If you’re a PlayStation fan, you’ve probably heard about Days Gone. And if you’ve played the open-world survival game, you’re probably wondering why there hasn’t been a Days Gone 2 yet. Well, you’re not alone. A petition for a sequel launched in 2021 now has close to 250,000 signatures. Sadly, Sony still hasn’t greenlit Days Gone 2.
The First Game
Days Gone is an action-packed zombie adventure game that was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment and developed by Bend Studio. It was the gaming company’s first open-world game as well as the first game they had released for home consoles since 2007 — when they gave the world Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow.
The game was inspired by several popular shows and movies of the time, such as Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, and World War Z. It follows the protagonist, Deacon St. John, previously an outlaw, now a drifter and a mercenary, as he travels through a post-apocalyptic Oregon looking for his wife Sarah, whom he had assumed was dead.
Upon initial release back in 2019, Days Gone actually did really well, but with so many in the gaming community (critiques and players alike) complaining about various things in the game — from the poor story to the extensive bugs (which is usually expected in the first-time release of a game) to the repetitiveness of game missions — the love and support for action-adventure zombie title very quickly decreased. There was still some praise for the brilliant graphics and amazing voice acting done by Sam Witwer (who did the voice and motion capture for Deacon) and others, but that did nothing to quell the many negative reviews.
However, despite the negative response, Days Gone still managed to become one of Bend Studio’s best-selling titles, with over 8 million copies of the game since having been sold. In 2019, it sold more than any of the studio’s previous games and became the 19th best-selling game in the US, the 8th best-selling game of the year, and, at launch in Japan, it far exceeded the launch sales figures of both God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn.
All of that, combined with the many awards won by the game and the secret ending during the credits, had fans assuming that there was going to be a Days Gone 2 despite its critical reception. Let’s take a look at why that doesn’t look to be the case.
What Was Wrong With Days Gone?

Everyone in the gaming community had something to say about Sony Bend’s open-world zombie game, and not many of them were positive.
The most frustrating thing for a lot of players was the technical problems throughout Days Gone. They had to deal with plenty, from audio not syncing with the movement of the character or, at times, completely dropping out during cut scenes to graphics that were unable to keep up with the speed at which the players were moving, making everything a bit too frustrating for players to properly enjoy. Fortunately, for players who want to give the game another chance, Bend Studio has spent a lot of time taking care of those technical issues.
The Days Gone story was another thing people found lacking. Fans complained that the story was too clichéd, and the dialogue was downright cringe-worthy at times. Players didn’t want to work their way through a story they found boring or uninteresting.
At its core, Days Gone is a story about love, companionship, and loyalty in a world destroyed by zombies. While the game focuses on the world’s deterioration, the story brings the focus back to Earth as it shows us the impact that the apocalypse has had on Deacon.
Days Gone’s repetitive missions are what brought down the final blow that killed the game for critiques. Doing the same task over and over to get the same result for different people becomes monotonous after a couple of times, and that was made abundantly clear by people who didn’t enjoy that mechanic of the game. And while the open-world gameplay was a great idea, there isn’t much to do in the sparsely decorated world of the game.
There were also a couple of players who didn’t enjoy that trash cans could take out their high-speed, high-powered motorcycles. We agree that it would be a lot more fun if it were possible to ram into Freakers while speeding around the open world.
Of course, all these are issues that could be easily fixed with Days Gone 2.
What Was Great About Days Gone?

While many people had strong negative opinions about John Garvin and Jeff Ross’ Days Gone and a couple of problems that Bend Studio needed to address, there were still some fantastic aspects of the game that many fans loved.
While Days Gone is more story-driven and doesn’t completely allow players to pick their own destiny, there are still choices that could be made by players that would affect the grand scheme of things. It’s a great little mechanic that makes what you do throughout the game feel like it’s having a direct impact on the world around you and not just being another objective you have to follow as a player so you can get to the next task.
The graphics of the PlayStation Exclusive was one of the high-selling points. Being able to see the micro-expressions on the character’s faces and the sparsely laid out but still heavily detailed world was something every player could be appreciative of. Something a lot of people seemed to particularly enjoy was the sight of a horde of Freakers chasing you down. While it was an extremely stressful situation trying to find a way to escape the horde, there’s something very satisfying about watching them crawl over each other to try and get to you in a giant mass. The unpredictableness of the AI was a fun challenge for players to take on.
Another great aspect of the third-person action-adventure title was being able to customize and upgrade different items like Deacon’s bike and bat. The bat is one of the more fun craftable pieces in the game as you can customize and change it with objects you have collected in the world and there is the chance of it breaking on you while you’re fighting if it isn’t repaired regularly.
Of course, these are all strong features that Days Gone 2 could have built upon too.
Will There Be A Days Gone 2?

