The brief Yoda cameo at the end of The Acolyte hints at the possibility of the wise Jedi Master becoming the focus of the story in season 2. As fascinating as it sounds, that introduces a complex series of hurdles The Acolyte season 2 will have to avoid if it wishes to avoid the ire of die-hard Star Wars fans.
The Acolyte

As divisive as it was, The Acolyte completely restructured crucial elements from the Star Wars mythos. This new take on the High Republic era came with noticeable changes to the long-standing Star Wars continuity. From altering the origins of Force conception to introducing the first on-screen appearance of Darth Plagueis, The Acolyte could herald a new age for Star Wars.
However, The Acolyte had one last surprise ready for die-hard fans. In the final episode, there’s a brief but significant cameo by none other than Master Yoda (one of the most powerful Star Wars characters) himself. He welcomes Vernestra Rwoh, as it seems the two Jedi have much to discuss. This fateful encounter could potentially alter how fans see Yoda’s character in The Phantom Menace, as the Jedi Master has probably already heard about the unexpected return of the Sith.
The Acolyte has proved challenging for Disney. While it tried to include a renewed mythology into the world of George Lucas’ Star Wars, fans weren’t entirely convinced by the many changes introduced in The Acolyte. Still, knowing Disney, a second season – or at least a continuation – must be on the horizon. Even after showrunner Leslye Headland mentioned she “Doesn’t know” if there will be an Acolyte season 2, Disney might want to follow this storyline in some capacity.
The Sith Timeline Paradox

The Phantom Menace establishes the Jedi had not faced a Sith Lord in a thousand years. By the time the Confederacy of Independent Systems declares war on the Republic, the Sith have become almost a fairy tale for the inhabitants of this far, far away galaxy.
However, if The Acolyte season 2 reveals Yoda knew of Sith activity a century before The Phantom Menace, that radically changes his role in the Prequel Trilogy. For starters, Yoda would have been much more receptive to Qui-Gon’s warnings, not to mention how alert he’d be around Palpatine.
Return Of The Prophecy

Since The Acolyte appears to be a tool to introduce more lore into Disney’s vision for Star Wars, a second season would likely deal with the fabled prophecy at the centre of the Skywalker Saga. After all, most of the show’s first season focused on the primary elements of the prophecy – namely how the coven could create life through the Force, and how Plagueis could eventually disrupt the balance by attempting to seize such power.
Something to keep in mind is that while the Jedi had not come into contact with the Sith for one millennium, that doesn’t mean the Dark Side users were extinct. Plagueis and Sidious were active even before the events of The Phantom Menace, and knowing how illustrious Master Yoda is, it would be no surprise if the next season focuses on his confrontations – physical or otherwise – with Darth Plagueis.
In any case, we’ll have to wait until Disney reveals their plans for The Acolyte. Even if they decide to turn it into a single-season miniseries, we’ll more than likely see a “Master Yoda” series in the same vein as Obi-Wan Kenobi sometime in the future.
Tell us, would you like to see Yoda in season 2 of The Acolyte?