George Lucas’ Star Wars has some of the strongest, most powerful, and most formidable characters around. From beskar-plated Mandalorians to terrifying Sith lords, you can’t travel far into the galaxy without finding someone with enough power and determination to forge their own path. Let’s look at some of the strongest and most powerful Star Wars characters.
20. Darth Maul

Making his debut in The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul ushered in a new age for the Star Wars canon. With his notorious double-bladed lightsaber and menacing look, he is one of the most easily recognizable Sith Lords who ever lived—and he didn’t even need a cool helmet to achieve this recognition.
Cheating death seems like a common trend among Sith Lords – and Darth Maul is no exception. Though he effortlessly killed Qui-Gon Jinn by impaling him with his lightsaber, Darth Maul somehow survived getting bisected by the waist by Obi-Wan. By focusing on his hatred for Kenobi and the Jedi, Maul lived to fight another day.
After being granted a pair of new (and presumably shiny) cyber legs, Maul – now having lost his sanity – made it his life’s mission to see Obi-Wan dead. For fans who’ve seen Star Wars: Rebels Season 3, you know how this one ends. For those who haven’t, however, all you need to know is that Maul has one of the most nuanced backstories of any Sith Lord in the Star Wars franchise.
19. Kylo Ren

Born to rebel legends Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo seemed destined for greatness. Gifted at birth with the infamous Skywalker prowess in the Force, the chaotic aftermath of the Galactic Civil War left indelible marks on Solo’s psyche, finding shadowy whispers where there should have been wisdom. Not even the Jedi teachings could keep him away from his dark destiny.
A character born from Han Solo and personally trained by Luke Skywalker sounds like the most OP character in the franchise. However, his psychological trauma and inferiority complexes are the only reasons why Kylo Ren isn’t any higher on our list.
Yet, for all the shadows that haunt him, Kylo possesses power few can rival. He leads the fearsome Knights of Ren, crackling unstable plasma blade in hand. His connection to the Force makes him a volatile adversary, as likely to rage as to calculate. While subordinate to Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo carries himself more as an impatient apprentice than a compliant disciple.
Despite being susceptible to the temptations of the Dark Side, Kylo Ren finally redeems himself near the trilogy’s conclusion, thanks in no small part to his connection with Rey.
18. Darth Nihilus

With his iconic bone-white mask and dark robes, Darth Nihilus cuts an instantly recognizable figure even among the Sith. But his terrifying appearance is matched only by the immense power lurking within this mysterious figure.
As a wound in the Force itself, Nihilus possesses an insatiable hunger and ability to drain the life of those around him. His power grows with each life he consumes, allowing him to ravage entire planets by feeding on everything alive on them. Even the strongest and most powerful Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars universe fear crossing paths with Nihilus, for his selfish hunger knows no bounds.
Legends of the Old Republic tell of his ship, the Ravager, leaving dead worlds in its wake. Entire armadas flee at the sight of his tattered banner terrified his emptiness will consume them too. For where Nihilus passes, only cold death remains. He truly is one of the greatest threats the galaxy has ever seen.
17. Supreme Leader Snoke

Supreme Leader Snoke emerges in the Sequel Trilogy as a shadowy, disfigured entity wielding terrifying Dark Side power over the First Order. While much of Snoke’s backstory remains a mystery, his prowess with the Force is clear enough to turn Ben Solo to the Dark Side and enable the rise of the First Order.
His over seven-foot-tall, scarred, and gaunt appearance strikes fear in all who stand before him. As Supreme Leader with fanatical Commanders serving under him, Snoke has quickly brought the galaxy to its knees without even needing to leave his throne room. We can only imagine what other Dark Side secrets and abilities this enigmatic leader has up his robe’s sleeves.
Tragically, before we see the true scope of his power unleashed, Snoke finds his reign cut short by the very monster he created in Kylo Ren. But the lingering impact of the turmoil and suffering Snoke enabled remains a heavy shroud over the galaxy. It’s a shame his character wasn’t given more room to breathe in the Disney films.
16. Marka Ragnos

