Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero raises the stakes for all of Earth with the presence of a new world-threatening foe and the absence of our seasoned heroes, Goku and Vegeta. This puts Goku’s son, Gohan, in the picture as he is forced to turn away from his normal life and unlock his potential, which is said to rival his father. Overcoming villains just wouldn’t be right without exceeding power levels and achieving a new type of Saiyan form that would put everyone on the edge of their seats. Let’s take a look at Gohan’s new form.
Son Gohan Beast
In the movie’s last intense fight scene, the antagonist, Cell Max, deals a near-death blow against Piccolo, and an enraged Gohan finally unlocks his new form—Son Gohan Beast, or the Beast Form.
Just as with many Saiyan transformations, his appearance morphs into the most badass version it could be. It begins with his eyes swirling to a striking red with black pupils and his hair turning to a greyish white, coupled with the iconic increase in size and spikes. An intense aura erupts from his body, and he now has a reddish-magenta inner aura and is shrouded by purple lightning.
His transformation defines the culmination of all his combat training and incomplete forms, taking inspiration from previous Saiyan awakenings. The beginning visuals of his transformation heavily resemble those of his original Super Saiyan 2.
For example, the freaky red eyes from his Saiyan Great Ape form, the menacing voice of the savage Super Saiyan, and the blinding white hair of Goku’s Perfected Ultra Instinct.
As another callback to his past, a little echo of the young Super Saiyan 2 Gohan’s scream can be heard as he releases his power.
Gohan’s Potential New Unleashed Form

The awesomeness of this evolved potential unleashed form (now officially called Ultimate and explained to be the result of undergoing Elder Kai’s ritual) doesn’t stop at his appearance as he blocks a gigantic punch from Cell Max without breaking a sweat right before he throws the villain miles away with a single kick. He then finished the fight with the help of Piccolo and a Special Beam Cannon ability that capably negated the massive energy sphere of a frustrated Cell Max, resulting in his defeat.
His current power level considers the fact that prior to his new form as Beast Gohan, Cell Max was decimating the latest and strongest Piccolo form—Orange Piccolo, and our favourite golden boy just strolled through those last moments like it was nothing. This likely suggests that Gohan might be the strongest being on Earth in Goku and Vegeta’s absence. But just how does Son Gohan Beast compare to the other gods and behemoths of the Dragon Ball universe?
Is Gohan Beast More Powerful Than Goku?
Currently, there might not be enough margin to measure Gohan Beast, considering that the only comparison points that we have are Cell Max and Orange Piccolo. But his recent evolution is firmly a testament to the belief that, potential-wise, he can exceed Goku. He just needs to take a permanent break from those research papers.
In an official storyboard released to fans, this form was dubbed as the “Final Gohan” during production—a possible greenlight that this would be his last transformation, but was eventually finalized as the “Son Gohan Beast” name that we know and swoon over to today. As a little tidbit, the creator, the late Akira Toriyama, originated the name from the sense that the wild beast within him has awakened.
Overall, Gohan’s new form is strong enough to take on one of the strongest beings in the series. This simple name change indicates a great sign for fans of a future Gohan form, which only leaves us with one question.
What do you think of Gohan’s new form in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero? How does the character fit in a list of the top 10 best Dragon Ball Z characters of all time? Also, check out our list of awesome Dragon Ball Z facts you probably didn’t know.