While Red Rangers may be considered the strongest due to their leadership, the Power Rangers on this list possess a little extra something that puts them above a few of the reds. These are the best, strongest and most powerful Power Rangers.
The Power Rangers Franchise
The Power Rangers franchise has always had a special place in kids’ hearts from the early 90s. Watching this group of masked crime fighters band together with their unique abilities always gave us something to anticipate on a weekly basis. Over the years, we’ve gotten multiple iterations of the Power Rangers, and it’s time to take a look back at things from the onset. It’s time to determine which Power Rangers were the best and the strongest.
For this list, we decided to focus on Power Rangers, who displayed great qualities that helped them stand out. Some of these qualities include utility, raw strength or simply overpowered skills. We also took a look at the value these Rangers were able to add to their teams in terms of strength and indispensability as well.
5. Merrick Baliton (Lunar Wolf Ranger) – Wild Force Power Rangers

The Lunar Wolf Ranger is among the most skilled members of a Power Rangers roster, especially after his experience as the villain, Zen-Aku. Originally a warrior from the nation of Animarium, he was corrupted by a Wolf Mask that transformed him into the intimidating Zen-Aku who gave the Wild Force Power Rangers a very tough time.
Eventually, he was purged of the evil influence and became a part of the team as the Lunar Wolf Ranger (Phillip Andrew Marshall). As time went on, he received further character development to the extent that he was able to turn Zen-Aku towards the light and give his once-evil spirit a second chance at life.
In his role as the Lunar Wolf Ranger, he was more of a lone wolf who hopped in to join a fight and help the other Rangers. Outside of combat, he mostly remained by himself, giving fans that brooding loner archetype we still love today!
The Lunar Wolf Ranger will always be remembered as one of the best Power Rangers.
4. Trent Mercer (White Ranger) – Power Rangers Dino Thunder

The White Ranger and 6th ranger in the Power Rangers Dino Thunder franchise, Trent Mercer (Jeffrey Parazzo) was originally a villain who was a serious problem for the Dino Thunder squad. Due to some evil in his Dino Gem, he was able to take on all the Rangers entirely by himself.
As a stamp on his prowess, this White Ranger was able to wield the Dragozord and Stegozord thanks to the Drago Morpher. He also had other abilities like super speed and camouflage, which were abilities used by the Red and Black Rangers in the series. Ultimately, he could even combine both his Zords into his own Megazord, which he could pilot solo. Talk about overpowered!
Eventually, he joins the Dino Rangers and makes appearances alongside future groups like the SPD Rangers and Mega Rangers. It’s hard to argue that Trent Mercer wasn’t among the best White Power Rangers.
3. Doggie Cruger (Shadow Ranger) – Power Rangers SPD

Anubis “Doggie” Cruger (John Tui) is an easily memorable character in Power Rangers, thanks to his literal dog-like appearance. He’s an Anubian and Chief of the Power Rangers SPD, serving as its commander on Earth. He has amazing leadership qualities and a dedication to seeing the SPD Rangers succeed at any cost.
Cruger is not one of those Rangers who have a bunch of tools in his arsenal. Instead, his intimidating Galaxy Single Sword Style is so far above what his opponents can come up with he’s literally one of the strongest in the Power Rangers universe. This technique has led to some amazing feats over the years, including the time he was able to defeat 100 Anaroids on his own. It has even given him the moniker of “Hell’s Guard Dog”, a reference to Cerberus from Greek Mythology.
Cruger might have been stubborn sometimes, but he’s one of the leaders in Power Rangers who made an effort to keep their squad safe at all costs.
2. Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger) – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Even prior to his role as a Power Ranger, Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) was already the full package for his eventual role. Skilled at martial arts, he has good leadership traits and bravery worthy of landing him in the top spot as Red Ranger.
As the first-ever Red Ranger, he pioneered a group that would be stamped in the history books as legends. The Mighty Morphin Rangers saw multiple victories under his leadership. He was able to handle a direct fight against a brainwashed Tommy (one of the strongest Power Rangers ever) under the control of Rita Repulsa.
Eventually, he returns to Zeo as the Golden Ranger, where he is upgraded with a new look and powers thanks to Trey of Triforia. Many fans appreciate Jason as a character, and we even saw him return in the 2017 Power Rangers reboot, played by Dacre Montgomery.
Most Power Rangers fans would probably select him as the best, but there’s one more Ranger on our list…
1. Tommy Oliver (Master Morpher) – Mighty Morphin, Zeo, Turbo and Dino Thunder

If there is one Power Ranger that got the Uchiha treatment from the writers, it has to be Tommy (Jason David Frank). He’s clearly loved by the producers, and it’s evident that he’s on a level unmatched by any other ranger.
Tommy first showed up as the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, where he was brainwashed by Rita Repulsa and served as an antagonist for a while. After being freed by Zordon, he became the White Ranger.
Things didn’t stop there for this absolute legend as he showed up in future shows like Power Rangers Zeo, where he became the Red Ranger thanks to the Zeo crystals.
In Dino Thunder, Tommy becomes the Black Ranger, which grants him the power of invisibility.
While all these abilities will be cool to have separately, Tommy hits the top spot of our list thanks to his final form as Master Morpher, where he now has access to every former Ranger form he previously had. This makes Tommy Oliver the strongest Power Ranger of all time. From a certain point of view, he earned this status as he has always managed to be there for the newer generations of rangers.
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Who do you think are the best, most powerful and strongest Power Rangers? Also, do you think the 2017 Power Rangers movie deserved more love?
You list is gold!
Trick question, Lord Drakkon was the strongest.
You have spots 1 & 2 switched. Tommy’s strongest Ranger powers have always been his Green and Jason beat him, on his own, while Tommy’s powers were being boosted by the Sword of Darkness. Jason also went up against Goldar while unable to morph and although Evil Green interrupted, Goldar didn’t beat him.
YOOOO I remember watching those episodes! Tommy was cooler, but Jason was always the strongest! Jason was clearly the strongest – as soon as they switched out Red/Yellow/Black Tommy took the title
Crazy how people forget Jason is the one that beat Tommy when Tommy was still evil.
Not me?
Titanium Ranger Lightspeed Rescue.
Other than Tommy and arguably Jason considering he held the Zeo gold powers for a Time you have this all wrong Zeo ranger 1 Zeo ranger 2 Zeo ranger 3 zero ranger 4 zero ranger 5 (Tommy) are all canonically the most powerful rangers since their powers were not destroyed and Tommy can obviously access his Zeo Powers still meaning the Zeo power still exists and is still growing over time you got this all wrong only the Zeo rangers should be on this list!