Cast changes are sometimes necessary, but was it really needed in HBO’s House of the Dragon?
The sequel to Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, has proved to be a stellar fantasy epic so far. The emphasis on the Targaryen lineage has worked wonders for a series that was, in its latter seasons, criticized for its lack of focus. Like many GoT fans, I’ve been enjoying the new direction in which House of the Dragon is heading – particularly after the bitter taste that GoT‘s Season 8 left me.
RELATED: One Thing That Game of Thrones Got Wrong About The Targaryens
However, it’s not all smooth sailing for the Targaryens. Episode 6 marked a clear before and after for the show – one that could spell trouble for the series in the long run.
Beware of the spoilers ahead, as they take us a decade into the future for those who haven’t seen episode 6 yet.
Changing Faces

Remember Jaqen H’ghar? The Faceless Men could alter their entire physical appearance to deceive their targets. Unfortunately for Hollywood execs, no actor has been able to do this (yet). When your story calls for a ten-year time skip, you’ll inevitably encounter continuity issues with the looks of younger characters.
The Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower House of the Dragon cast change might have sounded like a harmless idea, but never underestimate the power of fans’ attachment, especially when Milly Alcock and Emily Carey were delivering such outstanding performances.
It gets even worse when you consider that Alcock might as well be the face of the series for non-fans, so imagine their shock when they hear that the main character is only in the show for five episodes.
House of the Dragon‘s narrative demands some considerable cast changes, that might be true. However, I can’t help but feel like it could have been done more tastefully, and I think I’ve found the show that does this sort of thing best: Netflix’s The Crown.
Exploring a Lineage

Unlike Game of Thrones‘ focus on multiple Houses, House Targaryen is undoubtedly the star of the show in House of the Dragon. Seeing the actors age in their roles and live through the traumatic experiences that lead to the fall of one of the most powerful Houses in all of Westeros makes for outstanding entertainment, but it also takes a toll on the actors.
Perhaps the House of the Dragon cast change would have been less traumatic for fans if it was in the same vein as The Crown: time skips and inevitable recasts would only happen between seasons. This would certainly help fans digest that some of the characters they know and love now look completely different.
The only downside to this approach is that, inevitably, different actors will lend different visions of the same character to audiences. Between episodes 5 and 6, it seems like Rhaenyra (now Emma D’Arcy) and Alicent (Olivia Cooke) are completely different characters.
I can’t help but think that maybe it would have been better if Miguel Sapochnik and Ryan Condal took some liberties with the source material when it comes to the age of the characters. Perhaps this would have allowed Milly Alcock and Emily Carey to keep playing the same characters for the duration of the show, with just a hint of makeup and movie magic to achieve an older look.
All that said, it’s still a bit early to declare that House of the Dragon has been “ruined” by the cast change. We’ll have to wait and see what happens with the new actresses moving forward, and how they adapt to the fantastic prequel story we’ve been seeing so far.
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Why why why. Should have never changed actresses. You made them look like they jumped 30 years. Worst idea ever
Omg!! What did they do? What a F-up to change characters. Some good old fashioned makeup would have done the trick for the 10 year time jump. Look at the movie “Benjamin Buttons”, they changed the age on Brad Pitt so many years and several times throughout. Why couldn’t they do that in this show? House of The Dragon is completely ruined now. What a waste.
This was such a bad idea. It ruined it. Everything about the characters are changed. What on earth were the producers thinking?
I agree . A total mess up. I am giving up watching this. They should know people have choices . Good luck dragons casts.
I like it but prefer the old characters and the fact they aged some and not all was weird may have made more sense to age all with makeup and affects
The short of it…..series started off good and is now ruined with the cast changes. Unbelievable with what makeup artists can do today that the original actors couldn’t have remained on the show. Bad decision.
Could have been so good but actor change was ridiculous as facial appearance and personality completely different.
Tried next episode but just didn’t work for me , just confusing as to what was going on with all chemistry lost .
