What is the last thing you expect to happen on a movie night while you’re munching on some popcorn and preparing to immerse yourself in the world of superheroes and villains? What about Jesus—yes, the Messiah—himself sitting down to watch The Avengers with you? While this may sound unbelievably strange to many, for Micah Turnbo (@beholdwonder), a seer prophet and the founder of Behold Wonder, this was an eye-opening experience.
Now, when it comes to those who claim to have had too-good-to-be-true supernatural encounters, I’m just as sceptical as the next guy. But Micah, who is also the pastor of prophetic ministry at Vineyard Church Northwest in Cincinnati, Ohio, has shared an incredible experience that I’m sure most people would love to have for themselves: seeing Avengers: Infinity War with Jesus himself. And yes, it is the same Jesus from the Bible, just to be clear one final time.
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In his account of the events, Micah recalls waking up one morning to a divine request. He heard the Lord say, “Take me to see ‘Avengers: Infinity War.” Thinking that God would be with him only in spirit, Micah chose an 11 AM screening in the hopes of having a peaceful theatre experience.
Micah took his seat and prepared to dive into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, armed with all the necessary movie supplies, including buttery popcorn and surely a large drink to wash down all the salty bliss. But as the opening credits rolled, a man wearing white socks, sandals, pants, and a tucked-in Spider-Man T-shirt entered with a pretty big drink and decided to sit directly beside him.
Now, anyone who has ever been to watch a movie in a theatre knows that there’s one unspoken rule: do not sit right next to someone if there are plenty of empty seats available. Yet despite being irritated, Micah dismissed it and chose to concentrate on enjoying the film.
But things got much more interesting when the “friendly stranger” decided to help himself to some of Micah’s popcorn. Micah, irritated, moved his snack to the other side. Yet during the film, his new “friend” continued to infringe on his movie-watching experience by offering unsolicited commentary. Throughout the movie, the man kept commenting, “Oh, I love this part!” and while Micah admitted he does the very same thing, experiencing it from another person was, admittedly, irritating.
Most of us would have probably moved to a different seat by then, but whether it was curiosity or the intention to avoid confrontation, Micah decided to stay put and endure the unwelcome interruptions for the remainder of the movie. Either way, the situation certainly made for an interesting movie night.
When the film ended, the man got up, turned to Micah, and said, “I love this movie. It’s amazing. I just wish Christians believed in who they are—like these superheroes, like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man. If only they believed in the power inside them.”
For Micah, who is a Christian and a superhero lover, this was more than enough to get him excited to finally engage with the man, agreeing that superheroes remind believers of their purpose and strength.
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Ready to put the movie experience behind him and start a discussion, he held out his hand and introduced himself, “My name’s Micah.” However, what transpired next is mind-boggling, to say the least. After shaking his hand, the man replied, “My name is Jesus.” Then, suddenly, he was gone, leaving Micah alone and stunned in the movie theatre. The man’s cup even fell to the ground! That would have been enough to have anyone shook.
Trying to make sense of everything that had just happened to him, Micah remembered seeing the man in the queue earlier, talking to others. And he had to ask, “Lord, was that really You?” as I’m sure any of us would do.
In response, Micah felt reminded of the scripture where Jesus walked with disciples on the road, and they didn’t recognise Him until later. He sensed Jesus conveying, “Micah, I do this all the time. I’m not locked in heaven—I’m always on the Earth. People interact with Me all the time, and they don’t even know it.”
Reflecting on the incident with podcast host Taylor Welch, he mused, “Bruh, I didn’t share my popcorn with Jesus.” He resolved, “Next time, Lord, I’ll do better. Just… give me a heads-up next time.
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So there you have it. The next time you go to the theatre to see your favourite movie, make sure to be aware of (and perhaps even polite to) any unexpected guests who may be sitting a little bit too close to you. Who knows, Jesus might be right beside you, waiting for some popcorn.
Of course, it’s natural to raise your eyebrows at Micah’s experience. Yet, there is a scriptural precedent for it. Chapter 21 of the Gospel of John describes Jesus’ appearance to the disciples following his resurrection. The passage recounts how Jesus stood on the shore while the disciples were fishing, though they didn’t recognise him at first.
Micah’s story suggests these kinds of supernatural experiences aren’t just limited to the past. He believes that Jesus still comes to his followers in meaningful and intimate ways—and yes, even sits down to watch a movie with them if that’s how they choose to spend their time.
Without a doubt, sceptics will question whether Micah’s experiences are credible—I’m doing that right now. After all, the thought of a divine being interacting with humans in such a casual way is difficult to wrap one’s mind around. Yet, for many believers like Micah, these experiences are simply evidence of a real and present Saviour interacting with his followers in the most unexpected ways.
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So, what do you think? Could the divine choose to share a bowl of popcorn and enjoy Earth’s Mightiest Heroes with us? Whether you’re a believer or a sceptic, Micah’s story certainly invites reflection on the different ways the divine might intersect with the mundane.
Watch and listen to the full story below.