Before the Rule of Two, the ancient Sith Empire was led by powerful Dark Lords, none more formidable than Marka Ragnos. As Dark Lord of the Sith, Ragnos reigned for a century with an iron fist, crushing all opposition to his rule. His mastery of the Dark Side allowed him to forge vast territories into a unified Sith Empire and ingrain the Sith Order into the galaxy.
When he finally perished after a hundred years, the Force itself shook with his passing. But even death could not stop Ragnos from asserting his dominance. His spirit lingered, appearing before warring successors centuries later to end infighting and ensure the Sith continued down his path of conquest.
No mere Force ghost, his spirit possessed acolytes to duel rivals. Ragnos became a demigod-like figure to the ancient Sith, the Supreme Dark Lord whose word was law. Holocrons, containing his teachings, were coveted for the immense power locked within.
It was mere luck that Jaden Korr could defeat Marka Ragnos in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. As powerful as he is, Ragnos has been mostly forgotten by modern lore, as he’s part of the discontinued Star Wars Legends line.
15. Kyle Katarn

While names like Skywalker and Kenobi dominate the Jedi ranks, few recognize the immense exploits of Jedi Master Kyle Katarn. First introduced as a covert Rebel agent armed with wits, blasters, and grit, Katarn quickly cemented himself as a thorn in the Empire’s side.
His impossible missions and death-defying stunts became the stuff of legend among Rebel troops. Little did the galaxy realize that Katarn’s affinity for adventure arose from an unconscious sensitivity to the Force. Only upon discovering his father’s Jedi lineage did Katarn begin to explore his command over the Force.
Despite lacking formal training, Katarn’s natural aptitude allowed him to construct his own lightsaber and grow into a fearsome Jedi Knight. Throughout his transition, he retained his sharpshooting skills, making Katarn an unpredictable Jedi hybrid.
Between this unorthodox lightsaber-blaster combo and his weakness for daredevil heroics, Katarn carved out a place as one of the New Republic’s most unrelenting defenders. His bravado may not earn him a spot on the Jedi Council, but Kyle Katarn remains a paragon of the Jedi spirit.
14. Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Jedi Order’s venerable Master Obi-Wan Kenobi stands as a paragon to all who wield the Force. His acrobatic lightsaber technique and thoughtful diplomacy carry him through skirmishes and negotiations alike. While less imposing than Mace Windu or Yoda in raw power, Kenobi’s sophisticated mastery marks him as one of the wisest Jedi.
Calm and wry in the face of adversaries like General Grievous and Darth Maul, his courage and quick wit turn dangerous situations in his favour. However, Kenobi’s most potent weapon may well be his words. Throughout the Clone Wars, his compelling arguments swayed crucial allies to the Republic’s cause and even convinced foes to stand down.
Ultimately, Obi-Wan triumphs not through brute force but clever manoeuvring, patience, and faith in the Force to guide his words. In essence, Kenobi embodies the ideal Jedi Master – a balance between wits and guts.
13. Luke Skywalker

The New Republic owes much of its hard-won peace to Luke Skywalker, the Jedi hero who turned Darth Vader back to the light and toppled the Empire. Refusing to rest after his exploits in the Galactic Civil War, Luke embarked on a personal quest to resurrect the Jedi Order and train new generations of Jedi Knights.
His adventures reforging this fabled peacekeeping force quickly became the stuff of legend. Battling ancient Sith spirits and extragalactic entities, Skywalker grew into the most formidable Jedi Master since Yoda himself. At least, that’s according to Star Wars Legends.
The Sequel Trilogy had other plans for Luke – but those are best left for another time. In Legends, Luke eventually married Mara Jade, the dangerous Emperor’s Hand. Together, they led the New Jedi Order on countless perilous assignments to defend freedom while raising their son Ben.
The Skywalker dynasty became a beacon of hope for the Force’s balance. Luke achieved what no Jedi had since Order 66: passing on his training from master to apprentice and securing the next generation.
12. Mace Windu

As a senior member of the Council, Mace Windu stands out not just for his wisdom and experience but also for the aggressive combat style of his signature purple lightsaber. Channelling darkness into controlled ferocity through the ancient Vaapad form, Windu devastates all Sith and criminals who dare cross his path.
His physical strength also lends itself to overpowering mastery of the Force, allowing spectacular shows of telekinesis matched only by Yoda himself. Between brute power and precision swordsmanship, few could last minutes against the formidable Mace Windu before meeting their end with his humming violet blade.
Even Darth Sidious, the most cunning Sith Lord in centuries, fell beneath Windu’s fists in a duel. Were it not for Anakin Skywalker’s fateful intervention, Windu might have ended the Clone Wars then and there by slaying the elusive Sidious.
11. Starkiller/Galen Marek

