with tries to use the gifted powers for personal gain or evil of any kind, the Uni-power will break the bond and desert the partner. The powers gifted vary from partner to partner and are designed to meet the strength needed to defeat the danger. However, some aspects of Captain Universe remain the same regardless of who possesses the powers.
Uni-Vision is a cosmic consciousness that enables Captain Universe to sense stuff at great distances or on a subatomic level. It can also force people to tell the truth. Captain Universe is also able to manipulate energy and matter however they choose. This allows them to fly, change one substance into another and transform the shape of an object. The Uni-Power also protects its partner against extreme changes in temperature that they would otherwise be unable to survive.
Despite all its power, Captain Universe cannot leave its native universe without getting depowered. Virtually invincible, whoever dons the Captain Universe suit will have amplified superhuman capabilities. Other than the usual Superman-like powers, the wielder of Captain Universes abilities also receives a power comparable only to the Infinity Gems, becoming invincible in their host dimension.
Several popular characters have been Captain Universe at one point or another. These include Hulk, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Deadpool, Venom and even Silver Surfer.
9. Michael Korvac

“It’s my nearly unlimited intellect that tells me this universe is a landfill that is conflict-laden and war-torn by the greedy. It tells me that this is a reality that, while filled with those proclaiming to be gods, is ultimately godless and lost. And ultimately it tells me that I am but mere steps away from becoming the god that it needs.” – Korvac
Born to Jordan and Myra Korvac, Michael was raised to have a vengeful attitude. He was a computer technician who betrayed the humans during the invasion of the Brotherhood of Badoon because he felt like his superiors didn’t recognise his brilliance. The Badoon mocked his cowardice but put him in charge of overseeing the analytical computer system that governed them. When Korvac stepped away from his computer modules after breaking down because of his betrayal, the Badoon amputated the lower half of his body and essentially made him a cyborg by attaching his torso to a hovering computer module.
With his cybernetic enhancements, Korvac could take on and nearly overwhelm characters like the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange by analysing their attacks and planning a perfect defence. Once he learnt about the transformation, Korvac used his newfound abilities to take over the Badoon empire. He soon became one of Marvel’s first anti-villains. He was briefly kidnapped by Earth 616’s Grandmaster, whose cosmic power he could analyse and synthesise.
After Korvac downloaded information from Galactus’ ship, he absorbed some of the energy of the cosmic being and acquired the Power Cosmic. He can alter matter, teleport and manipulate time and space. He can potentially wipe out the entire universe in his perfect human form. He has become known as a “Machine God”.
8. Marvel Boy

“I’m here to stop people like you. You can call me… Marvel Boy.” – Marvel Boy
Also known as Uranian, Marvel Boy’s real name is Robert Grayson, and his powers were inspired by the fascinating – and terrifying – world of nuclear weaponry. Born to Matthew Grabshied, he lost his mother and sister to German soldiers, and his father created a ship to escape Earth. Their ship was directed to Uranus, where Robert was raised by his father, taught about Uranian science and mastered the art of telepathy.
As an adult, Robert eventually became the strongest man ever to inhabit Uranus. His father sent him back to Earth with a costume and light beam bracelets in hopes that he would become a champion on his home planet. Unfortunately, being on Earth significantly weakened Robert’s abilities, forcing him to take special Uranium pills to boost his strength. He soon took on the name Marvel Boy and began helping the people of Earth.
Grayson was altered by the Uranian Eternals, who gifted him with superior physical abilities, including superhuman strength, durability and stamina. He also has a super-genius level intellect, is a skilled athlete, is an expert pilot and has some telepathic abilities that allow him to control people mentally. His equipment further enhances his powers. For example, he has a Uranian headband, which improved his telepathic abilities and energy bands that allow him to absorb solar energy. As a result, he can use solar energy to manipulate light energy (which can be used to blind an opponent) and gravity (which enables him to fly).
7. Beta Ray Bill

“I may not be a native son of the realm eternal, but the power in my hammer comes from Odin himself. So Beta Ray Bill fights for Asgard! On this day and all the tomorrows!” — Beta Ray Bill
Beta Ray Bill is the cybernetic champion of the Korbinites who fought Surtur and his Fire Demons and almost sacrificed his life to protect his race. Fortunately, he was saved by a passing Nova Centurion. Shortly after meeting, duelling and defeating Thor, the Korbinite discovered that he could wield Mjolnir and claimed Thor’s hammer as a spoil of war. Odin had Thor and Bill duel again to determine who would possess the hammer, but Bill refused to take Thor’s life and returned Mjolnir to him; shortly after, Odin had Stormbreaker, a hammer made of Uru, forged for Bill.
The Korbinite began to assist the Asgardians and grew close to Sif, who helped him in his continued battles against Surtur’s Fire Demons. Thanks to Stormbreaker, Beta Ray Bill possesses powers and other physical attributes similar to Thor’s and is further enhanced thanks to his cyborg body. He can transform between his mortal form and his Beta Ray Thor form and possesses superhuman strength, speed and stamina.
Beta Ray Bill also has a regenerative healing factor and can communicate with all races through Allspeak. In addition, Bill can locate other Korbinites and is a fierce, skilled warrior who excels in hot climates. Even though he hasn’t made his MCU debut, a giant bust of Beta Ray Bill can be seen as one of the Champions of Sakaar in Thor: Ragnarok.
6. Silver Surfer

