As fans prepare for their eventual return to Westeros, theories abound regarding what exactly the Jon Snow spin-off could be about. Last we saw of our brooding hero, Jon was content with reliving his glory days in the Wall, as he seemed prepared to reunite with the (now rather pointless) Night’s Watch. Now, after killing one of the most prominent political figures in broad daylight, Jon’s exile makes at least some sense – politically speaking. However, he’s not the only character who rode into the sunset in the Game of Thrones finale. Jon might be the last living Targaryen (that we know of) but every Targaryen needs their dragon, and there’s only one fire-breathing lizard in Westeros by the end of Game of Thrones – Drogon.
RELATED: Did Daenerys Targaryen Lose Control Over Her Fearsome Dragon, Drogon?
The Last Dragon

Earlier in the series, Jon Snow and Drogon seemingly shared a “connection” not even Dany could explain. In Season 7, Episode 5, Jon meets the Dragon Queen’s children, who are, by the very definition of the word “Dragon,” man-eating monsters. However, Jon, likely because of his Targaryen blood (and main character energy) could touch them without issue – even Drogon, the fiery leader of the pack and Daenerys’ de facto mount.
The last interaction between Drogon and Jon Snow is a strange one. Targaryens hold the draconian intellect in high esteem, with an intelligence that goes above that of simple creatures. Drogon would more than likely know Jon was the one who killed his “mother,” as he saw the murder weapon and Jon suspiciously close to Dany in her final moments.
However, instead of burning him to a crisp, Drogon took off with Dany’s body. Where to, we don’t know. Perhaps he went back to Valyria to bury Dany in their ancestral grounds. Or cremate her, more likely. The point is that he consciously refrained from hurting Jon Snow.
That might be because Drogon knows that Jon Snow is the last surviving Targaryen, and as a direct relative of Dany, he’s both his step-father and his uncle – because this is Game of Thrones.
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A Hero’s Journey

If there’s one thing that failed catastrophically in the Game of Thrones finale, it was Jon’s character arc. The “Prince That Was Promised” never got his chance to shine – and neither did he use Lightbringer, robbing him of his ultimate destiny and eventually making his whole “being back from the dead” schtick feel a bit pointless.
The new series seems to be the way for the studio to acknowledge that there’s more to this world – and Jon Snow as a character – than what the GoT finale showed. Jon eventually coming to terms with his destiny as the Azor Ahai and also as a Targaryen might be essential parts of the new series.
Claiming Drogon could be symbolic of Jon Snow embracing his legacy as a Targaryen dragon rider, but it also means coming to terms with his past and the loss of his lover/aunt, Dany.
From a narrative standpoint, Drogon coming back for the Snow series is a no-brainer: he needs to be there. Now, from a merchandising point of view, we also need dragons in the new series, seeing how House of the Dragon is seemingly fixing all the wrongs of Game of Thrones.
Let’s just hope this new show can answer all the burning questions we’ve had since 2019. Who knows? Maybe the Snow series will be a buddy cop drama about Jon Snow and Drogon. By now, that’s certainly an improvement over Game of Thrones Season 8 – and that’s everything any Jon Snow fan wants.
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