The hero for fun, Saitama, also known as the Caped Baldy, has been widely considered one of the most popular anime characters of all time. And just like his fame, Saitama is also possibly the strongest anime character to date, or is he? As a character, Saitama comes off as rather comedic and sarcastic. Even when it comes to fighting, Saitama just doesn’t get to show off his true strength very often. He boasts an insane amount of strength, speed, and resilience. However, to better understand Saitama’s power level, we must compare him to some other notable strong anime characters.
1. Gon Freecss
While it is quite obvious that Gon simply does not stand a chance against Saitama, the main factor here is that the fight would still be commendable. And since Hunter X Hunter is one of the greatest Shonen anime of all time, it would be a shame not to compare the two characters and their fighting skills in general.
However, despite Gon being an extremely powerful and strong foe, his power level simply does not scale up to what Saitama is capable of. Gon’s confidence in his skills and overall combat experience will give him the edge… but only for a few seconds.
2. Alucard
The infamous Count Dracula himself, Alucard, is an immortal being with a huge arsenal of abilities and lethal weapons. While Saitama might possess more strength than Alucard, immortality simply makes it all pointless.
Considering Alucard’s endurance and immortality, he could prove quite difficult to deal with. Therefore, the higher power level would still go to Saitama, and for good reason. For starters, what good is immortality if Saitama just obliterates the other person to nothingness (which is the probable outcome of this duel)?
3. All-Might
The man once feared by the entire villain world, All-Might, is someone who completely changed the world and saved it. Not to mention, the One-For-All is also probably the only power that comes close to what Saitama is capable of. Both characters use inhuman strength to perform several feats. From jumping instead of flying to using wind pressure by just the strength of their punch, these characters are on a whole other level.
Although the power levels for All-Might and Saitama might still be notable differences, both come quite close to defeating each other. Not to mention, One-For-All only gets stronger after being passed to the next recipient.
So, if not All-Might, then Deku might be the one taking him down. Who knows, right?!
4. Naruto
The world of shinobis and Naruto are anomalies in this list. This is because Naruto does not solely rely on brute strength. It uses different techniques and abilities that affect the enemy in a unique and distinct manner. The ‘jutsus’ used by Naruto can range from simply transforming into a female character to becoming a large demon fox that can destroy mountains with just one attack.
Saitama would have a tough time getting used to what Naruto can do. For instance, if an illusion is cast on Saitama, it would be rather difficult to determine if Saitama could snap out of it. Therefore, in our humble opinion, the power level would rather favour Saitama.
Additionally, Naruto also obtains the powers that somewhat make him a God.
What Is Saitama’s Power Level?
Firstly, it must be understood that Saitama is not omnipotent or infinitely strong. Although it is true that he has probably never shown the true extent of his power, there are theories that suggest that he is 100x the Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon. Of course, there are other theories that suggest his power level would be around 2,763,900,000. Again, other theories suggest that, in order to be able to cut the atmosphere with one punch, Saitama’s power level is probably in Frieza’s advanced forms tier. Will we ever know?
What do you think? What would Saitama’s power level be? How strong is he? Perhaps we will see his true strength in One Punch Season 3.
Energy level of ssg red can shake the whole universe unless Saitama shows feats or power on universe level with just infinite power it is hard to match up.
One thing wrong about this is that saitama IS limitless and stated in the manga on how even before he fought with garou or boros or anyone he was still growing, since the beginning of the series until now but the reason it had gone unnoticed was because no one was even close to his power and so he basically was growing to one shot any being up until boros and even boros said himself that “it wasn’t even a fight” because of how saitama held back so much. The reason it spiked up so much vs garou was because he ACTUALLY made saitama try as well as killing genus which made him have an upsurge of emotion like never before which is why he was literally growing so fast that the line was almost vertical on a graph.
Bro why do people always forget that Saitama gets stronger from every punch he takes so say if goku were to punch him in base form or super saiyan in the most recent DBZ the boost in power saitama would get would essentially make him capable of one shotting a universe.
Saitama dosn’t have this ability maybe you are talking about another character with a similar name or something because saitama has infinite power and durability from the start he dosn’t get stronger from beeing beaten up.
wake up to reality bro saitama can beat the speed of light easily
Saitama is the strongest anime
saitama isn’t even in top 50 strongest characters bruh
Lol saitama is fun made character who has unlimited power level and he didn’t even show his full power he is holding back the whole anime, he is punching with one shot if he got mad and had a combo on someone he would destroy anyone bro wdym he isn’t even in top 50 strongest characters he can’t be compared to someone he is on another lvl xD
Saitama has almost no power limit. We have never even seen him use a fraction of his power, and he never has to even try to beat a villain. He usually just toys with them for fun if they can withstand his weak punch. If he tried, he could probably demolish Frieza without even sweating. The only time someone lasts more than a few seconds fighting are when they dodge the first hit, waste time talking, or Saitama isn’t trying whatsoever
He had to use his serious punch on Boros, who wasn’t even obliterated completely after it, saitama’s power is barely notable compared to most dragonball characters.
It was no direct hit it was just the shockwave of the punch which hit boros and just because he calls the punch serious punch it doesnt mean that he hit with all his power. Boros said that Saitama didnt fought serious and had still strength to spare.
He is well above the top 50. Nobody in the anime world can come close except Saiki K.
Actually he’s top 1# xD
Bro where r u getting ur facts from….Saitama is on top 5 strongest character list and u r saying isn’t on list of top 50,,that shows ur lack of knowledge.
Saitama can kill infinities of solar systems with he’s final form with one punch for a solar system maybe it will be 10 secs to kill a solar system if u make that a min then it is 6 solar system a min if u make it a hour it is over 599 solar system means he can destroy 600 solar systems in a day he can be very strong he can destroy 14,400 solar systems it’s is very common if u say he can destroy freiza or be he’s power level then it makes no sense if he can destroy Goku because he can then who is more powerfull it’s unknown if freiza can kill sitama then Goku can & if he’s the same power level Goku still gets the win so if he can kill freiza it’s unknown so I know the answer it will be Goku but if sitama was in dragon ball z he could kill Goku & zeno not knowing he’s power level & rimuru he could destroy 10 universes in 1 Milli sec that means if he could destroy 1000 universe it’s 1 sec yeah it’s very strong right in my opinion if it’s 100,000 it’s like 1 min 40 sec it’s like he’s a god but 1,000,000 I m calculating in my mind I can tell the min but I can tell the second 1000 sec he’s like a god if u tell me if he’s in dragon ball z no questions ask he can literally can destroy the multiverelse like that could u believe that? With he’s final form. if he can destroy universes in Mili secs with dragon ball z’s multiplier why not whis & zeno he can make the multiverse shake with his finger going left & right god will say
“what is this a human or a cyan or what he’s Surpassing every god but not us.’ this is what sitama will happen to him if he had dragon ball z+zeno+whis’s power.
Just note that wasn’t again his full force in the manga he still has a lot more manga to go the infinite solar stars was maybe 10% because of garou