Like many other films based on video games, Warcraft ended up being a bit of a disappoint to gaming fans. Furthermore, if you were to watch the movie without knowing anything about the series, you’d have a terrible time trying to make heads or tails of the motivations for the many races in Azeroth. Of course, none of this has stopped fans from campaigning for Travis Fimmel’s return in a Warcraft 2 movie. But is it too late for a sequel?
The Possibility Of Warcraft 2

Almost every gamer seems to have a story involving World of Warcraft in some way or another. Even if you’ve never set foot in Azeroth, cultural osmosis decrees that you’ve at least been exposed to the imagery of orcs clashing against knights in giant, flashy armour. Perhaps due to its massive popularity with gamers, and since the fantasy epic genre has proved successful in cinemas countless times before, Legendary Pictures thought bringing Warcraft to movie theatres in 2016 would be a great idea. As it turns out, it wasn’t.
Against all odds, rumours have been circulating about the possibility of a Warcraft 2 movie (possibly bringing back Travis Fimmel). Since the original film was announced in 2006 and wasn’t released until a decade later, it might still be some time before we see any sort of Warcraft 2 movie being made. However, before we get to that point, some issues with the first film need to be resolved if there’s any hope for Warcraft to become a movie franchise.
Some sequels can come back from disappointing first movies; one of the best examples is 2013’s The Wolverine, which fixed almost every terrible decision made in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. However, in the case of a hypothetical Warcraft 2 movie, perhaps starting the franchise all over might be the best route for the studio.
There’s so little material to build upon from the first Warcraft film that fans wouldn’t be bothered by a Warcraft 2 movie that completely ignores the events of the 2016 flick.
Drawing Inspiration From A Rich Fantasy Game World

The best part about Warcraft is that the producers have a vast fantasy world from which to draw inspiration. If the latest rumours are to be believed, Legendary seems to be aiming towards a soft reboot with the Warcraft 2 movie. Perhaps we’ll see more of Azeroth and its many civilizations in the potential sequel, or maybe we’ll get to see older versions of the characters from the first film.
When it comes to video game movie adaptations, a name that makes even the most loyal fanboys tremble is Paul W. S. Anderson. Better known for his work in the Resident Evil film series and 1995’s Mortal Kombat, Anderson has made a career bringing video games to the big screen, to generally unfavourable reviews.
Anderson’s style of filmmaking usually devolves into campiness quite fast — and there’s nothing wrong with action schlock from time to time, but it usually makes his video game adaptations feel even cheaper as a result. Whoever is at the helm of the Warcraft 2 movie would need to make the films feel like a fantasy/adventure movie inspired by a video game, not a straight adaptation of the source material — mostly because that’s never worked before.
Looking Forward To The Future
If Duncan Jones, who directed the first film and the outstanding 2009 sci-fi film Moon, ends up in the director’s chair for the Warcraft 2 movie, perhaps we might get a better look at his vision for what the cinematic version of Azeroth was like. And, who knows, we might be getting another The Lord of the Rings trilogy based on the myths and legends of Warcraft sometime in the future.
RELATED: The Warcraft Franchise Could Continue As A TV Series
Tell us, do you want a Warcraft 2 movie? Should Travis Fimmel return for the Warcraft sequel?
Warcraft (film) |
As an Orc horde invades the planet Azeroth using a magic portal, a few human heroes and dissenting Orcs must attempt to stop the true evil behind this war. |
![]() |
Studio: Legendary Pictures, Blizzard Entertainment, Atlas Entertainment |
Running Time: 123 minutes |
Release Date: June 10, 2016 |
Cast: Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell, Ben Schnetzer, Robert Kazinsky, Daniel Wu |
Director: Duncan Jones |
Writers: Charles Leavitt, Duncan Jones |
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy |
Box Office: $439.1 million |
❤️Yes Please ??World Of WarCraft Movies 2 Or Part 2??I’ve been Waiting for It
In My Opinion The Movie Was Supposed to be Exectly Like The Cinematic Movies?⚔️☠️?
Warcraft 2 please
Make it about Arthas. Simple as that
Yes, I’ve been waiting for 6 years
Waracraft managed to be one of the best game to movie adaptions within recent years and i’m reluctant to ask for another given currrent movie trends and writing methods, but having just rewatched it (my second viewing), it really did a wonderful job (no cringes, that’s a hard thing to achieve today) and whilst the CGI wasn’t 100% it didn’t matter because the story was well written and entertaining enough i didn’t care one bit. I could certainly nitpick over finer details, but on the whole it was one of the best game to movie adaptions in the last decade (we have our choice of them now, but few hit the mark).
I have watched Warcraft at least 10 times. I love this movie. I have been waiting for the sequel for years. Please make a sequel!
