DC recently developed a comic series around the Joker titled The Man Who Stopped Laughing. The series features several different storylines, some of which are not technically canon, and a few beloved characters, including the Red Hood. In the most recent comic book issue, fans saw the Joker pregnant thanks to some unpredictable magic from Zatanna. While most saw the moment for what it was and were able to laugh at it, others reacted poorly and took to Twitter to show their discontentment.
What Happens in The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4?
This issue was written by Matthew Rosenberg and drawn by Carmine Di Giandomenico and followed Joker on his quest to attain an heir, specifically, one made from his own DNA (it seems he has learned from his mistakes with Tim Drake).
While attempting to steal Gotham City’s water supply, the Joker encounters Zatanna. Seeing the opportunity for an incredibly powerful offspring, he starts flirting with the magical superheroine.
Disgusted by this and understandably wanting nothing to do with the Joker (because nothing plays out well for those who get involved with the Clown Prince of Darkness), she casts a spell intended to prevent anyone from bearing his children.
Unfortunately, the spell backfires, and with the words, “On eno esle lliw reve evah rouy ybab!” (No one else will ever have your baby), the Joker is accidentally impregnated without any outside help.

In the comic book, Joker finds himself nine months pregnant the following day. After getting checked out gynecologically by Atomic Skull (it’s a good thing that so many of Gotham’s villains are doctors), he eventually vomits a formless sentient glob.
Joker and his companions later discover that the formless glob has taken on the shape of the Joker and is actually just a mutated version of himself. The two immediately become enamoured with each other, thinking the other is handsome and Joker has a new heir.
It is not quite the result Zatanna was hoping for and definitely not something Batman will be too pleased about when he meets the miniature Joker.
It’s an entertaining short story about magic gone wrong and what can happen if Zatanna is not specific enough with her spells, but a few didn’t see the story’s humour.
Fans Are Angry About The Joker Being Pregnant
After reading the comic, those angered by Joker’s pregnancy took to Twitter to complain. They began accusing DC of pushing LGBT+-friendly narratives onto their fanbase, first with the decision to make characters like Tim Drake (Red Robin) and Conner Kent (Superboy) bisexual in some of their more recent comics.
None of the characters involved in the pregnancy ever bring up the word “trans”, mainly because the pregnancy and birth result from magic gone very wrong. Still, fans have seemingly forgotten that aspect (and the fact that the Joker’s method of giving birth isn’t quite anatomically correct).
RELATED: 10 Reasons Batman Is Crazier Than The Joker
What are your thoughts on The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4 and the Joker being pregnant?