If James Gunn is looking for an older actor to play Batman in the DCU, there’s really only one really good choice: Jim Caviezel.
A New Batman For The DCU
We’re still over a year away from James Gunn’s DCU revival, but expectations are already soaring high. With Superman heralding a new era for DC’s live-action cinematic universe, the Man of Steel finally gets the solo entry he deserves after more than a decade since Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.
As excited as we are for David Corenswet to don the iconic red and blue suit, there’s been a deafening silence regarding the remaining Gunn’s Justice League members. With Ben Affleck and the rest of the Snyderverse out of DC’s future plans, the quest for a new Justice League is on – and no iteration of the legendary superhero team would be complete without its own (extremely cool and brooding) Dark Knight.
A hefty chunk of online fans has already cast their votes for the next Batman. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Reacher‘s towering Alan Ritchson is the favourite actor to play the Caped Crusader in future instalments. With his impressive physique, DC pedigree, and stoic approach to action, Ritchson would undoubtedly deliver one of the best on-screen interpretations of Batman we’ve witnessed in years. However, we shouldn’t forget the man under the cowl.
Finding The Perfect Bruce Wayne

One of the most compelling aspects of Batman’s character is Bruce Wayne. Though usually overshadowed by his larger-than-life alter-ego, Gotham’s most powerful billionaire is a completely different character with a unique set of fears and hopes that give him a human edge over the Dark Knight. As the comics have shown, Bruce Wayne is Batman’s disguise and not the other way around.
Live-action (and sometimes even animated or comic book) takes on Batman usually gloss over Bruce Wayne, focusing more on the cool gadgets and the broody nature of the Dark Knight. However, if James Gunn has taught us anything with his approach to the DCU so far – and with Guardians of the Galaxy to a certain extent – it is that the man loves classic comic book tropes.
For that reason, whoever plays Batman next should also deliver a legendary Bruce Wayne if the DCU wants to have any lasting power – and that’s precisely why Jim Caviezel would be an amazing pick for the character.
After portraying Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ, Caviezel has proved that he’s more than ready to tackle dramatic roles that demand the actor to show himself as vulnerable. Add to that his outstanding performance in Sound of Freedom, and you’ve got yourself an actor with a versatility most of Hollywood would die for.
Jim Caviezel Has Played Bruce Wayne Before… Kind Of
For those who don’t know, Person of Interest was basically a Batman story (with a few minor differences).
Created by Jonathan Nolan, the brother of the man who revolutionised the Batman franchise, it follows two main characters, Finch (Michael Emerson) and Reese (Jim Caviezel), as they attempt to rid the city of future crimes, police corruption and the mob. Reese prefers not to kill people and is exceptionally skilled in close hand-to-hand combat. Michael Emerson (who voiced The Joker in DC’s Dark Knight Returns) plays the role of Finch – a tech-savvy hacker and mission coordinator.
Stop me if this story sounds familiar!
On many occasions, we have Reese assume other identities to solve a crime, something that Bruce Wayne did a lot in his early career as Batman. There is also a bit of detective work in each episode, and Reese uses gadgets and weaponry to bring criminals to their knees. Truly, the main difference here is only that Reese doesn’t wear a mask, and Finch is the billionaire instead.
Caviezel’s unarmed combat shines through in this series. The fight scenes are often gritty, calculated, and brutal—just the way Batman likes it.
Why Jim Caviezel Probably Won’t Play Batman

There’s only one issue: Jim Caviezel is over twenty years older than David Corenswet. Still, this wouldn’t be the first time Batman and Superman show a clear age difference, seeing as Ben Affleck was a decade older than Henry Cavill in the Snyderverse.
If anything, the age gap would allow Gunn to introduce Caviezel’s Batman as an older and wiser figure in the Justice League – a role that the Caped Crusader frequently plays in the comics.
With Caviezel – an accomplished dramatic actor – at the helm of the new Justice League, this upcoming iteration of the DCU would have found an appropriate leader in the positively brooding and emotionally distant kind of character Caviezel has demonstrated a knack for playing.
More than anything, Jim Caviezel would be the most unexpected choice the DCU could pick for an action lead like Batman. If what Gunn is looking for is the chance to introduce a cinematic universe like any other, then Jim Caviezel is the Batman we all need.
Tell us, would you like to see Jim Caviezel as Batman?
I would think he would make an amazing Batman.
He was good has Johon Reese
I have a better idea. find a damn Batman and stick with him. .for crying out loud, how many are we on now.. its getting stupid
I always liked Karl Urban for BW/Batman.
Love Caveziel. But I’m thinking this is not something he wants to take on. But he does have the cool factor thing going on.
