When it comes to Superman films, there are a few things most fans expect to see. The red cape blowing in the wind, epic flight sequences, and the Man of Steel displaying some form of selfless bravery to save mankind. But there’s one other particular Superman trait we don’t often see much of these days: his smile. While we do get a few moments of him grinning in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, none of it is quite like the ending of the Christopher Reeve movies, where the Kryptonian flies over the Earth and breaks the fourth wall to deliver a smile aimed directly at the audience. The triumphant flying end scene is something special to Superman fans, and it’s been missing since Superman Returns. Will the tradition return in James Gunn’s Superman? Here’s why it should!
A Nod to Tradition
The epic “Flying Over Earth” ending scene has been a staple of Superman storytelling since Christopher Reeve donned the cape in Superman: The Movie back in 1978. In the final shot of the film, Reeve is seen soaring into the dark sky (our planet in the background) and giving the camera and the audience a knowing smile. But it wasn’t just a cool and clever visual—it was a declaration. See, Superman isn’t just a hero; he’s a symbol of hope and strength. That smile said, “Everything’s going to be okay.” And we believed it!
Sadly, over the years, that sequence has been abandoned by filmmakers. It was last seen in Superman Returns, where Brandon Routh’s Man of Steel offered a quieter, contemplative look without the smile. It wasn’t in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, Batman v Superman or Justice League. And maybe that was for the better, as those films are a lot darker in tone. Perhaps audiences would have felt it too cheesy to include in the modern reimagining of the character.
But now that James Gunn has reversed time and promised a more traditional Superman – one who is seen as a beacon of hope – it’s time for the classic sequence to return. By including the scene in Superman (2025), Gunn could honor the legacy of the character while making a very important statement to the world: Superman has returned, and he is ready to inspire us all again.
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The Power of the Smile

True fans will understand that the smile in the “Flying Over Earth” end scene isn’t about Supes showing off his pearly whites—it’s about what the smile represents: unwavering optimism. No matter how dark the world may seem (and it’s pretty dark at the moment), Superman believes in humanity’s potential to rise above evil and their circumstances. In a world that feels increasingly divided and chaotic, that kind of optimism isn’t just refreshing—it’s necessary. The world needs Superman right now.
For Gunn’s Superman, the smile could signify a lot more, too. It could show a hard-won victory, both in the film and for Warner Bros’ DCU. It’s a simple gesture, but one that reminds us why Superman is the ultimate hero.
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James Gunn Can Make The Flying Over Earth Scene Work In Superman (2025)
Let’s be honest: the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise understands the importance of an emotionally resonant finale. Remember Yondu’s emotional funeral in the first film? Or how about Groot’s ultimate sacrifice to save his friends? Or what about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3‘s ending scene where Star-Lord returns home? Or Groot and Raccoon’s dance party?
Superman soaring into space, looking at the audience? That’s exactly the kind of hopeful ending Gunn excels at. So, James Gunn, if you’re reading this, give us the flying over Earth end scene. Give us the classic smile. Give us the Superman ending we need.
RELATED: Why James Gunn’s Superman Is Just Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman Reimagined
Tell us, would you like to see the classic Superman “Flying Over Earth” scene to return in James Gunn’s Superman (2025)?