The Game of Thrones prequel has quickly become a favourite among fans; with its political disputes, amazing cast and fantastically animated dragons, it’s not difficult to see why. The series tells the story of the reign of House Targaryen before it shattered in a civil conflict from which the dragon riders would never recover. While every episode of the epic saga of House Targaryen has been great, with a phenomenal cast of characters that are equal parts loveable and frustrating, the question of which episode is the best begins to make itself known. Let’s look back at the eight best episodes of season 1 of HBO Max’s House of the Dragon.
8. The Second of His Name – Episode 3

The third House of the Dragon episode features a second time jump, with Alicent Hightower (played by Emily Carey) now fully established as queen and a hunt being arranged in celebration for her and Viserys’ first-born son, Aegon II. While the battle of politics continues in the kingdom, Prince Daemon Targaryen (played by Matt Smith) is in his own battle against the Crabfeeder and his Sellswords. This is an episode where Daemon’s nature’s true brutality and strength shine through. His skills with Dark Sister and risky strategy plans prove to be lethal (with some fans even theorising that Daemon Targaryen could be the White Walker King).
Fans find themselves jumping between Daemon’s attempts to take down the Crabfeeder and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (played by Milly Alcock) and King Viserys’ (played by Paddy Considine) arguments about her marrying. At this point, the beloved princess’ frustration is understandable. The woman she had thought was her friend ended up marrying her father, and now the entire realm is treating their son as if he is to be the heir. Her father’s insistence on marrying her off makes Rhaenyra feel like a pawn he is trying to be rid of.
Their argument ends with Rhaenyra disappearing into the woods, followed by Ser Criston Cole (played by Fabien Frankel), who makes several attempts to cheer her up. The soul-searching she does is particularly satisfying to watch.
Viserys and Rhaenyra’s difference in approach when it came to seeing the white stag had interesting connotations. While Viserys takes down the symbol of royalty (after failing a couple of times), Rhaenyra shows the majestic beast mercy. These moments are pretty telling about who is suitable to rule the kingdom.
While the king and princess eventually makeup, Viserys assures Rhaenyra that she is still his heir and that she will be allowed to pick her future husband; Daemon begins his last assault on the Crabfeeder. He begins with a false surrender and then starts cutting men down without mercy. When he gets shot by a stray arrow and seems like he is on the verge of being overwhelmed, the army of Lord Corlys Velaryon (otherwise known as the Sea Snake) and the dragon of Laenor Valaryon (played by Theo Nate) show up. Daemon is given the window he needs to run into the Crabfeeder’s hiding place and finally defeat him, soon returning with the top half of his body.
While this is a great episode, it remains the weakest in Season 1 of House of the Dragon.
7. King of the Narrow Sea – Episode 4

In this episode of House of the Dragon, we find Rhaenyra on tour looking for her future husband, but the pickings are slim. She listens to many men and boys proclaim their loyalty to her but rejects them all. Finally, when a brawl breaks out among the boys, she decides to return to King’s Landing, having had enough of men who are more focused on her title than anything else.
She arrives just before Daemon returns, waltzing into the throne room with a crown atop his head, having been dubbed the king of the Narrow Sea after his victory. As he stops at the foot of the Iron Throne, he offers his sword and crown to King Viserys Targaryen, proclaiming his brother as the true king. There is a brief moment of tension before the two embrace, happy to be reunited again.
Daemon spends a bit of time catching up with Viserys before turning his attention to his niece, who begins complaining about the many unsuccessful suitors, and Daemon sees an opportunity.
While Viserys calls a meeting to discuss strengthening their claim of the seven kingdoms through a marriage pact expected to come from Rhaenyra, the young princess has snuck out with her uncle Daemon, who has decided to take her out for a night on the town. Unfortunately, she makes a couple of poor decisions that get twisted out of proportion by those who see her, and the rumours make their way back to the king.
Alicent hears about the rumours from her father, Otto Hightower (played by Rhys Ifans), and decides to confront Rhaenyra about them while Viserys deals with Daemon. Rhaenyra explains that nothing happened between her and her uncle. Daemon tries to bargain with Viserys, insisting that a marriage between him and his niece would return House Targaryen to its former glory. Viserys, having had enough of his brother, dismisses him.
At this point, despite the slight strain that has come upon their relationship due to Alicent’s actions, she and Rhaenyra are still friends. The young queen sticks her neck out for the princess, insisting on her innocence, and finally, Viserys calls Rhaenyra to discuss what will happen.
Rhaenyra strikes a deal with her father. She will marry Ser Laenor Valaryon, strengthening their hold of the realm and their claim to the Iron Throne, if he gets rid of Otto Hightower as the Hand of the king, who has been doing all he can to get his bloodline on the throne. Viserys accepts.
Of all the great episodes of House of the Dragon, this one falls close to the bottom.
6. The Green Council – Episode 9