With the secret ending at the end of the game giving NERO more of an antagonistic role than players were expecting and the ominous warning that O’Brian gave Deacon, it would make sense for Sony Bend to give us Days Gone 2, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon.
In April of 2021, a Bloomberg report by Jason Schreier revealed that a sequel to the game had been pitched, but Sony had rejected Days Gone 2 – despite it having been a profitable game. The report said that this was done because of the negative response towards the original game as well as how long it had taken to make it.
Although the rejection of the sequel pitch is an understandable decision made by Sony, who have previously published far more successful projects, such as Ghost of Tsushima, Marvel’s Spider-man, and Naughty Dog’s Uncharted series, the chance that we may never be getting a Days Gone 2 is a big disappointment for players who were fans of the game and actually enjoyed it.
Since then, the game director Jeff Ross (one of the two who worked on Days Gone) has confirmed that while the sequel had been pitched to Sony Studios (which was an uphill battle from the start), he was unable to give any further details about the project due to an NDA that he had signed. This gave fans a little bit of hope for Days Gone 2.
While Ross has been unable to give fans any news about whether or not there will actually be a sequel, he has revealed that there is a plan to create a sort of similarly themed multiplayer version of this universe, which they hadn’t been able to include in the original game because of staffing constraints.
The other creative director John Garvin (who has since separated from Bend Studio as a personal choice after deciding that his personality didn’t work in that kind of environment) had a four-hour-long interview with David Jaffe, the creator of God of War, in which he commented that players shouldn’t expect a sequel to a game if they weren’t willing to pay full price for the original, implying that the reason players weren’t getting Days Gone 2 was because the game hadn’t turned enough profit. This was not received well by fans, something which Garvin expected when he’d made the comment.
Other Upcoming Adaptations
While it definitely isn’t Days Gone 2, there has been talk about the game getting its own film adaptation. Deadline has reported that the adaptation is already in the works and described it as a “love ballad to motorcycle movies” set in a post-apocalyptic “modern-day western.”
Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan will produce it from Sony Playstation Productions and Jennifer Klein and Shelden Turner’s Vendetta Productions. The story will be written and developed by Sheldon Turner, and Sam Heughan (who plays Jamie Fraser in Outlander) is being considered to play the role of Deacon.
While it’s not exactly the news gamers were hoping for, it’s still good news. Turner’s script and Heugan’s acting could garner potential popularity, giving Sony the push it needs to let Bend Studio proceed with Days Gone 2.
What Days Gone 2 Could Have Been

The PlayStation brand has had a string of hits and misses over the past few years – mostly hits if we’re being honest. However, there’s a game that sits in a somewhat strange place for Sony’s first-party releases: Days Gone. Everyone who has played the game might tell you that it’s one of the most entertaining zombie survival sims available on the PS4. Yet, despite its promising sales and positive fan reactions, the development of Days Gone 2 was never greenlit by Sony.
In a recent interview, Days Gone director Jeff Ross shared his vision of what a sequel would have looked like, and also gave some insight as to why he believes that the first game did wrong. It’s sad to think that we might never get a sequel to this unique title – especially with Sony’s current trend of releasing remake after remake of relatively recent titles.
As Ross himself explains in an interview with USA Today, games like Days Gone serve to establish the basics of what a video game franchise might look like in future entries. He cites the first Uncharted as his idea of what the first game in a series should be like.
Even though Nathan Drake’s first outing was already a bombastic adventure chock-full of the moments that would define the Uncharted series, it’s plain to see just how barebones the entire experience feels compared to its sequels. Ross believes that the same principle would apply to Days Gone.
The first release of Days Gone laid the groundwork for an engaging zombie game, so what was missing for Sony to cancel the game’s sequel? Ross believes that it had nothing to do with the game itself but rather with the negative reviews it garnered on release.
Plans For Days Gone 2