He’d be the second actor to play Batman after playing Christ.
Because he was Jesus.
Rachel Kuntz, David DiDonato..what do ya’ think???
I like him in passion of the Christ
He literally played Batman on person on interest and they played on it on the show. Great actor and great choice if he was an option.
Why not….Let’s see if “lightening strikes twice”….
What? …..Bad joke?
The worst part is that not enough will understand the reference!
God, I hope not….. ;)
….That’s 2…..
Shall I keep going? :D
Jesus is Batman lol
Waaay better than Gyllenhaal.
Aaaand cue the “Batman is Jesus” bs
It could work.
It could work.
Kevin Porter would be awesome.
Kevin Porter would be awesome.
No. Please. Affleck has done enough damage. Don’t ruin the rest of The Bat for us
Not a good enough actor. Just because they used Affleck doesn’t mean that opens the doors for other bad actors.
I think they should reboot or kill batman and bring nightwing or something else…
JIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I want to see him as batman! The perfectest choice is him!
Slate The Last Jedi then back on Batman.
Difference is Affleck is a good Batman. Johnson has no idea what Star Wars is! In the words of Schwarzenegger… “STOP IT!” AND… “SHHUUUT UP! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!”
he really would be the man in the suit then!!
Ray Stevenson would be my pick, great versatile actor and suits an older looking Batman type..
LOVED him as Dagonet and as Porthos!
Kill The Irishman was a brilliant piece of work from him also
Person of Interest was a Nolan serious based on the TDK tech turned into a serial. He’s TV Batman at best.
Person of Interest was a Nolan serious based on the TDK tech turned into a serial. He’s TV Batman at best.
Kids are now doing the jenkem challenge
Bulk up more than Michael Keaton?
Bulk up more than Michael Keaton?
He would be a great Batman. I still think that if they are doing older Batman they need to get Micheal Keaton back and if they do yournger they should find and unknown and make him famous.
He would be a great Batman. I still think that if they are doing older Batman they need to get Micheal Keaton back and if they do yournger they should find and unknown and make him famous.
Vin Diesel??
Vin Diesel??
He was good in person of interest, good at brooding and being dangerous, just not sure if he could emote Wayne’s lighter cover image, but it’s not like Affleck was either.
He was good in person of interest, good at brooding and being dangerous, just not sure if he could emote Wayne’s lighter cover image, but it’s not like Affleck was either.
He’s overlooked for a reason: he’s a mediocre actor at best
He’s overlooked for a reason: he’s a mediocre actor at best
i liked him in person of interest, just probably have to go the way they did with ben afflack in batman get a body double for the guy in the suit scenes
i liked him in person of interest, just probably have to go the way they did with ben afflack in batman get a body double for the guy in the suit scenes
I wouldn’t mind seeing him as the next Batman once Affleck is done playing the role. I think he’s an awesome actor (loved him in Person of Interest), and I think he could pull off the role.
Should of nabbed him when he was younger.
For the first time….I agree with you Fortress of Solitude
Muhammad Ali probably too tall but would be an interesting choice…
They can give it a try.?
Can we get a Batman in his prime??
Can we get someone younger please
batmans in his late 30s early 40s lol wtf r u talking aboit stick to night wing. there is no young batman earliest you would see him is 35 with robbin
Batman trained till he was 19 then started as Batman then he felt he wasn’t good enough.
Then he trained again till he was 26 , at which point he thought “do I really need to be Batman ? I could have a life “but that I deal didn’t go so well as his love life broke into pieces and crime on Gotham only got worse. Be became proper Batman at 27 , He found Robin a year later and Batgirl 2 years later , Dick left when he was about 32, he found Jason the same year , he had Jason for 4 years until he died , then he got Tim when he was 38/39, and bunch of Batgirls in the middle along with a few other ones.
He found Damien at 44 ish.
Read stories.
Read stories careful and note time jumps
I think he would make a great Batman
I can see
I don’t understand why there is so much talk of the next batman. Has Ben Affleck said he isn’t going to continue in the role?
I haven’t seen justice league yet, so avoid spoilers if need be, but loved him in BvS.
He’s made several mentions of leaving the DCEU. Many speculate it’s because of how WB is handling the films.
I could live with that
I read somewhere (unsure of the realibilty) that it was going to be an even swap like nothing ever happened when he leaves, no timeline malfunction or anything which toootally bums me out. Just let him mess with the timeline ?
Affleck repeatedly said that he’s not leaving the Batman role as he said he loved playing the character. However, he did say he was unsure about The Batman film.