I’ve watched this movie several times (own it on 4k and blue ray). After just recently watching it again, I am even more intrigued to see the conclusion to the first film. Ok, come on, the king asks the orc girl to kill him and by doing so bring peace to them all. The others discover the queens dagger, which was given to the orc girl, is what killed the king and now thinks she’s a trader. And then come on, you end the movie with the orc baby that gets sent down the river like baby Moses, whose both parents are dead now, and then gets picked up by what looks like a human. And the baby orcs dad’s, best friend, that yanked the dads fang out to give to the son doesn’t even know what happened to the kid or the mother. Come on, need a conclusion. I want to know.
I told someone this (that hasn’t seen the movie yet) and they said “what? That leaves to many unfinished information not explained”. (Now wants to see the movie) So please do part 2 and do it good, and well. Not cheesy, and stupid humor. Keep the drama, action, suspense. Keep it real.
I just finished watching it and decided to Google if there would be a second one. I’m excited to hear the rumors. But, I agree, I need some conclusion also. I really don’t know why this movie didn’t get more love. It’s really not bad at all. Hope they give us something good!
Hurry up and make the sequel as I want to know what happened to baby ork as well
People who want to know what canonically happened to these characters in game can read my description down below.
Plus, you can read books like “Lord of the Clans” or “Rise of the Horde” to get more details on the story
They could do a Lich King story & have flash backs remembering the events as Arthas that led to him becoming the Lich King.
Yes please, would love a second, third, and, a whole stream of movies…
Yes please contact them I watched it with my high school students and we all want another to show our district.
Only thing is it should be more explain why do they call her cursed in orc
Who was her parent would’ve been a good twist of the Guardian was her dad and the lady he said he fell in love with was her mother and he sent her away then let the fel inside him because he wanted to find her but it twisted him.
Last the baby should be on no sides and revenge for his parents.
Third show more of the other characters they should all have at least 20 mins of other elves dwarfs all that!
Yes bring back the original cast and promote it better . Have a them for everyone. The poster did the movie no good have stars. viable and advance the narrative and
This writer is an idiot who clearly loves the new Marvel movies. WOW was a great movie which I didn’t even see until 2 years ago and was blown away by it. I workout to the soundtrack too, it’s amazing!
Come on last time also i had buyed more then 10 extra tickets to support them and dud I’m a very big fan and is the most awaited movie of my life
Great movie please make another xo
Of course should make it ASAP
I can offer to the studios 20 million dollars for it.
Definitely needs a sequel!! Diablo would make an awesome movie series too! The blizzard games have untold potential for movies due to their immense lore backgrounds and novels! I really hope they do make a new movie as the first was amazing for any gamer to see!
Yes please!!! Honestly, if I had my way, we would have a live action movie for each expansion. My whole family are avid WOW players and LOVED this movie! The story and graphics still hold up today and I really don’t understand the hate for the movie at all. Please please please make more!!!
Yes Warcraft 2 will be awesome!!!
Yes Warcraft 2 will awesome
Definitely! Although i would like it to be 100% cgi. The humans and Garona in the first movie were hard do digest aesthetically. Being 100% CGI would also be more in line with what real fans have wanted while saving money on actors/real life sets. Blizzard have always been magnificent with their cinematics in Warcraft/WoW games and taking inspiration from them would be a brilliant move. Also PLEASE put someone thats 100% in tune with the lore to help out with directing the script. Misses from the first movie according to me were:
-spell animations not the same as in WoW.
-sound effects not the same as in WoW.
-Stormwind not the same as in WoW.
-Make humans look more like fantasy humans, and night elves AND DWARVES more like in the game. Remember, the WoW is a fantasy world where the races/classes are supposed to be cool and different so you would “find your niche”. This means big muscley savage orcs, slender stringy trolls, sexy, spiritual night elves etc.
Peace out!
Yes to 100% CGI – to go along with the usual WoW cinematics are what I have wanted all along!
Yes, I’m not a gamer but love fantasy movies.I loved the film and thought the storyline made sense. I want more, get it made! With Travis Fimmel and the others.
Many thanks.
First of all, the fact that you think the game is based on ‘World of Warcraft’ speaks volumes to how much you know what you’re talking about.
Second of all, the movie was fantastic, it did a great job of giving Warcraft fans what they wanted, which is a true adaptation, with some minor details here and there changed for the big screen and to make it more favourable to a wider audience (but not any that matter in the long run).
Third of all, the Warcraft franchise never really had that much humour at all, hence the ‘humourless’ movie.
Honestly, critics are hating on it just because its a video game adaptation. The fact it has a high imdb rating and a high rotten tomatoes audience score really speaks volumes to how much the critics, this time, have no idea what they are talking about and should really only review movies of genres they actually like.
I don’t understand the negativity regarding the Warcraft movie. What are these press geeks talking about? Did they expect Citizen Kane in Lordaeron? I avoided Warcraft for a few years thinking it was another suckfest and was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining the film is. In fact, the movie is far better than the game at this point. Please make a sequel.