Viserys has finally passed away, and all hell is about to break loose in House Targaryen. Having been around for Viserys’ last words, Alicent (now played by Olivia Cooke) runs to her father and tells him that the late king had said to her that Aegon was the one he wanted on the throne. It’s an incredibly frustrating moment for viewers who know from previous episodes that Viserys has been talking about the prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror and not his son.
The Green Council is called, and Alicent learns that her father had been working behind her back for a while, clearly ready to establish Aegon’s claim to the throne after Viserys’ passing, no matter what the king’s last words had been. Otto (who some fans also believe could be the Night King) is prepared to go after Rheanyra and be done with any further resistance that might prevent his grandson from claiming the Iron Throne, but Alicent will not have it. Despite all the animosity between the two women, Alicent still wishes for a simpler time back when they weren’t at each other’s throats. Otto is not too happy about this but concedes (his daughter is still the queen, after all).
The search for Aegon (played by Tom Glynn-Carney) begins so that he can be declared king before Rhaenyra (now played by Emma D’Arcy) can react, but no one can find him. Meanwhile, Alicent tries to win people over to her son’s side. Finally, she approaches Rhaenys Targaryen (played by Eve Best), who asks her if she has ever seen herself sitting on the Iron Throne, and it gives Alicent pause.
Otto continues his search for his grandson, approaching the White Worm (played by Sonoya Mizuno), who informs him that he can have Aegon if an end is put to the brawls forced between children in Flea Bottom. Otto promises to look into it, and Aegon is found by his brother, Aemond Targaryen (Ewan Mitchell).
Alicent anoints Criston Cole as the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard after the previous Lord Commander said he would return once there was a king (his truly brilliant way of refusing to take orders from Otto).
Aegon is finally declared king after a word from his mother, and the people cheer for him, but they are very quickly interrupted by Rhaenys and her dragon. Meleys roars without fire as a warning to everyone that Aegon’s claim to the Iron Throne will be contested before the two fly off to bring Rhaenyra the news.
This is probably one of the most exciting episodes of House of the Dragon. It sets up so much of the future of the show.
5. We Light the Way – Episode 5

Following Daemon’s dismissal from King’s Landing at the end of House of the Dragon Episode 4, he meets his wife, Lady Rhae Royce (played by Rachel Redford), outside their castle. She is knocked off her horse, and Daemon smashes her skull. Meanwhile, back in the castle, Viserys’s condition has worsened significantly. Alicent begins questioning her decision to defend Rhaenyra, especially since it ended with her father being demoted and banished from the kingdom.
Viserys travels to High Tide, where he is greeted coldly by one of his previous suitors, Lady Laena (played by Nova Foueillis-Mosé), and he discusses the marriage of Rhaenyra and Laenor with Lord Corlys. Corlys isn’t too pleased with the deal at first, not too keen on seeing Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne, but Viserys manages to convince him that she will be the best thing for the seven kingdoms and bring in the Second Age of Dragons. Word of Lady Rhae having passed “in a hunting accident” soon reaches them.
Rhaenyra and Laenor have a meeting of their own and discuss the matter of their romantic prospects during their marriage, both deciding that they’ll “dine where they see fit”, Laenor having grown affections for Ser Joffrey and Rhaenyra with her own plans.
Criston Cole’s affection for Rhaenyra has come to a head, and on their way home, he finally asks for her hand, asking her to run away with him and leave everything else behind. Rhaenyra rejects his offer, beginning to understand her place. This breaks Criston, as he goes to Queen Alicent admitting that he had broken his oath and that he and Rhaenyra had slept together. It is now Alicent’s turn to feel betrayed.
The wedding day comes, and Rhaenyra and Laenor play their parts perfectly, but everything goes downhill. Daemon arrives, is offered a seat at the head table, and gets accused of taking someone’s life which he quickly turns on its head and is challenged by Rhaenyra to take on the Kingsguard and take her away to Dragonstone. Alicent arrives in a shade of green that signifies war. Ser Joffery makes himself known to Rhaenyra and is then dispatched by Criston Cole.
During the wedding, Laenor does his best to hold back tears, and Viserys collapses from his illness. Unfortunately, this episode ended in absolute chaos and left fans without any clues about what will happen next.
4. The Heirs of the Dragon – Episode 1

