Is it really all that far-fetched to think that John Carter could be getting a sequel on Disney’s streaming platform? A John Carter 2 movie isn’t the most ridiculous thing ever, right?
The Box-Office Bomb
Movie buffs and film historians alike are fascinated by the idea of box-office bombs—doubly so when a movie has everything going for it to become a massive blockbuster. In 2012, John Carter became Disney’s latest release, which was almost entirely absorbed in its massively popular Marvel Cinematic Universe.
A new sci-fi adventure based on a series of novels by Tarzan writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter aimed to become an epic trilogy that would earn the House of Mouse a couple of billions more in box-office returns. What they got instead was one of the most spectacular flops in recent movie history.
It’s safe to say that John Carter failed to captivate its prospective fans – at least in the way the producers expected. Contrary to some of the most notable box-office flops of the past, John Carter didn’t become some sort of cult classic a decade after its failed theatre release.
A John Carter Sequel

Nobody mentions the movie these days, let alone the possibility of seeing John Carter 2. However, Disney seems to be taking some risks with its trailblazing streaming service, Disney+. From reboots of long-abandoned projects to unexpected sequels and re-imaginings of some of the most beloved franchises released by the Walt Disney Company over the years, Disney+ has given new life to some franchises that everyone thought were gone for good.
Again, is it really all that far-fetched to think that the science fiction action film directed by Andrew Stanton could be getting a sequel on Disney’s streaming platform? Well, perhaps, but it wouldn’t be as unthinkable as it might seem, considering that the basis for a new trilogy was already penned all the way back in 2012.
Plans For John Carter 2

The first – and so far only – movie in the series, 2012’s John Carter, was just the beginning of Carter’s adventures, according to director Andrew Stanton. The director of Wall-E and Finding Nemo had plans for so much more to happen after the events of the first movie, but, as we know, the movie’s disappointing box-office performance – especially compared to The Avengers, a movie that Disney released on the same year – would lead to a cancellation of Stanton’s trilogy plans.
Stanton had planned that John Carter’s sequel would be titled Gods of Mars. On the film’s tenth anniversary, the director revealed some plot elements that would make the sequel much more ambitious than its predecessor – something that just wouldn’t fly nowadays, considering the reputation of the first movie.
All things considered, and with the power of hindsight on our side, the film didn’t deserve all the bad rap it got. Perhaps the only mistake that the movie made was trying to break away from the mould, especially at a time when The Walt Disney Company was in the process of becoming the Marvel factory.
The movie’s failure spearheaded a new era in film history: the era of “playing it safe.” Movies now felt like they were made by consensus, with the more unique ideas being utterly destroyed at the box office. All of this doesn’t mean that there’s now a better chance of getting a John Carter 2, not even in Disney+, but there are more ways to make a sequel these days than just a movie.
We could be getting the sequel to John Carter that’s long been rumoured, only that, thanks to Disney+’s diverse content, the trilogy could become an animated series instead. Maybe the John Carter sequel was designed to be made in the shape of a What If…? episode.
Tell us, do you want a John Carter 2, or would you prefer a reboot?
John Carter |
Transported to Barsoom, a Civil War vet discovers a barren planet seemingly inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Woola and a princess in desperate need of a savior. |
![]() |
Studio: Walt Disney Studios |
Running Time: 132 minutes |
Release Date: March 9, 2012 |
Cast: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Morton, Willem Dafoe, Thomas Haden Church, Mark Strong, Ciarán Hinds, Dominic West, Bryan Cranston, |
Director: Andrew Stanton |
Writers: Andrew Stanton, Mark Andrews, Michael Chabon |
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi |
Box Office: $284.1 million |
I have seen all the twilight movies and I need more. You owe your fans this. I can watch these movies all day and never get bored. Let’s get this started.
Yes! Make John Carter 2. I loved the books when I was a teenager. John Carter was the kind of character that grew on you. I missed its debut but have watched it many times since and want to see more. Definitely make number 2!!
I would love to have a sequel of John Carter! Until today is one of my favorite movie and could rewatched it all the time! I still have hopes of this movie of making a sequel.
Yes! This is a family favorite! Bring it back please!
first off john carter was awesome. second disney does a lot right over the years but they did not promote this at all and any failure was on them. What are we on now star wars 50????lol! john carter is every bit as good as that and then some. There is something like 18 edgar rice burroughs stories on mars isn’t there???? c’mon someone make these movies. maybe just don’t try and compete with marvel or other franchises and release at same time.