I really hope there will be a Warcraft 2. I’m a gamer but I’ve never played World of Warcraft.. I understood the premise of the movie. I loved it the first time I saw it and I love it now six years later. The writer of this article should write about stuff he/she likes instead of damning stuff way out of his/her field of interest.
Yes absolutely I would watch this!
Yessssss!! Please bring back the original cast and make it a franchise ongoing… like Lord Of The Rings franchise..
TRAVIS FIMMEL!! Please!! Lol!
Yes I hope they will make a Warcraft 2. My family and I thought it was a great movie and would love to see a sequel!! Give us more.
Yes pls Make a Warcraft 2!!! My daughters and sons have watch this movie a dozen or so times and we love it each time. So pls pls pls make a Warcraft 2 the movie. Don’t leave us hanging.
Yes is about time they make a sequel and yes bring back Travis please please.
Yes please. Waited to long to also see what happened to the ork baby
Please make a Warcraft 2! The first movie fail was to not represent a realistic word, it looks like a fairy tail with high castles, large armors and few people under it all. Lord of the rings looks much more real than Warcraft. Even though warcraft is a good movie.
Warcraft was never meant to be realistic. Not every fantasy universe should be realistic to be great
Lord of the rings is not more realistic.. it’s a bunch of closeup shots and tons of fairy taily stuff as you call it. This movie is fantastic and they shouldn’t change it one bit.
”Warcraft ended up being a bland, humourless movie that never did much other than provide some scenes of senseless fan service.” ???
To the author: You are the stupid idiot for whom most producers are now simply making crap movies
with the crap humor that only morons get excited about …
There are a good classy movies like this one, that moron humor is not suitable for .. can you understand that, you moron?
Yes, I would pay big bucks to see a sequel. Reach out to the WoW community for crowd funding if necessary. Some really big fans out there!
Yes! Warcraft 2 would decide any romance between Lothar & Garona. The growing up of Durotan’s son and the maturing of Callan into a guardian.
yes sequel please
My husband & I just watched “Warcraft” & really enjoyed it!
Would love to see a sequel that includes the same cast/characters.
Please let us know what happened with Anduin & Garona, Durotan’s son & Callan.
Anduin and Garona weren’t a thing in the game.
Anduin was much older than he was in the movie.
When he and Khadgar decapitated possessed Medivh – Gul’dan, who was in a mental connection with him at that moment, fell into a comatose state, and this is when Orgrim challenged Blackhand to Mak’gora and killed him, avenging Durotan and Draka (They were killed by Gul’dan’s assasin’s)
Orgrim slaughtered most of Guldan’s warlocks, and Gul’dan’s apprentice – Ogre named Cho’gall, activated the trigger in Garona’s mind, brainwashing her and forcing her to stab the king against her will.
when Gul’dan woke up – he begged for mercy, and cunningly offered Orgrim his help to win the war. Orgrim, knowing that humans will never accept piece, and not wanting to fail his kind – accepted Gul’dan’s offer, and later killed Anduin in a fight (Detail’s unknown, no one knows how exactly that happened), and Gul’dan escaped the battlefield, taking many warriors and all remaining warlocks with him, and resulting in Orcs being defeated and send to concentration camps build by humans.
Edellas Blackmoure and his servant later found Durotan’s son in the forest, where Gul’dan’s assasins left him to die, and he raised the little orc as his own gladiator, making money of his performances and dreaming to plot against human kind and raise this orc as his future general, taking over human kingdoms and rule. He named his orc Thrall, which is “Slave” in human language.
Thrall though was a humble, loyal and honorable orc. He was saved by the human girl Tareta Foxton, Blackmoure’s maid. He escaped, found his clan, learned shamanism and the old traditions, and destoyed human camps, in hopes to save his kind and find them a new home. He was diplomatic with humans and he never killed innocent people. Under his rule, the Horde was now re-forged in Honor and Glory, rather than victory or death.
Orgrim died while storming one of those camps. But he was proud to see who he’s friend’s son grown up to be, and he gave him the status of Warchief, his legendary hammer and his black armor
Anduin wasnt in The movie just varian ans He was a Kid so xd okay dude
Anduin Wrynn, Varian’s son, was named after Anduin Lothar – The protagonist of this movie
Yes make a Warcraft 2 movie
Yes make a Warcraft 2 movie
F the critics, Warcraft was a fantastic movie so let’s have a second.
Warcraft 2 with Travis would be great
Yes, of course, Warcraft 2 is very good, fantastic !!!
A WarCraft 2 would be fantastic!
Please make a Warcraft 2!!!.
I don’t understand how can some people say it IS a Bad movie my family and friends and Also I think IT was a GREAT movie and i we All want to see Warcraft 2 like if it happends my dream will come true.