By: Tito Pernalete
Some filmmakers are more prone than others to release a director’s cut of their films.
Once a movie is released, some filmmakers might comment on how their creative visions were tampered with. Here, we present you with 5 director’s cut movies for the ultimate moviegoing experience.
Ridley Scott
Most films are lucky to get a single director’s cut version. 1982’s Blade Runner is not like most movies. This classic has seven director’s cuts so far, and the list is likely to keep growing.
Zack Snyder
This director’s cut changes the entire film, adding new characters, locations, and plot points to the epic movie. This is the definitive way to experience the Justice League.
Peter Jackson
All three Lord of the Rings films have their respective director’s cuts, and each of them adds tons of complexity and exposition to an already rich franchise.
Frank Oz
Director Frank Oz has gone on record saying he prefers the darker tones of the director’s cut, and we do, too, especially since we get to see more of the impressive Audrey II puppet.
Francis Lawrence
Usually speaking, a director’s cut adds some missing scenes to an already existing film. However, what happens when an extended cut changes the ending of a movie completely?
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