There are many memorable characters throughout The Lord of the Rings, from the ancient talking tree believed to be based on C.S. Lewis to the hobbit that ensured the destruction of The One Ring. But, as with all popular franchises, there is always a set of characters that stand out, whether they be detestable villains or loveable heroes with nothing to lose. Let’s look at some of the best characters in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.
10. Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan

The Lord of the Rings might be short on a few female characters, but the ones that do make an appearance are some of the best characters in the franchise, and Éowyn is no exception.
She was the niece of King Théoden and began living with her uncle shortly after her parents’ passing. She was a fearless woman, loved by all, and when her uncle fell ill and grew weak under the influence of Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue, Éowyn stayed at his side.
Gandalf restores her uncle during the War of the Ring, and while the men ride into battle, Éowyn is ordered to lead the people. While she agrees, Éowyn desperately wants to battle alongside the men, laying down their lives for Middle Earth. After she is repeatedly denied, Éowyn takes matters into her own hands and disguises herself as a man, riding into battle with Merry Brandybuck at her side.
During the battle, King Théoden was mortally wounded by the Witch-king of Angmar. Éowyn immediately runs to her uncle’s defence and challenges the Witch-king. After he declares that no man can defeat him, Éowyn says her most iconic line, “I am no man”, as she removes her helmet before ending the Witch-King’s reign of terror.
Éowyn proves herself a strong warrior and is unafraid even when staring down the Witch-king and his Fellbeast. She is one of the most inspiring Lord of the Rings characters and very easy to like (even when awkward around Aragorn. Miranda Otto does an excellent job of portraying the beloved character.
9. Legolas, Prince of the Woodland Realm

Legolas was the only son born to the King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood, Thranduil, and was at Rivendell to bring a message to Lord Elrond about the escape of Gollum. In addition, he volunteered as a member of the Fellowship to represent the Elves.
The elf’s keen eyes and ears were a great help to the Fellowship, and often had Legolas situated at the back of the Fellowship. Though he and Gimli quarrelled with one another at the start, they eventually became good friends and often competed over who could defeat the most orcs.
Legolas was a masterful shot and skilled swordsman who never went long without displaying his talents. After Aragorn’s passing, Legolas left for the Undying Lands with Gimli, who became the first and only dwarf to make the journey.
Legolas deeply respected nature and cared deeply for each of his friends. Orlando Bloom portrayed the character excellently (the facial expressions he pulls throughout The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are also very entertaining).
8. Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves

The son of Glóin was a Dwarf of the House of Durin and a close friend of Legolas. He was a member of the Fellowship of the Ring and happily fought alongside elves (though that doesn’t mean he wasn’t above some friendly competition).
While he initially joined the Fellowship because he didn’t entirely trust Legolas, the two soon became fast friends, and he stayed at his side even after the Fellowship broke. He played an essential part during the Battle of the Hornburg, which led to the defeat of the Isengard armies and won a friendly competition against Legolas over who could defeat the most Orcs.
Gimli was a mighty warrior and often the comedic relief in The Lord of the Rings movies. His and Legolas’s dynamic throughout the film is incredibly entertaining, and watching him shatter an axe trying to destroy the Ring is one of the funnier parts of the first film.
He is loyal to his friends and deeply loves all his weapons. It’s a lot of fun to watch him take out the armies of Sauron using nothing but his brutal strength. John Rhys-Davies does an excellent job bringing his Lord of the Rings character to life.
7. Peregrin Took, Thain of the Shire

Pippin was the youngest friend of Frodo and best friend of Merry. The two were inseparable and often found themselves getting into trouble together.
He was allowed to join the Fellowship of the Ring at the insistence of Gandalf. After Boromir is tempted by the ring, he tries to rectify his mistake by protecting Merry and Pippin, but he is defeated, and the Uruk-hai takes the two hobbits.
The two reunited with Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf after the fall of Isengard. Unfortunately, Pippin looked into a palantír, through which he saw the dark lord Sauron, and he was taken to Gondor for his safety, separating him from Merry. Upon meeting the Steward of Gondor, he swore allegiance to him and later saved Faramir from his madness.
When the Aragorn’s armies battered the Black Gate, Pippin was among them and became the first hobbit ever to defeat an Olog-hai. During the Scouring of the Shire, he, Frodo, Merry and Sam played critical roles in taking out the last of Saruman’s forces.
Billy Boyd did an excellent job portraying the beloved Lord of the Rings character.
6. Meriadoc Brandybuck, Master of Buckland