“I am not a god. I have never created life… but I have lived. That is enough. So I will fight to preserve that same opportunity – to love, to dream, to soar among the stars – for all those yet to come. Many lives will ensure that some remain to remember their deeds. And, like the gods, they will truly live forever… even after they are gone.” – Silver Surfer
The Silver Surfer is one of the most iconic superhumans of classic Marvel comics. Before he was a herald to Galactus, Narrin Rad was born to Elmar and Jartran on the planet Zenn-La. His race was technologically advanced and lived together in peace on a planet without want of any kind. Norrin fell for Shalla-Bal, but his life changed forever when Galactus easily invaded his planet due to its neglected defence systems. Norrin became a herald of Galactus known as The Silver Surfer to protect his home and his first love.
At first, the Surfer only found Galactus uninhabited worlds. Still, soon that became impossible, and Norrin was almost driven for the first time he was responsible for destroying an inhabited energy-rich world. His breakdown forced Galactus to alter his mind, and the Surfer was more willing to find him inhabited worlds. While he was initially considered one of the bad guys, the Silver Surfer came to terms with his noble spirit and finally betrayed Galactus with some help from the Fantastic Four.
Ask any Marvel fan, and they’ll tell you that when he does arrive in the MCU, he will be one of the most powerful characters.
5. Gwenpool

“- Wade is still way too old for me. So to the future Marvel writer who tries to hook us up someday – because I know one of you pervs is gonna try it – Ya Nasty!” – Gwenpool
Gwendolyn Poole initially lived in a universe where superheroes and villains were fictional characters introduced through different forms of media. However, Gwen submerges herself in fiction after all her friends move away, and she struggles to find work after failing to graduate high school. She and her brother Teddy soon ended up in the Prime Marvel Universe, but both believed the other hadn’t survived. Gwen accidentally takes on the alias Gwenpool and immediately starts going on many weird and wonderful adventures, including attempting to take on Howard the Duck and stealing a virus from Black Cat, which she sold to Hydra. She later retrieved the virus with some help from Howard.
Not only does Gwenpool know the secret identities and weaknesses of virtually every Marvel character, but she also has shown reality-altering powers that come from her knowledge of comic book logic. She’s essentially a supernatural entity in the Marvel comic books, having defeated some of the publication’s most feared villains by herself. She has been on several misadventures with numerous characters in the comics, including Deadpool and several of the X-Men.
4. Beyonder

“I am from beyond! Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!” – Beyonder
The Beyonder is more than a mere character in the Marvel Multiverse – in a sense, he is a multiverse. A cosmic entity comprised of the total of an entire multiverse simply known as the “Beyond,” the Beyonder has been making life miserable for the Marvel Universe ever since 1984’s Secret Wars event.
Beginning as a powerful yet shapeless force, Beyonder (a being with immense power) eventually became human to understand the species. However, he has since been partially demoted from his status as the most powerful being in existence to be just a power level under the Living Tribunal and some of the Celestials. The childlike and vastly powerful cosmic being grew up thinking his universe was all that existed. He was made aware of Earth when Owen Reece’s transformation into Molecule Man poked a hole in his universe.
He is responsible for creating Battleworld, where he forced numerous heroes and villains to battle for his entertainment and curiosity. He was later turned into a Cosmic Cube by two sentient cosmic cubes. When he was turned back into a Beyonder, he joined others of his race in the Beyond before later escaping the House of Ideas. In the comics, the Beyonder’s first appearance happened in the pages of Secret Wars #1, released in May 1984. But, more importantly, this new chapter in the Marvel publication history brought many changes that would endure even today, redefining some long-established character designs and traits.
We imagine that even the most powerful MCU superheroes will have a tough time once this Marvel character arrives.
3. Nova

“Richard Rider. The guy who made the rest of the Corps feel like nothing.” – Titus
The leader of the Nova Corps, Richard Rider, has appeared in his own comic books ever since 1976’s The Man Called Nova #1. A champion of the planet Xandar and the leader of a select group of elite warriors, Rider was selected as the wielder of an extensive dose of Nova Force. As a result, Nova excels in terms of raw power over the rest of the Corps. His appearance in the MCU was heavily hinted at during the first Guardians of the Galaxy when the Corps made their debut.
2. Franklin Richards

“I was the Impossible Boy who could dream the future. I was a god.” – Franklin Richards
The son of Mr Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, Franklin Richards, aka Powerhouse, is one of the strongest characters in the entire Marvel universe. Capable of bending the laws of reality to his will, Franklin’s powers are even feared by the Celestials, who consider him to be on par with the godly Celestial Host. He once created an entire pocket universe and has been baffling most of the Marvel universe ever since. His introduction to the MCU could come at a much later date, seeing as the rest of the Fantastic Four still hasn’t made its proper debut in the cinematic universe. But mark our words, Richards is one of the most powerful Marvel characters and certainly the most powerful mutant.
In Mark Waid’s History of the Marvel Universe #3, Marvel officially revealed who the most powerful mutant in the universe is. And no, it’s not Wolverine, Jean Grey or Professor X. It’s Franklin Richards.
If Franklin Richards does arrive in the MCU, he will definitely be one of the most powerful Marvel characters.
1. Galactus

“Galactus is and ever will be.” – Silver Surfer
The Devourer of Worlds himself, one of Marvel’s most powerful characters, was created in 1966 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and made his first appearance in Fantastic Four #48. Depending on the comic, Galactus has been seen as the ultimate or tragic hero. He became a close friend of Franklin Richards after battling some evil Celestials and has found in him a true friend and lifelong companion.
Galactus is the physical embodiment of the cosmos, created at the same time as the universe itself. Each species sees him as something they can comprehend, hence why he usually appears as a giant man. He made his live-action debut in the 2007 film Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, but this powerful Marvel character has yet to make it to the MCU.
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Which of these powerful Marvel characters are you excited to see in the next MCU film or TV series?