5 Sci-Fi Films That Were Completely Wrong About The Future

By: Rick Austin

Unfortunately, time moves on and the futures presented in movies get overtaken by real life.

According to sci-fi films, by the year 2015, we should have been surrounded by flying cars, and seeing kids everywhere riding hoverboards. Here are a few sci-fi film futures that were dead wrong…


2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)

Many predictions came true, like voiceprint recognition and flat-screen TVs. Fortunately, lunar colonization and hostile AI haven't happened... yet.


Alien Nation (1988)

A spacecraft lands in the Mojave Desert in the far-flung future of… 1988. Seriously? By 1991, they’ve learned the language, taken jobs and live in the delightfully-named Slagtown.


12 Monkeys (1995)

Thankfully, we don’t live in Bruce Willis’ future, where people are living in cages underground and have to wear giant body condoms to avoid infection.


I Am Legend (2007)

Just imagine, New York is a desolate wasteland inhabited by Will Smith, his dog, and a horde of vampire/zombie-people. Apparently, that was how the future of… 2012… was.


Strange Days (1995)

This time it’s the wild future of 1999, and memories are being recorded in the cerebral cortex, then downloaded and viewed like regular movies.

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