The first episode of House of the Dragon introduces us to the characters and their purpose in the story. We are immediately shown Viserys’ obsession with having a son on the Iron Throne (his wife is on her sixth attempt at giving him one and has decided that this is the last one), his brother’s skill in battle and his daughter’s dream to fly her dragon and take part in massive battles. At this point in the story, Viserys’ biggest problem is Daemon and the Crabfeeder (a threat he shrugs off despite the warnings).
Rhaenyra has taken to quietly listening in on council meetings and taking note of the influence that some of the men around the table have. She later finds her uncle sitting on the Iron Throne, clearly eagerly awaiting the day he can claim it for himself. He gifts her a necklace and then leaves to cause havoc throughout King’s Landing with his army of Gold Cloaks. When Viserys hears of his actions, he quickly reprimands his brother, telling him to stick to his jurisdiction.
The king holds a tournament, and Daemon is quick to crash the event, trying to impress Alicent. During the tournament, Queen Aemma (played by Sian Brooke) goes into labour, but it is a fatal birth that takes the lives of both mother and son. A funeral is held, and Rhaenyra is the one who commands her dragon to set the bodies of her mother and infant brother alight.
Almost immediately after the tragic loss, Otto starts discussing the issue of Viserys heir, stating that Daemon is too wild to take the throne. Princess Rhaenyra is barely even considered, and the matter is left undecided as Viserys leads the room. Otto is quick to send his daughter after the king to comfort him.
News reaches the king, the Daemon toasted to his dead son, and his brother admits to the claims without shame. Viserys banishes him and turns to Rhaenyra, who he begins teaching about the dragons’ history. He tells her about the prophecy of the Prince Who Was Promised.
Rhaenyra is declared heir, and the drama for the rest of the season is set.
3. Driftmark – Episode 7

This episode of House of the Dragon ends with the loss of both of the children of Corlys Velaryon. It starts with the funeral of Laena (played by Nanna Blondell), who had been burned to a crisp in her dragon’s fire after failing to give birth to her child, no longer able to handle the pain she was in. After the funeral, Rhaenyra implores her sons Jacaerys (played by Leo Hart) and Lucerys (played by Harvey Sadler) to make friends with the children of House Velaryon. Meanwhile, Daemon and Rhaenyra share several intimate looks.
The heir of Driftmark is briefly discussed while Rhaenyra and Daemon take a walk down the beach. She confesses that the father of her sons is Ser Harwin Strong (played by Ryan Corr). The two of them sleep together.
A way down the beach, Aemond Targaryen (played by Leo Ashton) finds Laena’s massive dragon, Vhagar. Not taking the time to consider the consequences of his actions, nor the fact that one of Laena’s children was supposed to have claim over the dragon, Aemond climbs the ancient beast and claims her for himself, riding the dragon around the castle and waking everyone inside.
A scuffle begins between the children, and Aemond loses an eye while Lucerys gets his nose broken. Alicent and Rhaenyra are in the middle of everything, the queen demanding that one of Rhaenyra’s children pay retribution for the loss of her youngest son’s eye. When Viserys refuses her, Alicent acts independently, and Rhaenyra quickly holds back her old friend. After she slashes at Rhaenyra’s wrist, officially drawing the battle lines, Aemond speaks up, stating that his eye in exchange for a dragon had been fair. When things calm down, Otto (who has returned as Viserys’ Hand of the King) praises her for her actions.
Leanor (played by John MacMillan) begins to speak about how much he had failed Rhaenyra as her husband, but Rhaenyra is quick to reassure him that he has a good heart. He promises that he will be a devoted husband from now on, but Rhaenyra has other plans that will allow them to both be happy moving forward. She goes to Daemon and tells him about her wish to take him as her husband, so he pays Ser Qarl to “kill” him.
Lord Corlys finds his burned son’s body and has seemingly lost both of his children, only to reveal to the audience that Ser Qarl had smuggled a now bald Laenor out of the castle. Both are now free of their previous spouses, Rhaenryra and Daemon, wed with their children as witnesses.
2. The Black Queen – Episode 10

