They say that friendship is the source of the greatest pleasure; without friends, the most fun you can have becomes tedious. We all need a buddy and someone we can relate to. Who does Superman relate to? Who is Clark Kent’s best friend? Is it Jimmy Olsen, Pete Ross, or is Batman Superman’s best friend?
Pete Ross

Pete’s standing is minor in the comics these days. He was president briefly, married Lana Lang and had two kids with her. Sadly, Pete and Lana divorced because Pete felt he was Lana’s second choice, unable to climb out of Clark’s shadow.
The older comics are where Pete and Clark were bosom buddies. Pete was the guy who helped Clark keep his identity secret when, as Superboy, he was required to save someone. Clark could depend on his buddy Pete to distract people and make up a story that acts as a cover for Clark. When Clark moved to Metropolis to start working at the Daily Planet, he and Pete were still close but weren’t spending as much time together.
Naturally, they didn’t hang out as much, each bearing the brunt of adult responsibilities. Friends from childhood often drift apart as they change and morph into different individuals now that they’re older. Pete was more of a friend for Clark in his younger years, but they still share a strong bond. Growing up together in Smallville and having adventures with one another fostered a deep friendship that will always be shared between them.
Jimmy Olsen

Tagged as Superman’s best pal, Jimmy Olsen is Clark’s colleague at the Daily Planet and, some argue, his closest friend. The bromance between Superman and Olsen goes back to the early days of the comics. Yes, Lois is Clark’s one true love, but Superman has a unique and special bond with Jimmy that neither Lois nor anyone can deny.
Jimmy is like a younger brother to Clark. Jimmy looks up to and admires Clark and is willing to do anything for his friend. Jimmy’s closeness to Clark is due to working closely together at the Daily Planet but more so because Jimmy is like Superman’s sidekick. In the older comics, Jimmy was intimately involved in Superman’s crime-fighting exploits, and this tag team made them share a bond with the Man of Steel that few could enjoy.
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Batman and Superman

Modern comics frame Superman’s best friend as Batman (I mean they do both have a mother named Martha). It should be remembered that comics were read by a much broader audience in the past, and the vast majority of that audience were young boys. Publishers placed characters like Jimmy and Pete in the middle of the action, working closely with Superman or Superboy.
Jimmy and Pete are characters that the reader can identify with vicariously. As readership dropped and comics were read more by older audiences, less emphasis was placed on Jimmy or Pete. Batman replaced these others as Superman’s bestie, even if their friendship wasn’t always explicitly emphasised or mentioned.
Opposites Attract

There are moments in the comic books, as in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, when Superman and Batman are not very close. Their contrasting worldviews and methods are a source of friction between one another. As individuals, they seem so different from each other. Superman is easygoing, optimistic and friendly, whereas Batman is grumpy, sullen and not easy to approach or work alongside.
The friction between The World’s Finest is only skin deep. Despite having different temperaments and personalities, they share a common goal to keep citizens safe, even though their methods don’t always align. Batman understands the pressure and difficulties Superman faces more than anyone else. Both are orphans who become saviours, larger-than-life characters few can relate to. It’s lonely at the top, and Batman is one of the few friends who can understand Superman and relate to his struggles as a hero.
Batman’s cynical and darker outlook on humanity (which probably comes from losing his parents, Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne) prevents him from being awed by Superman (who was raised by farmers named Jonathan and Martha Kent). He secretly admires Superman and wishes he could be as open and humble as the Man of Steel. Still, Batman doesn’t get caught in Superman’s magnificence, and this ability to criticise Clark’s actions and motives allows for a more profound friendship built on honesty and frankness, fostering their strong bond.
While these two crime fighters are vastly different and don’t always see eye to eye. They respect one another, and because they understand where the other comes from in their motives and actions and can be critical toward one another, they share a closeness as good friends – even when they are competing for the love of Wonder Woman or Lois Lane and protecting the DC Universe from each other, the Justice League and others.
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What do you think? Is Batman Superman’s best friend? Should Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne even be friends?