Enthralled to exasperated in one episode.
Show started out great, that ten year jump and cast change ruined it for me.
Ugg!! I added HBO Max for nothing. Id rather watch the first 5 again and quit.
Completely agree for the Rhaenyra role. All of the amazing chemistry and passion that they built up for 5 episodes went poof, gone with the new Rhaenyra. After all of the build up, fans deserved to see them finally get together snd experience all of the longing, pain, passion, etc. It was extremely disappointing and that feeling hasn’t gone away for me.
Character change blows. I will not watch now. Very angry.
I quit watching I was so mad?
I agree, I really enjoyed the show and the skill from the actors really brought their characters to life. All of a sudden, we have a 10 year time jump with unrecognisable actors that share no similar traits to their younger selves. It’s honestly just ruined the show for me and it’s too bad because I was really getting into it :(
I agree, I really enjoyed the show and the skill from the actors really brought their characters to life. All of a sudden, we have a 10 year time jump with unrecognisable actors that share no similar traits to their younger selves. It’s honestly just ruined the show for me and it’s too bad because I was really getting into it
To change characters is one thing, but to keep one preserved (Christian) and,,,,to have a strong 17/yo convert into a weak and timid adult kissing up to a woman who was once her soft friend. Rhayerna didn’t care about pleasing others or about losing the crown.
Really disappointed when Milly Alcok was replaced, she was briliant and was just creating her character, that was going to be a strong Queen.
Just can’t get into the changes.
Why women replaced and not men. Not even the soldier who was also young
Exactly! At least some gray hair on Christian…he had a grudge for ten years which would age anyone
Really too bad the series has suddenly changed two major characters were recast. So wrong about what they did, now it’s too late to undo what was done. Unfortunately I will no longer be watching the was good series, they ruined it for me. Goodbye House of the Dragon.
Yep, sadly i will have to agree. The show became a complete lackluster affair by the changes of Alicent and Rhaenyra. The new actors just lack presence and intensity in their roles and the overall dynamic is all wrong now. I don’t think I will continue watching it. Use makeup to age characters from 17 to 27, ok? Look wise you really don’t change a lot between those two ages.
The recasting of Rhaenyra = huge mistake. Milly Alcok was brilliant in the role and could easily have been aged up 5 years (she is 22 IRL). The new actress doesn’t look like her, act like her, or seem to have anything at all in common with the younger version of Rhaenyra. It feels like the show had all of its air let out of its sails. So incredibly stupid and disappointing. They lost a viewer with this blunder. I won’t be returning for episode 7.
Absolutely couldn’t agree more
Totally ruined this series for me and obviously many others
I couldn’t follow episode 6 as it was so confusing
The vivacious nature and inner strength of both princess and queen are now lost with the replacements
People invest in a character and the passion of the younger 2 is not the same now
Very unnecessary ……..
Makeup can age anyone!!
You lost my love and loyalty to this series
I will not continue watching ……
Awful I didn’t know who was who what a stupid decision to make. Fire everyone involved in the change. I’m going to go watch the Lord of the Rings new show. HBooO
terrible idea really ruined the show
They just cut their viewers in half. Maybe less!!
Agree with all the comments above. Series totally ruined. Why can’t the female leads age like the men! Matt Smith hasn’t aged at all.
Totally agree with all the above comments. Completely ruined for me.
Why can the men be aged and not the women? The new female characters are not nearly as good. It’s true that Matt Smith hadn’t aged at all!
So disappointed. I wasn’t overly attached to the former actresses (but one was the literal face of the series – and both were doing a great job), but it was just so confusing. I had no idea that was Rhaenyra in the beginning of episode 6. The confusion was only exacerbated by the fact that everyone else (e.g., the king and the king’s brother) “aged” through makeup. If season 2 skips 100 years – OK, you probably need a whole new cast. But, you could have had Rhaenyra with a bit of makeup and a few kids, and everyone would have understood.
