In Mark Waid’s History of the Marvel Universe #3, Marvel has finally officially revealed who the most powerful mutant in the universe is. And no, it’s not Wolverine, Jean Grey or Professor X. It’s Marvel’s Franklin Benjamin Richards.
A Mutant Beyond Omega-Level
The revelation comes from Galactus, who should be considered a reliable source considering his cosmic awareness. It seems the Devourer of Worlds believes that Franklin Richards, a mutant beyond Omega-Level, deserves the honour of being titled the most powerful mutant of all time.
Of course, this shouldn’t come as a big surprise to comic book fans. Franklin Richards has long been considered one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe, not to be confused with Franklin Storm, another powerful doctor.
Over the years, several cosmic entities, including Galactus, Eternity, Infinity, Omniversal Guardian Roma and Omniversal Majestrix Opal Luna Saturnyne, have described Richards as a “being whom the Celestials felt was on par with themselves” and the most powerful mutant of all time, especially after he healed Galactus during the destruction of the Baxter Building. He also combined his power with his sister to bring back Galactus and fight against Abraxas.

The son of Mister Fantastic (Dr. Reed Richards) and the Invisible Woman (Susan Richards/Susan Storm) of the Fantastic Four (also made up of his uncle, Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch and Ben Grimm, aka The Thing), Franklin Richards, who grows up to join the X-Men, possesses the power to warp reality and make his thoughts come to fruition. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the character’s first appearance was in Fantastic Four Annual #6 way back in November 1968.
Unlike Scarlet Witch, Franklin Richards’ psionic powers manifested when he was very young and continued to grow at an incredible rate. Over the years, he has managed to create entire universes and protect Earth from cosmic threats. There are even some fans who are convinced that Franklin Richards actually controls the entirety of the Marvel Universe.
So there you have it. Hopefully, we can now all agree and end the debate once and for all. Franklin Richards is the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe.
The History of the Marvel Universe #3 series chronicles the history of the Marvel worlds, from the Big Bang to the twilight of existence, attempting to answer some of the important questions fans have had over the years. The final issue (#6) was released on December 18, 2019.
Franklin Richards Is Not Marvel’s Most Powerful Mutant Anymore
Unfortunately, it seems that Franklin Richards has lost the title of Marvel’s most powerful mutant. In the recent FF run by Dan Slott, R.B. Silva, Jesus Aburov, and VC’s Joe Caramagna, Franklin Richards’ powers are mysteriously declining. Even with Mister Fantastic, Doctor Doom and the X-Men looking into it, it remains unclear why he is growing weaker.
Plus, in Fantastic Four #26, they’ve discovered that Franklin Richards isn’t even a mutant after all. Even though an X-Men/Fantastic Four comic by Chip Zdarsky and Terry Dodson reveals that his powers evolved from an X-gene, making him a mutant. It’s complicated.

It appears that when he was younger Richards somehow used his cosmic reality-altering abilities to unknowingly alter his cells to produce the X-Gene.
And after using up all his powers in a recent fight against the Cormorant, the former Omega-Level mutant is now a normal human being. Of course, this results in him being forced to leave Krakoa and Professor X not allowing him on the island.
That’s correct. The being who was once one of the single most powerful forces in the entire Marvel Universe is no longer powerful and no longer a mutant. And no longer one of the X-Men.
It’s an unusual plot, but there’s still a good chance that Franklin Richards regains all his powers in future comics.
Who is Marvel’s Franklin Richards?
In Marvel Comics, there’s no shortage of characters that seem to break every established rule in the Superhero Multiverse. Among the list of the most prominent reality-breaking characters, there’s one that has gained notoriety among comic readers. Franklin Richards.
The son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, this young hero is one that has had an amazing but complicated run in comics. With unending questions concerning his arrival in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s time to explore Franklin’s résumé and see what makes him so special.
While it may seem like Franklin only arrived in recent years, he has actually been around for over 80% of the Fantastic Four’s publication history. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1968, he showed up just 7 years after the debut of his Superhero family.
As a member of Marvel’s first family, Franklin’s arrival was a big deal that led to some intense events around the universe. While Sue was pregnant with him, she suffered some cosmic impulses of living energy within her blood, endangering herself and an unborn Franklin. To save his unborn son, the rest of the team travelled to the Negative Zone and stole the Cosmic Control Rod from Annihilus, the conqueror of that dimension. After the successful heist, they were able to use the rod to reduce the cosmic power in Sue’s blood, ensuring safe delivery.
Over time, we’ve seen a few variations of Franklin Richards pop up with different names and ages. He has appeared as a toddler, 8-year-old, 12-year-old and more in non-chronological storylines. He also has alter egos including Avatar, an older version of himself he became after getting frustrated with a puzzle as child Franklin.
In another event, a teenage Franklin adopted the name Psi-Lord after receiving training from his grandfather Nathaniel Richards who whisked him into the future. This is a nice way of saying that Nathaniel kidnapped him… Of course, wherever there is time travel, it also confuses the timeline. While training under his grandfather, Franklin forms the Fantastic Force with some teammates, all with the intention of continuing his father’s work and protecting the universe.
Typically, the presence of an older, future Franklin is one that writers enjoy, so we’ve seen that idea make multiple appearances thanks to his reality-warping abilities. It is a classic staple of his character in a similar vein to Trunks from the Dragon Ball series. Eventually, Franklin used his powers to age himself into adulthood within a very brief space of time.
Franklin has a twin sister, Valeria, who does not have his extravagant abilities, but instead possesses a superior level of intellect that rivals their father’s. Her story is also pretty amazing and a lot less convoluted compared to Franklin’s.
In his early years, the sorceress Agatha Harkness acted as Franklin’s nanny and protector.
What Powers Does He Have?