Ross also shared his plans for some mechanics he wanted to introduce in a potential Days Gone 2. One area that the team would focus on was the game’s lacklustre performance, especially on the base model PS4. With the release of the PC port of the game and the advent of the considerably more powerful PlayStation 5, it’s easy to see a sequel running at a stable 60 frames per second, even in the most demanding scenarios.
A sequel would also have improved some elements of the core gameplay experience—such as giving Deacon the ability to swim. Days Gone 2 would also continue Deacon and Sarah’s story, going deeper into their relationship dynamics.
“We have to be able to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run,” Ross said. “I just see that as a trilogy. First games – Batman: Arkham, the first Uncharted – are basic. They are a platform to build on top of for subsequent titles. And if you look at a game like Uncharted, you could surface swim in the first game. In the second or third game, you could go underwater. Then in the fourth game, you’re scuba diving underwater. They didn’t start with scuba diving, they built towards it. That applies to every game. Horizon Forbidden West is going to have swimming underwater. It’s gonna have all the things that they probably wanted to do in the first game but just ran out of time. So you create the minimum viable entry and then hope you get to build the second one. Because you’re not arguing over the foundations, you’re arguing over the epic new ideas that you’re gonna be putting into it.”
In the end, Ross maintains his belief that the technical problems that surrounded Days Gone at the time of the game’s release were ultimately the franchise’s demise. It’s not all bad news, however, as Bend Studio (developers of Days Gone and the Syphon Filter series) are currently working on an entirely new IP that uses some of the groundwork set by the Days Gone open-world model.
It will be fascinating to see what the studio delivers next and how the release of Days Gone affected the team’s approach to developing this exploration-focused game.
Are you still hoping PlayStation will develop Days Gone 2? Sign the Change.org petition to get the sequel made.
Who cares about opinions it made money and would make money again just make the game already
Since I bought the game for my husband he is constantly playing the game for hours. I watch him play it and it is a great game. For me to watch it, is awesome because we live in Oregon. I know where Hwy 97 is, I think it’s great that the creators used places like Crater Lake and Mt Hood and Three Sisters. Really wish there was more to the story after what O’Brien tells Deacon about there being more out there.
The same people who bash this game for being repetitive are the same people buying CoD or AC for the 13th time to do the same thing they’ve been doing since they were 8.
I loved the game it was good I was a opening day buyer…and I’d also buy another one if they make it
loved Dayes gone pc game wanting for sequel played it three times bring it on pleas
Best game ever!!! I cannot understand the negative comments about this game1? Repetitive missions? – have they ever played resident evil running back n forth to get keys and slow opening doors, and this is one of the biggest games ever! Fallout 3 cleaning out mutants and raiders camps in the city all through the game, also one of biggest games ever! And as for a weak Storyline? – this story had everything! action, friendship, love, loss plus the soundtrack was absolutely awesome! Yes, there were some glitches but nothing worth losing sleep over. A great character riding round on a motorcycle taking on zombie hordes – what more could you want! Please please let’s get Days Gone 2 made, ill buy 2 copies if it helps with sales!
Best game ever made, still patiently waiting for Days Gone 2 !!
Days Gone is my favorite game and I would love for a sequel.
I played many games in my life. Days Gone is still in my Top 5.
One of the best games, ever. Signed the petition and would sign any others to get Sony on the ball. ?
What are you talking about day gone was not that great of a game compare to many other zombie games. I personally thought the game was a best ok.
I’ve ended the first days gone for 8 times waiting the second part .. hope it will be released soon
Loved this game so much’!
Bought it on release and saw minor glitches. The morons that call it bad, repetitive, or whatever obviously only played a demo. Critics aren’t true gamers. Sony needs to wake up…or Bend Studios needs to go independent and make it non-exclusive. If you didn’t like the game, good for you. Now sit down and be quiet while the rest of finish it again (for the 10th time)… because it is that good.
I have completed DG twice. It is an awesome game. The story was amazingly compeling. Characters were memorable. We hope to get the second game and explore what happens
I really liked the mechanics in the game. I loved that your bike could run out of gas. And the hordes man! No other zombie game had that. I liked the guns and how the silencers would wear out. Customizing the bike was cool. And yeah, the story was a little cliche and cheesy but it was still a good story! I bet that is given the opportunity, that a sequel could be an amazing game.
I would love to get my hands on a sequel; I would love to see what the team could deliver now that they know what needs polishing from the missteps of the original game. Sounds like they’re working on a new IP so even if it got greenlit it would be a while before it ever materialized.
Generic zombie trash. We don’t need another one.
It wasn’t sony that never greeen lit a Days Gone 2, it was Higher mangerment at Bends Studio. It never actually went as far as Sony higher management. Also the reasons given for no sequel are fine. Ther was too many zombie games coming out. It still doesn’t maean ther will never be a sequel at some point.
Source? Every news outlet and I ternary source that has commented on this has said Sony shot it down. Not saying you’re wrong but there are a lot of opinions on the olde internet masquerading as fact.
I would absolutely love a second Days Gone, I thought the first was a great game; even the story was enjoyable to me. Plus, being a big Sam Witwer fan made the game all the more enticing to play. The action was great, especially fighting the hordes of freakers; it could get real intense when things didn’t go to plan, and the bike customisation was very satisfying. It’s just so sad if it ends the way it did with O’Brian saying what he did during the end credits with nothing more coming our way to do with the story. I still have some faith that it could possibly happen one day, however unlikely it seems at the moment. To not create a sequel would be a missed opportunity and a huge disservice to the fans of the first Days Gone. I don’t care much for a movie or a multiplayer spin-off, just make a part 2 already!
Ive been waiting for a sequel since I finished the first game. =(
How about wanting a sequel to The Wonderful 101 instead ?
Like… a good, unique, infinitely original game ? Which is actually all-around good and is not just yet another open-world zombie slog ?
People… what is wrong with you, seriously ?
Nobody has heard of that weird game