Jim proves he can throw it down in each episode of Person of Interest, let’s see what Affleck does…he is going to be the World’s Greates Detective but he could not outsmart his wife in Gone Girl…
Also for the nay-sayers, look at Hugh Jackman, he still looks the same as wolverine and still gets physical. Age is just a number, health is the biggest factor
He doesn’t even need to change his voice to talk like Batman!
Snyder is potentially looking at Frank Miller’s the dark knight returns, which has a bruce wayne past his 50’s returning to fight crime. I think Jim Caviezel will be perfect, he looks like someone with life experience. plus, in the right light he could pass as an older Bale.
IMO, Caviezel would have been PERFECT to play Captain Marvel/Shazam about 8 years ago when that movie was gaining some steam before falling into development hell. But I don’t know if I can picture him as Batman, though. If they are going to do DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, they should bring back Keaton. Otherwise, for a mid-30s Batman in his prime, I’m backing Wes Bentley.
Well they are looking for an older Batman for the upcoming film, right now they are considering my second choice; Josh Brolin: but I would still prefer that they cast Jim
Jim is TOO old for the role.
Won´t happen
And that teaser perfectly displayed why he would work. When he said my family is dead, he sounded like kevin conroy almost.
Funny story. The man who plays superman, played jim caviezel’s son in The count of monte cristo. Anyways i think caviezel would be perfect.
It’s absurd to say that Jim is old for being a hero, If we talk about being old then what you will say about Robert Downey?He is 48 and still a superhero…
Jim should be the perfect choice for Batman…
Jim as Batman is spot on
Here’s the thing…I think JC is already playing Batman, if you know what I mean. And Sara Shahi is Robin.
I would love to see Jim Caviezel as Batman. He seems like the right guy for the job.
I do not want to see Michael as Bruce for the same reason I do not want to see Karl Urban as Bruce, they have characters that they already portray and do well. I prefer it when an actor becomes the character and sees it through.
Personally I am still unsure about the whole VS idea, I am not saying Batman must kick Superman’s butt then offer him life lessons. I just think the notion of Superman getting guidance from an experienced hero would be cool. I am still hoping there are other villains like maybe Lex trying to drag Clarke to the Dark side whilst the Dark Knight is guiding him to be the hero Jor-El wanted him to be.
One interesting side note Jim Caviezel and Henry Cavill (Superman) were in the Count of Monte Cristo together, Caviezel being the father and Cavill his son. That may be fitting if they choose to take the route that an experienced Batman imprints wisdom of being a super hero onto a younger Clark Kent.
Good good getre: Caviezel & Cavill – was flipping through channels a few months ago & that scene in Count of Monte Cristo was on. And based on reading the [above] feature piece & comments – I’d be glad to see Jim back on the big screen as Wayne/Batman. He’s got the gravitas & the skill set.
I agree. Pity he didn’t get a shot.
Thank you! I’ve been saying that Person of Interest is a clever reworking of Batman since it premiered. The Machine is just like the mass-cellphone-surveillance network from the Dark Knight taken to the Nth degree. Great show that more people need to pay attention to.
What you said.
Great Article!
Wow what an awesome idea! Jim Caviezel would be perfect! Absolutely perfect! He’s got the look and face of someone as stirred up on the inside as Batman/Bruce Wayne and his voice is awesome! He could easily do the Christopher Reeve-Kevin Conroy voice trick by using his real voice for the hero character but speak in a nicer higher pitch for the character in disguise while handling business as Bruce Wayne.
“Batman guiding Superman” however is a horrible awful idea. DC has it right finally and if they miss the chance to truly establish Superman at the top of Super Hero mountain above all others on his own, then they can kiss their cinematic universe goodbye.
If Batman “humbles” or kicks Superman’s ass in his own movie and “sets him straight” then being the grand hero he is means nothing and the fans will just give up.
Spot on … Jim deserves the role he’s brilliant in Person of Interest
I totally agree, Jim Caviezel will rock as Batman, and he is doing a perfect job as Mr. Reese in POI, solid choice.
No one wants to see Magneto (Michael Fassbender) becoming Batman
Many people would love to see Fassbender as Batman.
You don´t know what you´re talking about.
And Jim is too old for Bruce/Batman. Not going to happen.
No one wants to see Magneto (Michael Fassbender) becoming Batman
Many many people(including me)WANTS to see Fassbender as Batman.
You really don´t know what you´re talking about.
Forget Fassbender, I’m getting sick and tired of Brit actors taking over our American superheroes. Nothing against the Brits, great actors but I’d like to see some more authenticity. Jason Bateman or Bradley Cooper would be good picks.
Jim caviezel for batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!