There has been confirmation that Terrence Malick’s The Way of the Wind was set to start filming as early as 2019 due to an interview with Mark Rylance. The filming took place in various locations before ultimately wrapping up in Rome. The film also included a list of fourteen producers, four versions of Satan written by Terrence Malick, multiple name-changes, and an A-list heavy cast of actors ranging from Géza Röhrig to Douglas Booth; this film seems to be quite a large project. And if Malick’s previous works are any indication, it will be a beautiful adaptation of his version of the Bible. But with all this vague information and obscure sources, will the film make it to the big screen?
Terrence Malick, an American auteur, has been rumoured to be the root of a large-scale production that takes its inspiration from the Bible, more specifically, a retelling of Christ’s life. The Way of the Wind will also see references to the Book of Job (previously referenced in Terry Malick’s The Tree of Life), which raises the question of what precisely the filmmaker has in mind with this adaptation. While Malick has a good track record with his movies, it is risky to shoot such a large-scale film based on a particular religion with various audiences.
What Is Known About The Film So Far?

There needs to be more information on where the film is currently in production. However, it has been revealed that the production wrapped up filming in Rome after travelling to Iceland and Southern Italy. This means it is safe to assume filming has been completed. Therefore, it makes the most sense that Malick has begun editing.
Furthermore, the only confirmed cast members are Géza Rohrig, who will play Jesus Christ, Matthias Schoenaerts as Saint Peter, and Douglas Booth, Joseph Fiennes, and Ben Kingsley in a role yet to be revealed. It has also been suggested that Tawfeek Barhom will have a starring role in the film. It came as a surprise that Rohrig is playing the main role in the telling of the life of Christ, as many people thought Joseph Mawle would be chosen for the role after his work in The Passion. This was another retelling of the life of Christ. To clarify things, Malick has confirmed his reunion with Franz Rogowski, director of photography Jörg Widmer, and brought in Eleni Karaindrou in 2020 to compose the score for the film.
Furthermore, there is no other information besides some obscure images on the IMDB page of the film that show Malick with Aidan Turner and a donkey. There was also word from one of the fourteen producers that The Way of the Wind takes a darker look at the Bible, which may or may not be a good thing.
Will The Film Ever Be Released?
This is probably one of those times when it is essential to trust the process and wait patiently for the final product. Onlookers have begun to speculate on whether the film will be released or be stuck in limbo for good.
However, as Malick’s track record suggests, he takes his time when it comes to editing and releasing the finished product. As a result, rumours have sprouted that the film has been labelled an ‘unfinished symphony’. However, the post-production (keep in mind this was after filming had wrapped up, so emphasis on ‘post’) of Knights of Cups (2015) took three years to complete. And then, Song to Song (2017) took a whopping five years in post-production, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise if Terrence Malick’s The Way of the Wind takes a while to perfect. It’s too early to make any predictions about when this might happen. Rest assured that if there is a release date that is announced, you will be the first to know.
Are you excited about Terrence Malick’s retelling of the Bible, The Way of the Wind? Read our full article on Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life explained.
I don’t know for sure why,I can’t wait to see this movie when i dont believe in god and don’t like religion but i have some strange deep feeling that I really wanna see it ,maybe i just like Terrence Malick ))