A character from one of the best Star Wars games of all time, Galen Marek, Darth Vader’s secret apprentice, has an innate connection to the Force that outshines even the Skywalker bloodline from a young age. Under Vader’s ruthless tutelage, Marek evolves into Starkiller: an explosive vortex of Dark power encased in brooding solitude.
His telekinetic might eclipse any contemporary Force adepts; Starkiller brings an Imperial Star Destroyer crashing from orbit with startling ease. His lightsaber skills and martial arts lend themselves to decimating enemies just as readily. Conflicted by his morality underneath Vader’s killer programming, Starkiller walks the razor’s edge between darkness and redemption at the height of his power.
Ultimately, after slaying Jedi Masters and ravaging Empire and Rebellion alike, Starkiller dies not as a pawn of Vader but as a free man embracing his own destiny. Of course, his death hasn’t stopped fans from wanting a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3 game.
10. General Grievous

Before Grievous spent his time flying around the galaxy and hunting Jedi, earning himself a reputation as one of the most dangerous combatants alive, he was Qymaen jai Sheelal. Sheelal was born in Kalee a couple of years before the Clone Wars, and when his planet became a target of the Yam’rii, he learned the combat ways of his people and became regarded as a legendary figure.
He was ruthless and eventually took on the name Grievous, cementing himself as a Warlord of Karee obsessed with combat. Finally, after protecting his planet for years, he ventured out into the galaxy, destroying many and earning himself a reputation.
His hatred of the Jedi had been slowly growing throughout the years. Finally, it came to a head when the Order chose to protect the invading Yam’rii and lost thousands of his people in the process. Word of his adventures reached the Sith, and Dooku set out to train him in lightsaber combat and recruit him as the leader of the droid armies.
It was a proposition he couldn’t refuse, especially when it came with the bonus of defeating Jedi. So when Dooku told him about an opportunity to increase his skill through cybernetic enhancements and give himself an advantage over the Jedi, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. The Sith turned him into an unstoppable machine.
He was further reconstructed after a shuttle crash, which he believed to be the Jedi’s fault, destroyed what remained of his original body.
Grievous’s past and cybernetic enhancements have made him a formidable opponent. He can wield four lightsabers at once despite not being force-sensitive and has injured multiple Jedi in his lifetime. His skill has made him one of the strongest and most powerful characters in Star Wars.
Fortunately, he was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Revenge of the Sith. But, unfortunately, Order 66 wasn’t far behind.
9. The Grand Inquisitor

He was once a Jedi Knight and guard of the Jedi Temple who arrested Ahsoka Tano after she was blamed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple. However, he despised the Jedi, specifically Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu, when he was denied access to the Jedi Archives despite proving himself a skilled individual.
He fell to the Dark Side soon after the Order poorly handled Ahsoka Tano’s trial but masked his turn so well that even the strongest Jedi could not sense his fall. He officially became the Grand Inquisitor when Emperor Palpatine recruited him and allowed him access to the secrets of the Jedi Archives.
The Grand Inquisitor was often shown to be cold and analytical. He knew so much about the Jedi and their combat style that he could identify who a Jedi had been trained by almost immediately, proving this when he identified Kanan Jarrus’ former master in 10.6 seconds. His greatest weapon, besides his lightsaber, was his opponent’s fear, and he believed that for the Galactic Empire to succeed, it needed to purge itself of all weakness.
He could use all seven forms of combat recognised by the Jedi Order and had a double-bladed lightsaber that could spin at incredible speeds. He used to end combat with as little effort as possible and efficiently defeat the Jedi.
His efficient use of Jedi knowledge and his calculating ways, paired with his skills with a lightsaber, made the Grand Inquisitor one of the strongest and most powerful Star Wars characters. Moreover, he could use these skills even as a Force Ghost.
8. Asajj Ventress