Completely ruined a must watch show for me. I feel ripped off by the director. Actually had to stop episode 6 and re-watch episode 5 because I was so confused and certain I missed something. But I didn’t. This is worse than star wars directors rushing story lines which was really bad. There is no way to describe this other than complete failure.
How does the lead character go from a fierce warrior princess to a passive whimpy hand maid in one episode? Come on?????!! This is complete garbage now. Angry I invested time into 5 episodes to now feel cheated. Total failure!
I am severely disappointed. When I started watching it, I thought they were going back in time to show Rhaenyra being born for some reason. I rewatched the beginning 3-4 times thinking I missed something. Then I had to stop it to see WTF happened by googling it and then found they did a cast switch. I tried to get through it several times but just couldn’t. I became really attached to both actresses, especially the energy and dynamics of the princess and queen, Millly and Emily. There little mannerisms, nuances, and how they communicated that contributed to the overall character development. I am so upset right now lol. I just gave up. I can’t do it. It makes no sense and the series seems lifeless now imho.
You Will lose many viewers because of this
Unnecessary change
It was awful and the timing was off no explanation and come on with make up The original two actresses could’ve continued as fans we started to love their personalities and be vested in it and I think the writers are arrogant to think they could just replace them and we wouldn’t feel the difference.
I almost liked the show at the end if 5th episode but the new cast and this leap ruined everything successfully.
I just turned it off as it all came back to the boring scenes.
How all these people that are paid an unbelievable amount of money can let this happen?
I almost liked the show at the end if 5th episode vut the new cast and this leap ruined everything successfully, I just turned it off as it all came back to the boring scenes.
How all these people that are paid an unbelievable amoynt of money can let this happen?
It was awful awful awful soooooo disappointing!!!!!!
So disappointed. I too was confused for a while at the start of Episode 6 – thought I was watching another series! As a huge GOT fan (still saddened by the empty ending of an epic tale in Season 8), this feels similar. I don’t know if I can be bothered to watch anymore episodes. Why two strong female characters, (played very well), could not continue with ageing make up is beyond understanding. All the men have been aged, and May I state, this is not meant to be sexist. As already said, it seems more like a recast rather than a necessary cast change.
I totally agree. HBO dropped the ball. The recast ruins the continuity and attachment that you develop for the characters.
I struggled with the ending of GoT so I was not going to even give House of The Dragon a watch. I did though and was enjoying it until episode 6. I agree with comments posted. The cast changes were totally unnecessary I for one will not be wasting any more of my time by continuing to watch.
Why did the writers think this would work?? No explanation AT ALL??
This is horrible!!!! The new actors are not good or as attractive.. it’s confusing.. I am gravely disappointed
That’s my biggest issue…the girl who plays rhaenyra now isn’t nearly as pretty or as conniving as the original. I absolutely loved the younger one…her chemistry with Matt Smith was too hot to change cast…im giving it until I see the chemistry between Darcy and Smith before I ultimately decide whether to continue or not
I loved the first 5 episodes and can’t get through the 6th. Unbelievable how fast the show was ruined for me. Loved the princess and the Queen.
Spent half the episode trying to figure what the hell was going on before I realized there was a time shift. No sure why they didn’t relay this to the audience at the beginning.
I found it difficult to follow along with the plot and keep the characters straight, which is hard enough with GOT without the recasting of characters. It is very disappointing to see actors you have begun to connect with suddenly disappear, especially when it’s completely unnecessary.
Overall, I have zero faith in the showrunners handling this beloved material going forward.
Disappointed… I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I was so confused!
I turned on episode 6 and wondered who these strange new people were.
The king, almost at death’s door had miraculously lived through it all and hadn’t aged a bit, apart from a bit less hair and why did Ser Christian Cole not age a day.
Very strange HBO and I’m not sure a change for the better.
