Besides collecting a string of boy Robins along the way, Batman has kept souvenirs and trophies from his battles and adventures in the Batcave. Over the years, he has gone against Superman, Green Lantern, a Tyrannosaurus Rex and many enemies, collecting a series of artefacts and weapons along the way. Among them are costumes of old friends and foes, oversized props, and even mechanical dinosaurs. But what other cool stuff does Batman have hidden in the Batcave (or Trophy Room)?
1. A Kryptonite Ring
When Lex Luthor discovered that Metallo was powered by a heart made of Kryptonite, he used a piece of it to create a Kryptonite ring. In an effort to keep Superman away from him, he wore the ring at all times. Eventually, Batman acquired the ring. While the Caped Crusader might be one of Superman’s closest allies, he keeps the ring secured in the Batcave just in case Superman ever loses control of his powers. On a few occasions, Batman has used the ring to keep Superman under control.
2. Deathstroke’s Sword
Batman has fought Deathstroke on a number of occasions and has since acquired his sword, which now rests in the Batcave.
3. A Giant Penny
Joe Coyne was obsessed with pennies. He even began his career in crime by robbing a cash register filled with pennies. He soon learned to embrace the symbol of his failure and began to specialise in penny-themed crimes. Of course, he was eventually defeated by Batman, who now keeps a gigantic penny in the Batcave as a souvenir of their battle. Despite popular belief, the coin is not associated with Two-Face.
4. Two Face’s Original Coin
Two-Face is very rarely seen without his special coin. However, not many people know that Batman keeps Harvey Dent’s original coin in his trophy room. The coin he currently uses is not the first coin he uses. It seems Two-Face might have more than one special coin.
5. A Letter From Thomas Wayne
When Reverse Flash initiated the events of Flashpoint, the past was radically changed. Instead of Thomas and Martha Wayne being gunned down by Joe Chill, Bruce dies in a crime alley. As a result, Thomas Wayne becomes Batman, and Martha Wayne becomes The Joker. In the story, before he sacrifices himself to save his son’s world, he pens an emotional letter to Bruce for Flash to deliver. When the timeline is eventually fully restored, Flash gives the letter to Bruce, which he now keeps in a special place in the Batcave.
6. The Batcomputer
While it may not exactly be a trophy, the Batcomputer is way too cool, not to mention. It can literally find any information and pretty much do anything, including analyzing DNA and tracing people across the planet. The Batcomputer, which is named after fictional French detective C. Auguste Dupin, is easily one of the most advanced tech systems in the entire world.
7. A Robot Superman
After analysing Superman’s cellular structure, a robot Superman was created by a supervillain. The other members of the Justice League have created similar robots.
8. The Oversized Joker Playing Card
Obtained during Topsy Turvy, a giant replica of the Joker’s playing card is clearly visible in the Batcave.
9. Giant Scarface’s Head
Obtained during The Big Dummy, a giant head hangs against the wall of the Batcave. The head once belonged to Arnold Wesker, a ventriloquist who controlled a living puppet named Scarface.
10. The Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex
Arguably, the most famous trophy in the cave is the Mechanical T-Rex. It comes from an adventure on Dinosaur Island. After battling this mechanical beast in the Gotham amusement park called Dinosaur Island, he brought it back as a trophy, putting it on display in the Batcave for years. It was eventually lost when Gotham was struck by an earthquake called the Cataclysm. Although Batman and Robin fought the Tyrannosaurus Rex in The Isle That Time Forgot (Batman #11), it was an Apatosaurus (a.k.a. Brontosaurus) that first showed up in the Batcave. Not until the 1950s, it was retconned into a T-Rex. In 1997, the island from which it originated was retconned from a movie set into an amusement park.
11. Bats
The most obvious thing Batman keeps in the Batcave is bats. Alfred Pennyworth feeds the bats. According to Alfred, they prefer free-range corn-fed chicken goujons, gently fried in extra virgin olive oil.
Other Trophies Probably in the Batcave

In all honesty, the list of things Batman keeps in his trophy room is probably too long to list in full here. However, here is a list of other memorable items he has stored in the Batcave, too.
A Green Lantern Ring
A Room Full of Magic Items
Thomas Wayne’s Batman Costume
Mr. Freeze’s First Freeze Gun
The Penguin’s Artifacts
The Mummy’s Case
A Phantom Zone Projector
The Big Dice
Joker’s Jack-in-the-box
Riddler’s Giant Hourglasses
The Penguin’s Umbrella
Killer Croc’s Tooth
Kabuki Twins Masks
Giant Dice
Giant Bowling Pins
Giant Chessboard
The Monk’s Hood
Gavel of Judge Clay
The Diary of Dana Drye
A Riddler Question Mark
Mask and Cloak of Clayface I
40’s and 50’s Batmobiles
A Joker Mask
A Bulletproof Vest