The end of the first season starts with Lucerys (played by Elliot Grihault) not believing that Driftmark should be passed on to him and Rhaenyre encouraging him by telling about her own struggle of coming to terms with her destiny. However, while they are talking, Rhaenys arrives with the news that Viserys is dead (with some questioning whether or not Alicent poisoned him) and that Aegon has been crowned king. Rhaenyra goes into early labour at the news, and Daemon disappears to prepare for what he believes is an upcoming war, ignoring Rhaenyra’s wishes not to do anything.
She informs her sons of everything happening and gives birth to a stillborn daughter. Daemon, who realises that his wife is more important than civil conflict right now, grieves the loss of their child before burning it through dragon fire in true Targaryen fashion. A numb Rhaenyra is crowned queen by her husband and the people standing behind her, and they begin to plan their conquest.
Otto Hightower arrives with an offer that will allow the family to live without the bloodshed of a civil war, giving her a torn page from Alicent to remind her of a simpler time. Rhaenyra tells him that she will give him her answer in the morning.
Everyone is ready to go to war, but Rhaenyra shows the proper restraint of a queen, deciding to play the waiting game as she learns who is on her side. Corlys swears his allegiance to her, giving her a significant advantage over the Red Keep, and Rhaenyra’s sons offer to go and find out which of the other Lords are willing to be her champions.
When Lucerys arrives at Storm’s End, he finds that Aemond came first and has already made a marriage pact to win Lord Borros’ favour. After some taunting from his uncle, Lucerys departs, but Aemond follows him on Vhagar. Soon, Rhaenyra’s son and his dragon are lost to the maw of the ancient beast. Lucerys is dead.
As the final episode comes to a close, it focuses on a shot of Rhaenyra wearing her father’s crown with a face that has gone hard in anger. This is the final straw for her. The lines of the conflict have been drawn. Finally, the Dance of the Dragons will begin.
Again, this is such an important episode of House of the Dragon, and it sets up so much.
1. The Lord of the Tides – Episode 8

This episode begins six years after the events of House of the Dragon Episode 7. Lord Corlys has been injured in battle, and now the question of who will succeed Driftmark has risen. Vaemond Velaryon is insistent that it should go to him.
Rhaenyra and Daemon learn of the news and sail to Kings Landing to settle the dispute over the legitimacy of her sons and their right to rule. The pair arrive and find that Viserys’ health has vastly deteriorated and a lot in the kingdom has changed.
Rhaenyra visits her sickly father and introduces him to her children before begging him to protect her and her children. Then, before they go into the council meeting to determine the successor of Driftmark, Rhaenyra meets with Rhaenys, asking for her help by promising her sons to Rhaenys’ granddaughters, which would strengthen the ties between the two families once again.
Otto sits on the Iron Throne as the council begins, something Rhaenyra is less than pleased with, and listens to the arguments made for Driftmark. However, before Rhaenyra can make her case, Viserys arrives wearing a golden mask and is helped to the throne by Daemon in a very sweet and tender moment between brothers as he places the crown back on Viserys’ head.
Rhaenys speaks on Rhaenyra’s behalf, and Lucerys is named the successor of Driftmark. Vaemond, unhappy with the outcome, insults Rhaenyra and her sons, and Viserys threatens to cut out his tongue for insulting his daughter, but Daemon acts first, slicing his head off with Dark Sister before anyone can react.
Following the council meeting, Viserys sits a meal with his family, and for a moment, there is peace as everyone sits around laughing together. The true calm before the storm because as soon as Viserys leaves, Aemond takes a jab at Lucerys and Jacaerys.
Rhaenyra does the smart thing and heads back to Dragonstone but promises Alicent that she will come back to see her. For a brief moment, it seems things will play out well, but then a medication-addled Viserys tells Alicent about the prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror, and she assumes that he is telling her that he wants Aegon on the throne. Unfortunately, Viserys passes before a clarification is made, and Alicent runs off to unintentionally lay the foundations for the civil conflict that is bound to follow.
Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you this was the best episode of House of the Dragon Season 1.
Which episode of House of the Dragon season 1 was your favourite? Also, read up about why Helaena doesn’t like Alicent touching her and why Mushroom (the funniest character) is missing from the show. Read our full review of House of the Dragon Season 2.
House of the Dragon |
An internal succession war within House Targaryen at the height of its power, 172 years before the birth of Daenerys Targaryen. |
![]() |
Creator: Ryan J. Condal, George R.R. Martin |
Cast: Matt Smith, Emma D'Arcy, Olivia Cooke, Rhys Ifans, Graham McTavish, Fabien Frankel, Steve Toussaint, Eve Best, Ewan Mitchell, Paddy Considine, Milly Alcock, Emily Carey |
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama |
Number of Seasons: 2 |
Streaming Service: HBO Max |
I think that hands down episode 6, drift mark, is the best episode of the season! I loved that episode so much!!