With a complicated birth like that, it’s easy to assume that his powers are due to the cosmic rod that was used on him as an infant. For a while, that was the case, but comic book continuity can often be retconned and in the current canon explanation, he inherited his abilities from his parent’s charged genes thanks to their cosmic rays.
Franklin Richards possesses psionic abilities, allowing him to use abilities like telepathy and telekinesis. However, the real kicker is his reality manipulation, an ability that allows him to disregard the laws of physics and do almost anything.
In a similar vein to the Scarlet Witch, he is capable of rewriting events in reality. For a good number of his appearances, Franklin is just a kid, so his powers have a drawback that is attached to how much energy they drain from him as well as his limited control.
At one point in the comics, the Scarlet Witch was one of his greatest enemies. She robs Professor X and Magneto of their powers, which are combined to reinvigorate Onslaught. Luckily for them, when Onslaught goes to take Franklin, The Thing and Invisible Woman are able to stop him.
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Tell us, do you think that Franklin Richards is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe?
wow you people have nothing better to do?
Obviously Legion is the most powerful being in MCU. And obviously he’s his biggest threat.
No one else plays storm better than Halle BERRY she has convinced the universe she has the right look and posture in her costume as well as body frame and her style of fighting with grace and fluidity
Maybe looking at it from a different perspective. Look at Deadpool for example. Deadpool himself is not considered a mutant but a mutate do to the fact that his normal cells were altered with a “pool”of mutant DNA. No matter what I Believe anyone with mutated DNA no matter how it was mutated is by very definition a mutant. I feel logic kinda answers that one. But if you went by my earlier statement then Mister Fantastic and Invisible Girl are Mutates but Franklin having been born mutated would be a Mutant.
To this biogeneticist, you clearly don’t have a clue what mutation means in the strictest Darwinian sense.
His parents were not mutants, but the radiation DID change their DNA.
Which led to mutations in their offspring’s DNA, arising in mega powers.
Umm but didn’t the altered dna result in the growth of news cells that were made to the parameters provided by the DNA ? Wouldn’t that make them mutant? Since they have never existed in an unaltered state? I thought that dna modification didn’t express a difference to the organism until the cell actually grew from scratch using whatever genetic code it currently had. Like dna damage doesn’t turn into cancer it creates cells that turn into cancer right?
Yeah that’s a lie Matthew Malloy would wreak Franklin no contest…Than we got the Marquis of Death who’s shown greater feats including traveling the mutiverse defeating cosmic level beings with no problem
And before you tell me it’s right there in History Of The Marvel Universe #3 I’d continue to argue that Marvel contradicts itself all over the place. By marvel’s own definition of a mutant Richard’s isnt one.
Yeah, saying Richards is a mutant is the same as saying Galactus is a mutant. Let’s do a Galactus origin story, hey, Marvel?
Franklin Richard’s isnt a mutant… His parents were normal humans bombarded with space radiation that gave them powers. They were not mutations. Therefore their offspring just inherited powers due to their irradiated DNA.
Unless of course you think that every super in the MU is a mutant, in which case what’s the point of reading an article written by someone who clearly has no idea about the material at all.
ComicGodsUnite, you somehow “magically” decided to ignore the fact that Marvel itself has declared Franklin to be a mutant. How his parents acquired their parents would be beside the point!
I assume you mean “powers” not parents. And I’m pretty sure journalists need to site their sources. Who in Marvel suggested that Franklin is a mutant? Because I’ll believe it when I see it.
I don’t know. These days as long as you are a liberal you don’t have to cite anything. Ask if he is a liberal.
Galactus said it, we all saw it.
His parents Reed & Sue acquired powers thru space radiation that mutated their genes making them mutants. Think about it, it’s just as how the Hulk was mutated by gamma radiation & so on. Some mutants were born from freak accidents & others were born of a pair of mutant parents. End of discussion!!!
Cyclops in house of X #1 tell The fantastic four that Franklin is welcome in their new mutant colony whenever he’s ready. Read a comic man
@ComicGodsUnite they’re destroying you! Fight back!