I don’t know why after the 10th anniversary of it,I am missing it madly..Again I haven’t read the book that’s why I am being more curious about it.Eagerly waiting to see the same star cast in the same story line…
Jonh Carter is a movie and has a history much better than the history of the galaxy guardians, for example.
Jonh carter 2 is a must. The movie industry on the past few years relly on the avengers series and the public deserve much more than this.
The history of jonh carter is simply beautiful. The effects were amazing and everything was great. Its a great movie and deserves a continuation and with the same actors.
If the disney make jonh carter 2 and think every well in tge timing to release it, and make a propper promotion on the disney +, google and other medias, i am SURE it is gonna be a HUGE sucess!
I loved this movie, it has no flaws, everything on the history is perfect written to make the espectator immersed on the history, and is a shame we dont get a continuation.
This movie and the actors who made the first movie definitely deserves a sequel.
Greetings from Brazil
Wish there was a part two for this
A excellent film from beginning to end with a great respect for Edgar Rice Burroughs’ work with this faithful adaptation. This film has ALWAYS been underrated and undeservedly so…
YES……to more sequels….!!
Yes I really liked that movie. I waited for 2 for a few years and was disappointed that it didn’t happen. With the avengers all sewn up. Ppl would def watch the sequel.
This movie was so underrated. I would love a sequel and see what happens when he returns to Barsoom (aka Mars). Such a great movie. I’ve seen it at least 10 times and will most definitely watch it again and again.
I have watched John Carter at least 6 times and the last time I introduced it to my grandson. And seeing his eyes light up from the creatures and landscapes was like seeing it for the first time!! Please make the sequel’s
I, for one, loved this movie… I’ve watched it several times and cannot fathom why it was a flop at the box office…it just doesn’t make any sense.
As for a sequel? bring it on!
A series? 100% yes!
I absolutely loved the movie John Carter [on Mars]!!! It was a rip-roaring rollercoaster ride of action and fun and Taylor Kitsch was amazing and funny as Hell. And I loved the aliens!!! That it “flopped” makes no sense. I get the feeling certain people wanted it to fail and bad-mouthed it everywhere. Kitsch got a raw deal. He should feel proud of the movie. It must have been hard to film. Sequels? YES!! And starring the same people if possible. I’ve watched it 3 times. And will watch it every time it comes on TV. Its just a fun feel good movie!
Have always loved this movie. Would love if they released a 2nd
I have always adored this film. I caught it multiple times in the theater when it first released and have rewatched it at least a dozen times in the past decade. JC is a wonderful film and flopped so tragically due to the horrible job that was made in promoting it. Everything about how that film was promoted was wrong. That has always been where the mistake lies. John Carter is a live-action trilogy that desperately needs to be finished.
I couldn’t agree more with you. Loved the film, and I have watched this many MANY times! Poorly promoted so the audience didn’t know what they were walking into! Definitely would love to see the sequels and, ideally, with the same cast too!
John Carter is one of my favorite movies, i have watched it over and over again, i have envisioned and anticipated a part 2 to it. If i already was a billionaire, i would have sponsored the part 2 of the movie. I hope they consider doing it soon.
I watched John Carter many times and I love watching it everytime. It has a great story, emotions, wars everything. It is much better than present Marvel series. I really wish someday remaining parts will come to the screen. And No ANIMATED Pls.
Yes another movie live action same actors!!!!
Who will pledge their metal to mine???
Yes yes thereneeds tobe a 2nd film
Yes yes needs to be a 2nd one
Yes please do make a sequel.I love the movie I have watched it so many times,It’s one of my favorite movies.
That movie was awesome and received such an unwarranted bad rap.
Yes yes there needs to be a 2nd film please hurry and make it
I love the movie I have watched it so many times and never get bored of watching it , would love for them to make the John Carter 2 Xxx
Tutta la storia e la scrittura meritavano un sequel, il personaggio di john È piu di un supereroe marvelliano! anche una sola serie Tv una sola stagione basterebbe a colmare il vuoto creato!
Yes, been hoping for a sequel for years
Yes, been hoping for a sequel for years
Absolutely yes. Please!!!