Merry was a close friend of Frodo’s and the best friend of Pippin. He was considered the most intelligent of the hobbits and made sure that he and his companions were well prepared to leave the Shire before the Quest of the Ring had even begun.
He was captured by Uruk-hai, alongside Pippin, but the two managed to escape into Fangorn Forest where they happened across Treebeard. He met King Théoden of Rohan shortly after Saruman’s defeat and was separated from Pippin.
He unknowingly rode into battle with Éowyn and helped her defeat the Witch King by taking out the Nazgûl’s leg.
Dominic Monaghan did a brilliant job portraying the beloved and mischievous Lord of the Rings character.
5. Frodo Baggins, Bearer of the One Ring

Frodo is the main character of The Lord of the Rings and the one who carried the One Ring to Mount Doom. Bilbo Baggins adopted him shortly after the loss of his parents. On his 111 birthday, Bilbo gifted the One Ring to Frodo before leaving for Rivendell.
After being advised by Gandalf, Frodo began his own journey to Rivendell, taking with him Merry, Pippin and Sam, evading the Black Riders as they went. In The Lord of the Rings books, the Hobbits are assisted by Tom Bombadil before Aragorn escorts them to Rivendell.
Frodo took on the immense role of being the Ring-bearer and began his journey to Mordor, where his best friend Samwise Gamgee was constantly at his side. Unfortunately, the Fellowship breaks up shortly after Boromir (Sean Bean) tries to take the Ring from Frodo, and Sam and Frodo continue their journey alone.
Frodo’s life was endangered several times on the journey to Mordor, either by Gollum’s hand, one of the Nazgûls, orcs or by the Shelob. Fortunately, Sam was there at every turn and ensured his survival even when Frodo wasn’t acting like himself.
Like his uncle, Frodo was considered a bit odd by other hobbits and was very kind and compassionate. Despite Sam’s evident distrust of him, he let Gollum guide him to Mordor. This proved to be the undoing of the Ring, as had Frodo listened to Sam and slain Gollum when they had first met, no one would have been around to bite Frodo’s finger off and fall into Mount Doom.
4. Galadriel, Lady of Lórien

Galadriel is the most important elf and one of the oldest alive, having been born before the First Age. She arrived in Middle-Earth with dreams of ruling over the lands and remained, even after being offered sage passage to Valinor. In the Second Age of Middle-Earth, Galadriel was entrusted with Nenya, the Ring of Water and one of the Three Rings of Elves, though she only used the powers of her ring in the Third Age, after the defeat of Sauron and the loss of the One Ring.
She gave each member of the Fellowship a gift when it was first formed and was the one who had Gandalf rescued, nursed back to health and dressed in white.
The Lady Galadriel had many important roles throughout the history of Middle-Earth, and author J.R.R. Tolkien deemed her the mightiest and fairest of all the Elves living in Middle-Earth during the Third Age. She had been quite prideful in her younger days, but this fell away as she aged.
Galadriel is one of the most powerful characters in The Lord of the Rings films. Many found it difficult to understand her powers, and it was said that her ring of power could only be overcome if Sauron himself came to battle. She was responsible for destroying the foundations of Dol Guldur, and her vast wisdom and intelligence allowed her to see through Sauron’s trickery.
She is one of the few characters who managed to reject the temptation of The Ring, knowing that she could become as terrible as Sauron if she accepted the Ring.
Galadriel is a supporting character in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy. Both times she is portrayed by Cate Blanchett. In The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, the role was taken over by Morfydd Clark.
3. Aragorn II Elessar, High King of the Dúnedain