Ventress has been a slave, a Jedi Padawan, an assassin for the Sith, a Nightsister, and a bounty hunter. She was taken as a slave but later found by Ky Narec, a Jedi Knight, who raised her and taught her the ways of the Force in hopes that she would one day join the Jedi order. Unfortunately, Narec’s dream for her did not come to pass.
When pirates defeated the Jedi, Ventress fell to the dark side of the Force. She began defeating the pirates and was eventually found by Count Dooku, who made her his apprentice. Her skill earned her a reputation, and she often fought against Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
However, Darth Sidious began to fear her power and had Dooku eliminate her as a sign of his loyalty. She survived this betrayal and briefly returned to her home world before taking up bounty hunting. This led her to ally herself with characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano.
Ventress was often shown to be vindictive and uncaring. Still, after Dooku betrayed her, she grew empathetic, instead choosing to only hurt people when they gave her no other choice.
She was incredibly skilled with a lightsaber, having learned Kar’Kai, and wielded two lightsabers that could be combined into a double-bladed weapon if necessary. Ahsoka Tano has said that Ventress was “too powerful for any one Jedi to fight alone.”
She was skilled at mind tricks, telekinesis, and taming beasts. Her Force-choking proved particularly lethal when she was angry or in pain. Ventress is one of the more powerful characters in Star Wars and one of the most tragic.
She renounced the Dark Side and sacrificed herself to save the one she loved, stepping in the way of the Force lightning meant for him and enabling him to escape and renounce the Dark Side himself. The Jedi honoured her, and she and her yellow lightsaber were laid to rest alongside the other Nightsisters on Dathomir.
7. Count Dooku

Dooku, otherwise known as Darth Tyranus, was a former Jedi Master who fell to the Dark Side. He was an apprentice to Darth Sidious during the Clone Wars and worked hard to carry out his master’s plans. Unfortunately, his blindness to the treacherous ways of the Sith and the fact that he was just a pawn would prove to be his eventual downfall.
As a child, Dooku was abandoned by his family, so the Jedi took him in, and he was personally chosen as a padawan by Master Yoda. His began a slow fall, starting when he learned the truth about how he was abandoned on the stairs of his father’s palace. It quickened when the Jedi failed to warn Protobranch about a potential solar storm.
He eventually grew to become a Jedi Master and trained Qui-Gon Jinn, teaching him his ideals. While Dooku was more focused on the future, Qui-Gon focused on the present and the will of the force. Dooku believed that the Republic was corrupt and that the Jedi Order had become too connected to it.
He left the Order after saving his home planet and taking on the title of Count. Shortly after that, Dooku was approached by Darth Sidious, and his fall to the dark side was complete.
Dooku was charismatic, manipulative and immoral, but all he really wanted was order in the galaxy, which he believed Darth Sidious would provide.
Dooku was one of the more powerful characters in Star Wars. Even in his old age, he was highly skilled with a lightsaber (Mace Windu is said to be his only equal). He defeated Anakin Skywalker multiple times throughout the Clone Wars and was responsible for cutting off his hand in Attack of the Clones. However, he was defeated and decapitated when the former Jedi Knight became powerful enough. He was skilled with Force Lightning and telekinesis, using them simultaneously or interchangeably depending on his end goal.
6. Darth Bane

Bane was one of the most powerful Sith lords ever and was the sole survivor of the Brotherhood of Darkness’ destruction. Recognising that the Sith’s infighting had been the cause of their downfall, he reformed the Sith Order and implemented the Rule of Two.
After his passing, the Jedi assumed that the Sith was gone as well, and peace was restored to the galaxy for a time. However, his rule would eventually prove to be the downfall of the Jedi Order. Nevertheless, he was a formidable warrior and a brilliant mastermind whose trickery earned him a place as one of the strongest and most powerful characters in the Star Wars universe.
5. Darth Plagueis

The master of Darth Sidious lusted for immortality and used science to manipulate and mutate midi-chlorians to create life. He worked with Sheev Palpatine for years and planned to rule over the galaxy for ten thousand years. Unfortunately, his need for immortality blinded him to his apprentice’s progress.
Despite being one of the strongest and most powerful characters in Star Wars, Plagueis could not survive his apprentice’s ambitions.
4. Darth Sidious / Emperor Palpatine