Bill Skarsgard as Carter and it will be the hit follow up the first movie deserves. The Adventures of John Carter is a must! Not shooting it live-action would be a huge mistake. John Carter is a modern take on Superman with all the glory of Indiana Jones and Flash Gordon combined. #Disney NEEDS to do the remaining two movies. Because it would not only revive the old already paid for movie, it would build a new series for a new audience. I love the John Carter movie because it is intelligent. The character is smart and the story is intriguing. It’s everything Marvel isn’t, and we need it now. Badly. So it’s a yes from me on John Carter 2 and 3 – and more!
A Princess of Mars was released before 21 years before the first Superman comic was. John Carter is older than all of that and cannot be considered a modern take on Superman, Indiana Jones or Flash Gordon. If anything is a more modern take, it’s all of them that are a more modern take on John Carter’s story.
Absolutely yes…my husband and I revisit this movie regularly…..please finish the stories….YES to sequels ??
That movie was awesome and received such an unwarranted bad rap. When it was released I think people just didn’t quite get what it was about. The advertising needed more context. Whatever you do, PLEASE don’t run with animation. It deserves to be continued in the same form it began and with some luck, the same actors.
I enjoyed John Carter immensely. Rather than a movies sequel I can envisage the original movies redone as a series (6-10 episodes) with the remaining trilogy as the same being done as series 2 & 3.
Would love to see the sequels. Let’s do it, Disney+! John Carter better than Star wars! I loved it! Cheers from Hungary!
Without a shadow of a doubt yes! The movie was great with some great special effects even compared to movies in 2022. The story was well portrayed in my opinion with great fight scenes (though I wish there was more of). All the same the movie was well put together and is perfect for all members of the family! Would love to see SOMEONE put together the rest of the story WITH the original cast considering nothing destroys a sequel like character changes in my opinion!
Yes please do make a sequel. I have actually thought one has to come out, to make such a great movie not have a sequel would be a waste not only to the movie but, I can guarantee that there is not one person who has watched the movie that was not wondering what happened after he returned, after disappearing without his wife’s knowing. What happened in his absence or what happens when he comes back after 10 years? And to have a great female professor on Mars how does that not empower women, nomatter the name. Please bring this movie back I have watched it countless times. Hoping disney+ brings greatness as a sequel would catch everyone’s interest as did the first movie.
I just watched John again with my grandkids. They love it. They ask me about a sequel. I soo wish we could journey with John Carter again. Amazing story !!!!
You can revisit the story and even complete it. Read the books to them. They are quite engaging.
NO! Absolutely not. John Carter deserved to flop. It’s a horrible adaption of a great book. Andrew Stanton and his ginormous ego destroyed a great opportunity to pay homage to Edgar Rice Burroughs and make a great movie as well. But he didn’t he made an awful movie and I hope it never gets a sequel.
What it needs is a complete re-boot with a new cast and a new director maybe even a different studio.
Thankfully, your opinion is way into the minority and couldn’t be further from the truth…
Bring it back!!!
ABSOLUTELY! JOHN CARTER was the best sci-fi movue in years. Cast and director are the best!!!
Disney’s error in 2012 was in its choice of title. John Carter, to the average person, has no meaning. Using the correct title, A Princess of Mars, would have emphasised its strong female lead and would almost certainly have gotten a mixed and, therefore, larger audience.
Would love to see the sequels. Let’s do it, Disney+! Before we (eventually) burn out on all the Star Wars and Marvel series!
I just watched it yesterday. It’s one of my favorite movies!
I thought the movie was a lot of fun (I was a huge fan of the books growing up). I think some Disney infighting tanked the marketing. I would love to see a sequel
I always enjoyed it. I always said it was a victim of its own legacy. Half the stuff they put on screen was stuff that inspired a lot of other sci-fi scenes. But again. I enjoyed it. I’d watch a sequel
I really like it and my father loves it!! We’d both live to see sequels.
I liked the film! I’ve watched it at least 3 times and enjoyed it. I suspect it did poorly because of the title and that the audience simply didn’t know what it was and what it was about.
Anyone that had read the books, the first of which was released 95 years before the movie came out, knew exactly what it was about.
John Carter was freaking amazing!! There’s plenty of people out there that wanted a sequel!! That movie suffered from severe advertising neglect!! I’m stoked!!
I thoroughly enjoyed John Carter, the first movie. I’ve watched it a couple of times. Yes, make the sequel.
Absolutely yes to the sequel!
Yeah boiiiii
Yeah boiiiiii