Aragorn was a mortal man, a Ranger of the North and the future king of Gondor and Arnor. Elrond and the elves of Rivendell raised him after the passing of his father. After falling in love with Elrond’s daughter Arwen, Aragorn returned to his people, and they began to guard the lands of the Shire, home to the Hobbits.
He helped in many battles, and before the events of The Lord of the Rings, he and Arwen (Liv Tyler) promised themselves to each other but were forbidden from marrying until Aragorn was the king of Gondor and Arnor.
Aragorn joined as they left Hobbiton and escorted them to Rivendell, where he joined the Fellowship of the Ring after Frodo volunteered to bare the burden of the ring and destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom. Then, he helped guide the Fellowship along the Misty Mountains and Moria. After thinking they had lost Gandalf, Aragorn became the leader of the Fellowship.
When the Fellowship broke up, he, Gimli and Legolas set out, first to rescue Merry and Pippin, who orcs had taken, then to defeat Saruman and his armies. After his victory in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Aragorn and his forces rode to Mordor to battle against Sauron’s armies while Frodo completed the last leg of his journey and finally destroyed the Ring.
Once Sauron was defeated, Aragorn was crowned king and married Arwen shortly after. Unfortunately, the two passed away a year after each other, 120 years into the Fourth Age.
Aragorn was a wise man, possessing the intelligence of an elf thanks to his upbringing, and a mighty warrior. He left the Battle of the Pelennor Field unscathed despite being in the thick of the battle. However, he occasionally doubted the wisdom of his decision while leading the Fellowship and blamed himself for the misfortunes that befell them.
Viggo Mortensen does an excellent job with his portrayal of Aragorn.
2. Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf was the wisest of the Maiar and was often associated with fire and light. He was nervous about being sent to Middle-Earth because he was too weak and afraid to face Sauron, but his creator encouraged him.
When he arrived, he chose to wander rather than settle in one place and never ventured East. He was soon named Mithrandir (Grey Pilgrim) by the Elves and Gandalf by the men. It was later revealed that he was the most powerful of the Istari in Middle-Earth.
He became a member of the White Council. Eventually, he happened upon the Hobbits, who he was quick to befriend and became known to be “responsible for so many quiet lads and lasses going off into the Blue for mad adventures”.
While on one of his wonderings, Gandalf happened upon King Thráin II, a dwarf who had disappeared on his journey to Erebor and gave Gandalf a map and key to Erebor. This discovery of Thráin also led Gandalf to learn about the slow rise of Sauron.
Eventually, Gandalf happened upon Thorin II Oakenshield, the exiled Dwarf King and rightful heir to the Kingdom under the Mountain. The two discussed a plan to defeat the dragon Smaug and reclaim what was rightfully Thorin’s; Gandalf’s only request was that he could bring a burglar of his choosing.
After briefly invading the home of Bilbo Baggins and managing to convince him to join the company of Thorin Oakinshield, the group left for Erabor. Gandalf became a critical member of the group, often saving them from peril. While under the Misty Mountains, Bilbo found the One Ring, which he kept a secret from Gandalf.
He left the company to assist with getting rid of Sauron’s presence at Dol Guldur but quickly returned after learning that the company had lost their way in Mirkwood. Once Gandalf arrived, he found the dwarves preparing to battle the Lake-men and the Elves of Mirkwood and quickly intervened, allying them with each other to take on the orcs and wargs that would come to claim the treasure.
After the Battle of the Five Armies, Gandalf was pleased with the defeat of Smaug and returned Bilbo to the Shire, taking a particular interest in Hobbits from there on out.
Gandalf would later meet Aragorn as Sauron’s power grew, and the two would discuss his eventual defeat. However, it was only on Bilbo’s 111th birthday that Gandalf realised he had the One Ring. He convinced Bilbo to give it to Frodo.
After the formation of the Fellowship, Gandalf fell to the depths while battling the Balrog, and everyone thought they had lost him forever. He was later resurrected as Gandalf the White and returned to assist the broken Fellowship and rally the armies of Dwarves, Men and Elves for the battle against Saruman that was sure to happen.
He assisted in leading the armies in the final battle at the Black Gate of Mordor and kept the gaze of the Eye of Sauron away from Frodo and his quest.
After the defeat of Sauron and the coronation of Aragorn, Gandalf left Middle-Earth along with Bilbo, Elrond, Frodo and Galadriel. Gandalf is one of the most important characters in Lord of the Rings, and Sir Ian McKellen did an excellent job portraying the ancient wizard.
1. Samwise Gamgee, Mayor of Michel Delving

Sam is the best Lord of the Rings character to feature in the books and movies. He was Frodo’s gardener and best friend and was made his companion for Frodo’s Quest of the Ring when Gandalf caught him eavesdropping on their conversation. Sam sticking at Frodo’s side through everything is the only reason he made it to Mount Doom to destroy the Ring in the first place.
Sam is the only character who readily gives up the Ring after briefly carrying it when he thought Frodo had passed away. Sam could not be swayed no matter what the ring did to try and tempt him. When Frodo could no longer walk, weakened by the influence of the Ring, Sam didn’t hesitate to carry him the rest of the way.
After his wife passed away, Sam joined Frodo in the undying lands, ever the loyal friend. Sean Astin plays Sam excellently, showing off the character’s deep care for his friends many times throughout the films. Many consider Sam the “true hero” of The Lord of the Rings.
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Who’s your favourite Lord of the Rings character?