Darth Sidious was one of the destructive, maniacal Sith lords and the strongest character in Star Wars. He caused the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, using his two personas through which he was able to manipulate most events in the galaxy.
He was eventually defeated through the combined efforts of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader but returned from the grave through his old master’s practices. His granddaughter finally defeated him in Rise of Skywalker.
He was ambitious, manipulative and intelligent. He easily lured Anakin Skywalker to the dark side and tricked most of the galaxy into believing he had its best interests at heart. Palpatine was proficient with a lightsaber and had unlimited power, which he used in many ways.
Sidious was definitely one of the best villains introduced in the Star Wars franchise, but Star Wars fans were happy to see him destroyed both times.
3. Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader is one of the strongest and most powerful characters in Star Wars, and recent TV shows have made this evident. Of course, he is also one of the best Star Wars characters, too.
He was born of the Force, meaning he had the strongest connection with it compared to any Force-sensitive person before him. As a Jedi trained in the ways of the force by Obi-Wan Kenobi, he eventually worked his way up to Jedi Knight and took on Ahsoka Tano as his Padawan. Because of his strong connection to the Force, Anakin was one of the strongest Jedi alive.
Before he was manipulated by Palpatine and fell to the dark side, Anakin was kind and cared deeply about those he loved. During his first year as a padawan, he would sleep on the floor of Obi-Wan’s room to ensure that his Master didn’t disappear.
His anger and guilt always bubbled below the surface, and it was easy for his Master to see that something was troubling him a lot of the time. In addition, Sheev Palpatine manipulated him throughout his career as a Jedi, which caused him to distrust Obi-Wan and the order. All of this, combined with his inability to discuss what he was troubled with with those he loved, made his fall to the Dark Side all the more tragic.
As Darth Vader, he was angry and, at times, impulsive but soon fully embraced the dark side of the force and devoted himself to further developing a relationship with it and expanding his power. He has become a hardened man over the years, ruthless in his takedown of those who battle against the empire and completely devoid of mercy. He does not care who he has to cut down to ensure the Empire’s survival and would gladly resort to any means to pursue his goals.
However, after he learned about his son, memories of his wife and past life began to resurface, and Vader began to fear Luke and how his presence was changing him. While he, at first, refused to believe there was good in him. So, in a final act of redemption, Anakin Skywalker sacrificed himself to save his son and, by extension, his daughter.
His love for his wife and his need to keep her alive was his downfall, but his love for his children was his redemption.
2. Master Yoda

Yoda was one of the oldest, wisest, strongest and most powerful characters in Star Wars. He was responsible for training Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, and several other Jedi in the ways of the force. He played a vital role in unlocking the path to immortality. The old Jedi were against allowing Anakin to train as a Jedi, but Kenobi would have taught him with or without the permission of the council to honour his late master.
Master Yoda is one of the most skilled lightsaber combatants. He moves with a speed you would not think him capable of. He easily took on Count Dooku after the Sith foolish challenged his old master to a duel and almost defeated Darth Sidious had the Sith not resorted to foul play. During the Clone Wars, Yoda was seen taking on multiple enemies at once and defeating them easily.
He was also very skilled with the Force, and his age didn’t affect this in any way. He could telekinetically pick people up easily, deflect any projectiles thrown or shot at him and create barriers using the Force. He could also absorb the Force lightning and read the history of a person’s soul.
He guided Luke Skywalker, manifesting as a visible presence to guide his padawan through the trials he faced.
1. Abeloth

Abeloth is the strongest character in Star Wars. She could use both the dark and light sides of the Force, and as a result, she became the Beloved Queen of the Stars and the Bringer of Chaos.
However, before she was a powerful force user, she was a mortal woman known as the Servant and served the Ones. She later became known as the Mother after she was able to keep the peace between the Father’s Son and Daughter.
As she grew older, she feared losing her beloved family. To prevent this, she bathed in the Pool of Knowledge and drank from the Well of Power. Unfortunately, this corrupted her, turning her into Abeloth, and resulted in the very thing she had been trying to prevent.
Son and Daughter imprisoned her in many artefacts until they and the rest of the Ones were vanquished. She was later set free by Darth Caedus when he tried to change his future and brought chaos to the galaxy until Luke Skywalker and his son eventually defeated her.
She was so powerful that mortals could not understand the depth of her power. She has been described as a nova and a living Force Volcano. She was able to shapeshift at will, and only Luke Skywalker and Vestara Kahi could see her true form.
She was a master at hand-to-hand combat and tricked many Sith and Jedi before her eventual end. She could also teleport short distances, use Force Healing, redirect and use force lightning, and feed on fear. She also knew the Sever Force, was capable of pyrokinesis and cryokinesis, and could use Force Flight to disable lightsabers from a distance.
Abeloth was a formidable opponent, and one the galaxy might struggle to survive if she ever returned.
Which of the strongest and most powerful Star Wars characters is your favourite? Do you think Cal Kestis should be on the list? Also, check out our lists of the 10 best Star Wars scenes and moments of all time.