There are many intelligent characters, and they use that intelligence to do anything from building a time machine to capturing a serial killer to illegally brewing potions in a bathroom. But who is the smartest fictional character? Let’s look at some of the most intelligent fictional characters ever created.
1. Tony Stark – Marvel Cinematic Universe

While the Marvel Universe has many geniuses, including characters like Peter Parker, Hank Pym and Bruce Banner, there is no question that Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) is one of the most intelligent Marvel characters, both in the films and in Marvel Comics. He built a miniaturised arc reactor in the middle of nowhere with a box of scraps, built his own Iron Man armour and designed it to withstand even the worst elements, and invented time travel just to see if he could. The only person more intelligent than Tony is Reed Richards, who got slightly dumber when Tony altered reality and made everyone as smart as him.
2. Sherlock Holmes

This brilliant detective is one of the most iconic fictional geniuses of all time. Sherlock Holmes was considered to be smarter than Albert Einstein. He has an intuitive understanding of most concepts and solves many of his crimes in entertaining ways that sometimes get him badly hurt. The Sherlock TV show has done the best job of showing off just how clever the beloved detective is.
3. Hermione Granger – Harry Potter Series

Hermione is at the top of her class and one of the most intelligent female characters alive. She has often perfected spells on her first try and saved herself and the boys multiple times through her creative thinking. While she might not be the chosen one, she is the intelligent leader of the group, a role that she is happy to take on when she deems it necessary.
4. Sheldon Cooper – The Big Bang Theory

While he can sometimes be highly irritating, there’s no denying that Jim Parsons’s character on The Big Bang Theory is incredibly intelligent. His eidetic memory ensured that he was a certified genius, and by the end of the series, he’d earned a well-deserved Nobel Prize (and slap). His admiration of Mr Spock’s intelligence and lack of emotion make his character more entertaining.
5. Elle Woods – Legally Blonde

Elle Woods doesn’t seem like one of the smartest fictional characters, but she proves she is multiple times. Not only did she get into Harvard Law School with a 179 on her LSAT, but the film also revealed that she had a GPA of 4.0. In addition, she used her fashion knowledge to crack open a case better than any other character and managed to win over the man of her dreams without much difficulty. She did all this and more without sacrificing her beliefs.
6. Rick Sanchez – Rick and Morty

This alcoholic inventor with a habit of destroying universes is definitely one of the most intelligent characters. He has built portal guns, robots and theme parks inside people. He has the highest IQ of any fictional character (over 300), and he reminds everyone just how smart he is.
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Who do you think is the most intelligent fictional character?
I don’t see Batman why is there no Batman
If these are the best you can come up with, then Azmuth or Grey Matter from Ben 10 is the smartest fictional character. their IQ was estimated around Brainstorm’s IQ which isone nonililion or 10^30. You might not know him but plenty people know Ben 10
what about grand admiral Thrawn?!?!?!? he should be at least 5th
Light Yagimi should at least be 7th or somthing like that