HBO spend 6 episodes introducing the characters to – boom 10 year jump and replace them.
Yet Mat Smiths not aged, the king has PVA glue on his face and the Queens saucy man looks younger to me.
HBO I think you just did an own goal (or killed the golden dragon) as I’ve switched it off
Oh and mat smith on dragon back was SOOOooooo bad I thought I was watching Harry Potter in some kind of Quidditch tournament!
The new actors however are a little Meh… as was such a hard jolt and they don’t deserve the hard work put in to date.
unsubscribed from Now Tv – shame
its a soap opera. Maybe the book does it justice but HBO does not.
The show is ruined and not sure I will watch any longer.
I agree! I am shocked and dissapointed they changed such a strong and beautiful actress for one who looks sooo different, not good. The princess now has 4 children? They aged the king-why not his daughter?
And the queen and Rhaenyras husband looks like different actor too?
Bad idea HBO and disrespects its audience.
Wow!! How disappointing. After spending half our time trying to figure out who the new people were we ask why? Completely ruined it for us. We grew attached to the “old” cast and are so cheesed off we won’t bother continuing now.
yep exactly i feel like this cant have been made on purpose i see no reason to take such a risk.
it brings nothing but confusion and disappointment and as you said people dont even change that much visually in the 20-30 years range, i tried to watch that episode 6 but i just couldnt. nothing made sense as you said how is Ser Christian Cole not decapitated is beyond me. anyway for me it really ruined it hard and i wont be watching the rest.
Warning: Spoilers for those that haven’t read the books.
The actress that played the young Rhaenyra did a really good job. And one issue there, in my opinion, is that it seems like the actress playing the adult actress didn’t study how the younger actress interpreted the character. It’s like whiplash with how different their interpretations are. Another problem with the age issue is another CONSTANT GoT universe pitfall is that the writers and show runners need to learn that you can’t make changes in a vacuum. For example, Ser Christian Cole sleeping with Rhaenyra instead of Alicent (like what happens in the books) changes much more than just that one event. It’s an important backstory element that is taken out and so some of the characters’ motivations, actions, and thought processes would have changed.
There is also still the MAJOR plot hole of Ser Christian Cole still being around at all. It worked in the books because he was made Lord Commander of the Kingsguard BEFORE the wedding. The death of Joffrey (Laenor’s lover) worked in the books because it happened during a tournament and could be ruled as an accident. That is when Alicent more or less rescues him (he also didn’t sleep with Rhaenyra, at least not factually). If he had just murdered Joffrey in cold blood at the wedding like that before his promotion, there’s NO WAY he would get out of that alive let alone promoted. You think the Velareons, the 2nd most powerful family, would spare some no name knight that murdered one of their vassals? That it wouldn’t be a massive scandal for him to become Alicent’s guard afterwards? Please. It’s another example of the writers changing one thing and then going back to the source material without considering how their revisions change things. And furthermore, the actual scandal was that it was supposedly Daemon (in the show) that Rhaenyra slept with. Alicent never got confirmation of that. Instead she plots the downfall of Rhaenyra with the very person she slept with? I don’t think so. Not at that point.
As far as how it looks, again, it’s the ages of the characters that are off. They are too old to have their faces change so drastically. Timeline wise, Rhaenyra is married at 17, so the 10 year time skip would make her 27. The new actress does NOT look remotely close to 27. The actress that played the younger version looks closer to it and could easily play that age with the right makeup. Visually, you just don’t change that much during those years. I think if they wanted to do the actor change, they should have had an even younger actress play Rhaenyra in the first few episodes and then do the switch to Milly/young Rhaenyra after the 4 year skip when Daemon returned. Instead they cast a 22 year old to play an 8 – 17 year old and a 30 something to play a 20 something.
Overall, it feels more like a recast than a necessary cast change.
Exactly how I viewed it!
SPOT ON! You nailed it! I felt everything you said to the t….
Exactly how I viewed it!