Due to anime’s fictional nature, one can expect to see some physically impossible things, such as swords with blades bigger than their wielders, characters running faster than the speed of sound and magical artefacts that do extraordinary things. Another popular trope is having characters who have lived for centuries. Which brings us to the question: Who is the oldest anime character of all time?
7. Master Roshi – Dragon Ball

While Master Roshi (one of Dragon Ball Z‘s best characters) may not be the oldest character ever, he certainly looks like it. He’s given characters many different reasons for his unnaturally long lifespan, but the anime recently revealed the real reason. Master Roshi has to eat the Paradise Herb once every thousand years to stay alive. Of course, he’s only 300+ years old, so he won’t have to stress about it for a while.
6. Meliodas – The Seven Deadly Sins

Meliodas has been alive for over 3000 years and is one of the strongest characters in the anime, though you wouldn’t think so in terms of his physical appearance. At first glance, you’d assume that he’s a young boy because of his child-like facial features and extremely short stature, when in fact, he is an ancient demon.
5. Senku Ishigami – Dr. Stone

Despite his youthful look, Senku is over 3,700 years old in Dr Stone (one of the best sci-fi anime of all time). He didn’t accomplish this through special powers but through the petrification of all humanity. His mind was active for the entire 3,700 years, and he spent most of this time counting the seconds he was frozen. Senku is incredibly intelligent, and now that he’s free, he spends all his time creating inventions that will help support life on Earth.
4. Jibril – No Game No Life

No Game No Life takes place in a world called Disboard, where video games decide everything from challenges to disputes to events. One of the people living in Disboard is Jibirl, a Flügel, the last of her species and the strongest of her race. She is willing to risk anything in exchange for knowledge and often accompanies the main characters on their adventures. She is 6 407 years old. It’s sad that we won’t get to see more of her, as the anime never got a second season.
3. Kaname Kuran – Vampire Knight

Kaname is a class leader at Cross Academy and one of the most powerful pureblooded vampires. He is the head of his family and has been alive for 10,000 years.
2. Kars – JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Kars belongs to a race known as Piller Men, an ancient race of beings found within stone pillars and happens to be the last of his kind. Kars is over 102,000 years old and is one of the strongest anime characters. However, despite his immense power, he will die if exposed to sunlight.
1. Najimi Ajimu – Medaka Box

Najimi is one of the oldest anime characters. She’s been alive for 3 402 193 822 311 years and possesses more than 12 quadrillion skills (if you’ve got the time, you might as well do something with it). She is not unbeatable, however, and is a very laid-back person.
Who’s your favourite old anime character?